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I'm 24 weeks pregnant and still haven't really felt any movement. There's a few tickle feelings in my stomach every once in a while but nothing else. Everytime at the dr she says how he's active and has to chase him around for a heartbeat but why am I stil...

I had felt alot of movement about a week ago and now things seem to have slowed down. Less movement now and I feel a bit worried. I still feel some movement but not nearly the amount last week. Anyone else experience this?

i started spotting in brown color this evening. No pain or any discomfort. Still feeling the baby's movement. Did anyone go through the same?

I'm 24 weeks and my dr Said he may take her at 37 cause of my bp. But I use to feel her move a lot and now not so much should I b worried???

I'm 24 weeks 4 days! My stomach has been getting soft, and not hard anymore! Is it something I have to worry about?? I still feel faint movements! But the fact that my stomach is getting soft and not hard worries me! Anyone else the same???

Why does baby kick mostly when I'm laid on my back?

So about two weeks ago I felt my baby move for the first time and had an appointment which we heard a strong heart beat of 155 :) but it's always spontaneous movement, I haven't noticed any kind of pattern to the movement and I haven't even felt baby for a...

I turned 6 months yesterday & i still dont feel my babyboy kicks , like hard kicks? Just movement sometimes , and its only really quick for a little bit..ugh is anyone else going thru the same?

im 20 weeks gone and have not felt any movement, is this normal and when should u feel movements, please share at wat week u all felt ur first movements

How often do you feel your baby move at 18 weeks?

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