11 - 20 of 1166421 Posts
wanna ask if i can finally say that cure myself thru taking drugs..?.. coz finally i was negative to all symptoms ... now im only taking complete vitamins from a to z now i dont know if i am totally healthy i want to assure if my health is healthy...

hi im karina and im 18 years old. Lately my stomach has been very weird. It feels as if there is bugs in my stomach and making holes thru walls or something. its very hard to explain. My stomach recently has been making alot of noise even if not hungry. It...

Hi everyone I am down from 7 tabs just one week ago (50mg tabs) to yesterday only 1/2 a tab in the morning and the other half in the evening. (1 total per day) I had the shakes in the morning, but the worst part was the anxiety from 2pm till I went t...

over intake of tab librium

Hi I am 25 weks doc has prescribed me ritodrine tab Is it safe to tak e this tab As its given to prevent preterm labour

I was diagnosed with step and put on a z-pack. My throat is swollen and sore, I can barely swallow. I have also noticed a large pus pocket right next to my uvula. It's been 3 days and I haven't gotten better at all. Is there anything else a doctor can giv...

hi all, i'm 32 yrs and i hav 3 kids, my last is 2yrs old. i hav PCOS, but not diabetic, jus overweight, maybe by about 40lbs or so. my dr put me on bc to help regulate my cycle, which it did perfectly, before tht, 8mths would pass i and i wouldn't get a pe...

help me some one please! im 35 weeks pregnant today and feel like i been smashed about in the back & front ribs! and my belly is tender where im coughing so much! i even thru up last nite due to to much **** on my chest! its hurtinf me that much where im s...

Here's a fun game to play as we all sit in anticipation of that Gender Scan!!! We're going to play a baby name game. Here's how you play: the first commenter leaves one baby name that starts with the letter A. Second commenter leaves a baby name with th...

I got 2 pills of zithromax for chlamydia. The lady said no sex but i figured hand jobs were ok. Ive got 3 handjob and was wondering if this could re infect me with chlamydia? The one who gave me the handjobs also has chlamydia. Also how long untill this i...

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