11 - 20 of 98 Posts
This might provide some information on FDA approved treatments used off label for bipolar and depression. Lovaza for bipolar: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/mhprograms/efc/Omega-3-acid%20ethyl%20esters%20(Lovaza).doc Rilutek, Mirapex and RU-486 for depres...

My 60 year old father just recently had a stent put in his right artery for 99% blockage. Everything went well. He has about 30% blockage on his left side but they left that alone. the doctors prescibed him plavix ( 75 mg a day) and one 325 mg asprin ...

had tightness in shoulders with bugling disk in past. Got some Mobic and been on it for 7 days.. two days later felt tingling down arms then days after that for 4 days straight had this burning (sunburn) type of pain on top of head, stomach, sides,ears ...

Does anyone here take clonazepam for bipolar diorder?

Ok, I just had a re-check of my cholesterol and my total cholesterol is down but my triglycerides are up (259?)!!!! My doctor wants to re check in three months to see how my level are to see if I need medication but wants to give me some time first. How d...

I recently had a visit with heart doctor. I had test done,found out that my cholesterol was 190. Couple of months ago it was 166. I have tried a lot of meds for this condition, have taken advicor,lipitor,crestor,zetia,tricor,provastatin,niaspan,gemfibronil...

Which mood stabilizers don't require monthly blood testing? Which of these is best to use?

Has anyone else out there had trouble with meds? I have been on all the old meds(MAOI's, tricyclics, most of the SSRI's, all the anti manics including lamictal, old antipyschotics and the new antipsychotics, which thanks to them I am now prediabetic. I am ...

I'm currently taking Lovastatin and Lovaza for high triglycerides and low LDL levels due to a fatty liver. This past December I pulled a muscle in my back which turned into a muscle spasm. I was prescribed Diclofenac SO EC 50 mg, Skelaxin 800 mg, Tramado...

Any one on Klonopin and abilify for depression and anxiety...Does any one take thesse natural products witht them.Lipozine is a natiralul root used for weight loss and you all know what fish oil is,i would like to lose weight,,and looking for others that ...

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