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11 - 20 of 982093 Posts
Is cough syrup okay to use while preggo. I'm 20w today Yaaaay, but I have this terrible dry cough and I need relief fast. Can I use cough syrup?

Im 25 weeks and i have a terrible cold.. my nose is runny and i have a very bad cough.. im coughing every 2 mins and its hurting my chest and stomach. I feel as tho im going to puke Any suggestions? Tylenol cold and flu does not help at all

Hi i have a ? What can i take to stop runing nose and watery eyes and chest congestion im really really sick and im tired of bean like this my sore through cant take it icant stop coghing all day need help im 35 weeks pregnant any suggestions....

So I went on a family trip with my hubby's side up to Yellowstone national park (so beautiful) but on the last day it was 32degrees with strong winds- well I now have a serious sore throat, fatigue, congestion, and extremely light headed. Now I'm still out...

My dog starting sneezing late last night so we thought she had a cold. I google if we can give her tussin cough syrup and it said we can. I gave her a little adult Tussin around 1130pm (which has active guaifenessin in it). She didn't sleep at all last nig...

I have a bad cold and went to the urgent care and the doctor prescribed me rob tussin with codeine is that safe? I am 36 weeks

When should I go see a doctor or how many days should it be away? My next appt isn't til Nov 18th its only day 2of this but I don't like feeling so poopy! Worries me it'll affect the baby I've got the flu shot already. Started on generic robitussin dont fe...

I will be 30 weeks this Sunday and I have all kinds of issues going on. My throat is sore and it is hard to swallow. I can not breathe through my nose very well so I start to hypervetilate and I can not sleep b/c I have a drip in the backof my throat that ...

I have had a horrible cough for the past three days and my Dr told me to tough it out but I haven't had a proper sleep since it started and recommendation on what to do??

i have been fighting what seems to be a cold for a few weeks now. Most of the symptoms are gone, but I still have mucus in my sinus and chest. hince a lot of coughing. However, just now I woke up drenched with sweat, though I do feel a little better. What ...

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