will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
11 - 20 of 721 Posts
If you need time and friction (the kind associated with sex) to get herpes, then why might you be able to transmit it from sharing chaptstick just because it stays moist? Theres not much time or friction with chapstick, certainly not the kind associated wi...

i have these small bumps on my upper lips after using the jackblack chapstick . i always have these bumps come n go again n again .can anyone suggest any treatment for it ?

My lips have always been dry, especially in the winter, but after using chap stick and not licking them when they become aggravating, it gets better. This winter the same thing happened, my lips began to get very dry so as usual I began to apply different ...

Thanks to the advice of some of the lovely ladies on this app I called L&D since I am 42weeks and have a psychotic doctor! They like to start inductions at night at my hospital so it looks like I'll be meeting my little man soon! Thanks mommies!!

I get cold sores and have always been hyper vigilant about doing all I can not to infect myself in other areas beyond my mouth, my husband, and especially since he was born 4 years ago, my son. I do everything possible / no touching,constant hand washing...

Has anyone used 30 spf UV chapstick to protect lips from sun? Like to know which one you have used and where you bought it.

What does everyone use on their lips when they are really dry? Can u use a normal lip balm or is there a specific one to use? 29 weeks

Hello, I recently shared my chapstick with my mom (3 days ago) who gets cold sores, but did not have one at the time. I do not remember if I used the chapstick directly after her, or what the timing was between her using it and me using it. For the sak...

Hi, I'm 15weeks and my lips are always cracked and dry when I wake up I've tried Shea Butter its not working. Does anyone have a solution to this issue?

I have severly chapped,sticky and sore lips. I have tried everything and nothing helps

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