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I'm 24 weeks and still doubting that I'm actually pregnant. I've seen ultrasounds and heard his heartbeat several times but still doubt I'm pregnant. Maybe it's cause I've been tryin for 3 years and never got pregnant till now. Any advice on how to stop fe...

Hey fellow mommies! 23 weeks and this is my 2 nd pregnancy. 1st ended pretty early. I have HG and most times my baby moves but now I freak out when he doesn't. Is this normal? I don't recall feeling him squirm today. I've become somewhat overly cautious. I...

Im nineteen weeks and still have not felt baby kick or move is this normal?

Hi, I am almost 20 weeks now and haven't felt any kind of flutter/movement. I have a fetal anomaly scan due this week and I'm really scared. Anyone else here who didn't feel their little one move at 20 weeks?

I'm a first time mom and I'm 20 weeks today. I haven't felt any movements from my baby yet. I'm healthy, the baby is healthy. When I go to the docs and have ultrasounds the docs say that my baby is very active and moves a lot. I see it on the screen but...

I Swear I Just Felt My Baby Move Is It Possible To Feel It At 8 Weeks? I Didnt Feel My First Baby Move Till I Was About 3 Months & 2 Weeks.

Hi ladies! So I'm 17 weeks and 3 days. I started to feel actual movement...not just fluttering...about 3 days ago. And today my husband felt baby's movement as well. I know for sure this isn't just gas or anything...I can definitely tell the difference. My...

im 18 weeks ansmd i havnt felt movement alot..my tummy is still hard is that normal

I am 18 weeks and have yet to feel any flutters, bubbles, or butterflies of movement. My 13 wks sonogram showed her to be very active. I have Dr appt tomorrow and will be sure to ask, but has anyone else experienced feeling no movement at this stage? Don't...

Finally hit the half mark! We found out we're having a little girl! Just started to feel true movement a couple days agohow often thru the day should I feel lil one moving?

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