21 - 30 of 132952 Posts
Hi, I am 3 months Pregnant, Now doctor advice me to take tab of folic acid and calicium. Doctor presicribed The tab shelcal xt and Cap primagest 2D. Is it right medicine. I am confused because both medicine have calicium. Please help

Hi all, anyone know what supplement that we can take during the first trimester.. supplement that can help to smooth the pregnancy and good for the baby inside (for brain development and so on) thanks.. p/s: this is our first time..

Hello I have been trough 4 IVF treatments, but recently I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency. My doctors say there is not considered to be a link between unsuccessfull IVF and B12 deficiency. From what I have read on line, that is not the case..I need so...

Hi everyone .. we question ; When do you stop taking folic acid ?

Hello I'm 6 weeks preg n ddnt get anything at the clinic but a date. I'm worried if I shld b taking any vitamins that I'm not taking now. Pls help

Hi i'm taking a vitamin b12 complex with folic acid tablets for peripheral neuropathy. It contains 10mg of vitamin B6, I just wanted to know if this is a safe amount.

Im six months pregnant and I really been skipping out on my vitamins because they make me gag so Ive been taking iron and eatin foods with folic acid in them to replace me dropping the pills but now I'm worried it's not enough and something's gomna b wrong...

I was on an antibiotic which gave me a really bad dry mouth. Eight days into the pills my tongue was cracked with trenches and anything I put into my mouth burned. After looking on line for help I decided I was dehydrated, and possible lack of vitamin B, w...

Hi Ladies, just crossed the 45 days. I dindt see Doctor so far. Somebody saying need to take folic acid tablet. I m scaring to take without seeing Dr. Please advise.

I have an question I thought folic acid was suppose too like help yo baby grow but my stomach still little its not all that little I take the pills everyday I want my baby too come out big and healthy since my first child was 3pds

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