21 - 30 of 58284 Posts
Im sooo pissed off. I live with my MIL,n my bf.,my bf has an older sis with 3 girls who have lice. I had nice long hair the first time I caught it from them soo I cut my hair put a remedy n thy were gone. Now tht I live with my MIL again his nieces come t...

I don't know what to do...I read all of the post on lice and have tried them all....I have the same problem but everytime I think I have gontten rid of them the come back....The biggest problem is that I can't see my own head to get them all out....it is e...

My eyebrows and lashes suddenly disappeared.. after sleepless nights from itching I realized beetles were feeding. Can't see them at all, but feel them usually at night.

My daughter and I have head lice. I have my schedule c section next Thursday. We've used the special shampoo and combed everything out. We've washed and disinfected everything. Is there anything else I can do? I do not want lice in our hair once my baby b...

i have symtoms of,things in my eyelashes ,my hair .my pubic area my butt area,my nasel hair,when i looked at one off my hairs and therre seems to be like a very tiny black dot at the end of my hair,same as yelashes smetimes it white like eggs, with sliver ...

My daughters got lice about 3wks ago, and we did the treatments and seemed to take care of it. But......keep finding eggs on my one daughters head, cannot find any live bugs, how can this be???? Recently did the vinegar treatment and keep pulling the eggs ...

my daughter has fkn lice! I feel so grossed out...i guess she either got it at school or at her dads from her little sister who is 4 because she doesnt go anywhere else..ive never had to deal with this so idk what to even do..im overwhelmed because im havi...

Bugs on the scalp

My four year old daughter has knits that we cannot get rid of. We have not seen any live lice but there are knits everyday, My wife painstakely works for hours everyday and pulls out all of the knits. However the next day she still finds them. We have been...

Just thought I would give everyone a laugh and maybe help cheer those up that are feeling the downs during there pregnancy... you guys should feel very happy lol... just found out I have lice, 5 months pregnant w/ lice and I don't know where the hell I cau...

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