21 - 30 of 4243 Posts
I had celluitis a few weeks back. Was very allergic to the antibiotics. Tried another and still having reactions so they had me stop all antibiotics. The original area is no longer swollen, red or tender. If the drugs didn't kill it can it come back in a d...

What is kidney reflux?

I thought I had a UTI when I went to the doctor yesterday. I had WBC in my urine and so she gave me bactrim... but today I had a clear yellow-mucousy discharge. do I have to go back and get something else and pay for another appt. or will the Bactrim cur...

As I posted yesterday my new PCP gave me an Rx for an anti-biotic. The rx was for Sulfamethoxazole / Trimethoprim 800/160. I always check out drugs on the internet before taking any. So this morning after going to Walgreens to check it out my first thought...

I have a low 3.4 reading of potassium. I already take 2 potassium meds . what foods can I eat to bring it up?

My urologist said I have non-bacterial chronic prostatitis. Good news is that I finally found out what is causing my secual dysfunctions, pain in testicles, pain during intercourse, during going to toilet etc...But he also said there is no cure for it. ...

I made the mistake of receiving oral sex from another woman on two occasions while away from home on business. Within 2 days following the oral sex, I began feeling a tingling/itchy discomfort after urination on the very tip of my penis. 7 days after the...

Several weeks ago I accidentally dropped a board and it scraped my shin. The resulting injury was a 3in scrape that bled only a little, but looked deep. I cleaned it and used neosporin ointment on it. I was already on an antibiotic for a sore throat and si...

I've been having UTI-like symptoms this past week so I went to the doctors to get checked. My doctor tested my urine and told me that I was negative for having a UTI but that I did have traces of blood in my urine. Just as a precaution, my doctor prescri...

i am a 26 year old male, i had unprotected sex about 6 months ago with a girl i dont see anymore. over the next weeks i noticed that there were little red spots on my glans, and as it got worse i went to see my doctor. i got tested for STDs and everything ...

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