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Patient Name : Anita Age : 37 yrs History 1st Child - on 23 Jan 2001, Caegerian due to placenta previa and no labur pain 2nd - 6-8 week Missed abortion in 2009 due to no foetal development Present Case Pregnant for 3rd time. LMP – 20 Dec 12 Double ...

DRINK WATER ON EMPTY STOMACH It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven a its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serio...

Aw!Its quite frustating to have such condition where you are urge to visit different doctors and yet you arent being cured.Its been 8 months i am having perineal burning,burning urination,back pain .urge to urinate feeling like bladder is protuding into wa...

Hey I would want to know what are the ways to reduce the amount of pain during the first time plus what type of condoms I'm really scared of getting pregnant so what are the best condoms that have any added ingridients that would prevent that. I heard when...

Me and boyfriend went out and started bought some diapers and wipes yesterday and ordered a crib for our son :D its so exiting it comes Friday yay so exiting . .thins str finally starting to get better

Is there a difference between Tradol, Tramadol and Tramacet? Have they all the same effectiveness in a 50mg tablet or capsule?

Did anybody else have this problem ! My boobs itch like crazy !!

:-# Maybe this should've been obvious. I was feeling good, but also wired, like I'm driving a sportscar after years of driving a 1966 VW bug. I'm not sleeping very well & also not even napping. I have to admit though, that alcohol is a better pain ...

Patient Name : Anita Age : 37 yrs History 1st Child - on 23 Jan 2001, Caegerian due to placenta previa and no labur pain 2nd - 6-8 week Missed abortion in 2009 due to no foetal development Present Case Pregnant for 3rd time. LMP – 20 Dec 12 Double ...

Just wondering who else it sooooo O-V-E-R being pregnant... I am not sleeping, I am never comfy, and I am ready to meet Jaxson.. And I still have 7 weeks left (if I go all 40 weeks or more!!) Ugh.. Just wanted to ask!?

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