31 - 40 of 12750 Posts
I'm in the process of switching to a new dentist and the new patient form I had to fill out asked "Have you ever taken any combination of the drug known as 'fen-phen'. This includes phentermine (Adipex, Fastin, etc) and/or fenfluramine (Pondimin)." What do...

I had my first and only atrial fib conversion last month. I had a large dinner and went to lay down at 10 pm when I flipped over to my left side and I felt the flutter. I estimate it was >180 bpm. I laid flat and used vagal maneuvers to get it to the 140's...

I just found I am going to pay a HUGE deductible for brand name drugs under my medigap policy. Has anyone tried the generic for Norpace? It is Disopyramide and does not come in the continous release, so I think it has to be taken every 8 hours, instead o...

All this smoke in my lovely on-fire county gives me a headache~literally. I don't take tylenol or ibuprophen for obvious reasons. It's got me wondering about aspirin. I have cirrhosis and low platelets and am generally very careful of what passes between m...

I have been getting migraines since about 7 years old. For the past 3 or more years the are real bad befroe during and after menstral time. Is there anyone else that goes through this? If so is there anything that you are doing that helps?

Hi i've undergone my 1st IVF, i'm 8 weeks pregnant and just wondering if i really need all this medicine from my doctor. I've ask the nurse and she said that i have to continue all of this medicine until delivery. Crinone 8% -- once a day Progrsterone ...

I'm on 90mg Erfa and just introduced SR T3. I cannot get consistent temps no matter when and how many I use? For example I used 3 7.5mcg T3 and temp rose to 97.33 it then went down to 96 around noon after I took 2 MORE! This morning I took 4 SR T3 with 9...

over intake of tab librium

Hi I am 25 weks doc has prescribed me ritodrine tab Is it safe to tak e this tab As its given to prevent preterm labour

I am 28 yrs old female. From past few days I have been noticing a small blood spot in the white area of my left eye.Today when i woke up, it was bigger than earlier! It wasn't hurting earlier but today it is while am blinking my eyes. How long does it take...

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