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75 more days ugh I feel like this is taking too long I want my little man now!!!!

Yesterday was crazy.. Out of no where panic attack, mild brain zap.. Jittery .. I'm good today.. It's been 3 weeks since my last attack.. Oh well ! It is what it is.. I'm feeling great... Working out staying busy.. Life is great..

Its been 75 hours since I've taken any pills. I still feel like poop. But getting better. My legs are driving me crazy, how long does the rls last for?????

Does anyone know if you can take Zantac 75 during your first trimester for heartburn? I took it with my first pregnancy, but it was a lot later in the pregnancy. I am dying here, and need a fix. Thanks

yesterday I was advised that I had a tsh >75, T3< T4< aft/recurring symptoms of brain daze. symptoms=brain daze, inarticulate...thought I was having boughts of TIA. Neuropathy in feet for the past 6-8weeks. Asked doc for blood test script, as I was hyp...

Anyone taken this?i have a paper that says its okay but just wanted to know if anyone has ever taken it?i have SEVERE heartburn to where my chest/ears/throat/boobs/arm pits burn and ache in pain so I need relief.im 34+3.

Sometimes when i hold my breath subconciously my heart will skip beats feels like its a dropping feeling,, Is this normal?

Okay, i know this is crazy for me to be doing im 14 years old and me and my ex boyfriend had sex about a month ago and i have been sick and haveing back pains and stomuch pains and iv always had some white gooey stuff comeing out when i pee and i also seen...

Hi I was diagonosed with hepatitis B+ in september 07 with ALT(SGPT) 69. I had ALT almost after every one month the results are 51 , 75 , 62 , 80 and 90( in april 08 ) respectively. Ultra sound results in september was normal but in april 08 was diag...

i have had a weird sensation in my neck, my family doctor has checked my groin for enlargement. i am not sure if i have a concern around my penis yet my neck could have Enlarged lymph nodes there? i don't know. seeing a specialist & trying to remain calm. ...

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