31 - 40 of 86514 Posts
what is it when your head hurts on the right side every day

hello.im having these ice pick headaches from 8 years now,i feel it on the top of my left head it only last 1-3 second but 5-6 times per day maybe.i have seen a doctor and did ct scan and eeg,the tests seems normal,what can i do?thanks

Hi all! I've been treated for Hemicrania Continua for the past 2 1/2 years I've taken indomethacin on and off (due to side effects). My doctors have decided that it's just too dangerous for me to continue taking the indomethacin... I have tried many oth...

Over the weekend I began to have some sores in my mouth. Other people have talked about this as a sx effect, but what exactly is it? Thanks, Wilful

I have hemicrania continua, and now am having some fairly severe gastric results from indomethacin (pancreatits, gastritis). The indomethacin has helped, but I can't keep taking it and I have failed many other type of pain control for this condition, but I...

My 7y girl has had uti for three years and has several types of antibiotics last one was amoxicillin/clavulanic acid,57mg. She now has Pseudomonas and doctor wants to give her cipro. think I should handle this differantly?

Hi, My 11 pound 14 year old Chihuahua has high liver enzymes. My vet put her on Ursodiol 100/MG/ML Susp. for her liver. As I read about medications for high liver enzymes, I don't see any information on this drug being prescribed for high liver enzymes. ...

hi my name is jermaine. almost every day, i always have a slight to a major headache on the left side of my head, and then it goes to the point where i feel pressure over my left eye, and then it gets watery. year ago it started, i thought it would go away...

sometime i have sharp pain around my right temple it come and goes for about 5 to 15 min what can cause this

it seems for the last few weeks i have had a never ending headache that never seems to go away. If i bend down my head starts to pound so i hard i want to vomit. i get dizzy spells and really light headed for no reason and i am exaughsted all the time. Wh...

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