41 - 50 of 10107 Posts
Is taking the dosages of 800mg twice a day sufficient enough for Acyclovir outbreaks? is it possible to become resistant to Acyclovir if taken at high dosages?

I was originally prescribed 400 mg of acyclovir twice daily for suppression of my herpes type 2. Recently, I asked my doctor to increase my dosage to 800 mg of acyclovir twice daily. Is there any negatives associated with taking a higher dose than what i...

hello-i am a 28 year old female with hx of hsv-1 with frequent breakouts...just this year i've had 6 cold sores. I take oral valtrex if i feel the prodrome and this really helps shorten the duration. Recently, i became sexually involved with male partner, ...

hi i've tested positive for 1&2, i've only had oral outbreaks so far, i asked the doctor for acyclovir and he gave me a prescription for 800mg tablets and to take them 2x daily for a total dose of 1600mg everyday as supressive therapy. i'm concerned this i...

I started having very mild genital herpes outbreaks about eight months ago, and for this outbreak (only one small blister) I decided to take acyclovir tablets and acyclovir cream. I have no pain or itching. I have taken it for a day and a half, 200 mg ev...

After taking Acyclovir I noticed I've encountered a severe outbreak. Even worse than before taking the medication. This has been so frustrating too say the least. I have been having continuous outbreaks since October 2015, my partner has not had one outbre...

How effective is acyclovir as daily suppression therapy for Hsv-2? How must it be taken to cut down on viral shedding?

I have taking both Valtrex & Acyclovir in the past and for me, Valtrex seems to work a lot better for clearing up an ob quicker. Since moving back to the U.S. from Europe, I cannot believe how expensive Valtrex is here in the U.S.! I just want to get con...

I am in a committed relationship and my boyfriend is fully aware of the risk of HSV-2 transmission, however, I would obviously like to keep him infection free! I just received a prescription for daily suppressive Acyclovir that I began taking today. My o...

Hello Dear Terry, I am 24, female and about 5 years ago I tested positive on HSV-1 (I don't how the test was called exactely) and since that time I really have severe problems with herpes outbreaks on my lip. Apart from herpes my immune system works qui...

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