41 - 50 of 155770 Posts
i have been wanting off this fentanyl patch for months now and finally had the courage to talk to the doctor about switching to an equivalent ER opiate. i am currently on the 50 mcg patch every 48 hrs. she wrote a script for 10 mg oxycontin 2 times a d...

Doctor didn't seem concerned and thinks I have an anxiety problem. Can anyone make sense of my 24 holter? Heart Rate Data 95492 Total Beats. Min HR 45 3:30am (sleep) Max HR 125 11:04am (think I was weight lifting) Avg HR 66bpm Heart Rate Variabili...

My 18 year old daughter has had debilitating daily 24/7 chronic headaches for 5 years now. We've taken her to over 50 doctors and alternative medical practices here in the Seattle area as well as the Mayo Clinic in Minn. Her pain has never changed, never m...

Hi ive been on fent for about 8 months now. I started with 25 mg every 72 hrs and then went to 25 every 48 hrs. I was getting worse about 4 months into the 25 mg patch and my pain doctor increased me to 50 mg every 48 hrs and told me that my body just go...

My Homocysteine was at 45.4, with the high "normal" level being 11.8 about 3 or 4 months ago. It was found my B12 was down to 253 so I started supplementing and getting B12 injections. With in a month my B12 was over 1,200 and the doctor said everything wa...

Hello everyone. I am so confused. I have recently been diagnosed with Hashi's and I am on armour and levo. I had an adrenal stimulation test (24 hr urine) and the results show that I have low dhea, and androsterone. Tetrahydrocortisone, allo-tetrahydrocor...

Hi....I am new here. I am scheduled to have a hysterectomy on May 13th, 2011 (including my ovaries). I've been dealing with severe bleeding issues for over a year now and have tried a few different things before deciding to go with a hysterectomy. My m...

I had a FET on October 7th and have been on estrogen patches plus taking estradiol pills. On Saturday my estrogen was 900+ so they said I could go from 3 patches a day to 2 patches a day. My estrogen level today (Monday) was 700-something. They said the...

Hi, I had a complete hysterectomy and have been on an estrogen patch ( vivelle dot) for ten years. I have had migraines for 30 yrs. I’m really struggling because changing the patch every three days triggers a migraine like clock work. At 12 hrs the pain b...

Dear Doctor, I am very sad and depressed as i was diagonised with hypothyroid 6 months ago and currently m taking synthriod pills... I think I have PCOS too...m not sure though...but m afraid of asking my husband to take me to a gyno for this as he is...

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