51 - 60 of 1364 Posts
i have two herniated disks in my back. My doc gave me a script for soma. I don't know much about it. I don't wanna take it if it's very addictive, I'm in recovery and not gonna let a muscle pill make me use if it that type of med. anyone with experience wi...

Best info I have is what Dennis posted in my other thread. I've seen multiple other statements confirming that potential problem. Neuro's nurse said she'd never heard of that one, but said there would be no problem if I dropped Amantadine for a couple ...

is there any thing I can do or take to ease the pain in my lower back? Its constant...

I need to know if any of you ladies have ever taken flexeril during your pregnancy.

How long after an EMG can one have a muscle biopsy done on that muscle. And can any medications affect the results of an EMG or biopsy. I am currently on Soma Cmpd 350 mg 3x, Flexeril 10 mg 3x, Baclofen 20 mg 4x, Valium 5mg 2x, Amitriptyline 25 mg 1x. A...

My Neuro just put me on Amrix. Has anyone ever taken this and what are the side effects? I looked it up on line but would like to get some feedback from some people that have tried it. Did it help you? Does it make you feel hung over in the morning...

So i just got back from ht ER I know nobody on here is a doctor and all the free asking doctor board's take weeks to get back to you. Anyway I am already on Valium (for years) and Lamitctal However the ER doc prescribe oxycodone, flexeril, and for some r...

After a few years on Flexeril I was recently switched to Baclofen. It seems like Bacofen is the go-to drug for MS related spasicity. The wanted me to start out on 1/2 does for 7 days and go to the full dose after that. I made it three days on the 1/2 dose ...

Okay, I need input from y'all. I've been on Amantadine several weeks and it seems to help a lot with energy and stamina. Last three days I have taken one Flexeril at bedtime. Since.Tuesday, ic, likeI'm voice issue very sporadic "frozen in place" trou...

Well, im on day 6 and this is a huge milestone for me. I cant tell you all how much better i feel. I did cheat slightly...lol.. on day 4. I got in my car to go to work, was looking for my wallet in my car consol, and there it was, a 5/500 vicodin. I to...

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