51 - 60 of 2373 Posts
hi i found out i am pregnant yesterday and i am determined to get off subutex in the next 5 weeks could you please let me know the safest way for me to do so ..

I was curious to hear if anyone else has had to same problems w/ suboxone/subutex treatment that I have. I was on hydrocodones for over 6 years (got tup to 200-225mg/day) before I visited an addiction psychiatrist to get off of it. He first gave me subox...

Im on suboxone im about 12 weeks pregnant how do i go about getting off the withdrawls off suboxone is worse than everything else is subutex better being pregnant i want to get totally off 2years ago i lost my daughter at 28 weeks it had nothing to do wit...

Does anyone know if CPS will get involed after i deliver my baby for being on subutex? Iam perscide by a doctor for 2mg and some of my family knows but not all and dont need them to find out. I dont want nothing to happen to my baby. I tryed getting off bu...

Any advice? I have been on subutex for a month and have been hearing horrible things that your newborn will go through shortly after delivery.. My doctor assured me it was COMPLETELY safe and I put my trust in him.. I asked him to tapere off and he says th...

I am on subutex and try taking suboxone and it threw me in to withdraws

I have been taking subutex for pain management. I am a drug addict. I feel guilty using this med. I feel like i am not really clean. The subutex works pretty well for pain. i don't have any cravings for other drugs. Still i feel like a wimp. Anyone have e...

Hey yall, I have spent the past 3 hours on the phone. I have called every Pharmacy that I can possibly think of . I am trying to find a Pharmacy that can get GENERIC SUBUTEX, and so far they all tell me that either they can't get them at all or that ther...

I feel good. Needed 2 quarters pieces of subutex that's it.. Is it possible that its over??

I am 23 weeks pregnant and prescribed to subutexs I want to get off of them what is the best way to do so and what are the risks?

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