61 - 70 of 19396 Posts
I'm high myopic (-5.00) and had cataracts removed in 2016. 3 months ago i had vitreous dettachment on my left eye that caused a horseshow retinal tear and dettachment. So i needed to go on vitrectomy with gas bubble to fix it. Long story short, now w...

My son has been diagnosed with a retinal tear. 20 years ago when he was just a child, he woke up one day and had a small blind spot in one eye and minor flashing that occurred when entering a dark room. That same day we went to the ER to get medical tr...

I had a torn retina and surgery for it in my left eye about 2 years ago. During a recent dr. visit was told that the retina in the right eye is thinning. I go to the gym about 3 times a week and do strenuous weights, boot camps and cardio workouts. Could t...

Hi Sir Thank you for the service you provide here. I was treated for retinal tear in my left eye using laser 9 month back. Everything is fine now. Today I tried to put my 200 cc motorcycle on main stand and it got disbalanced a bit. I had to use some...

HI i am 24 yr old male,For last 3 months i have severe pvd in both eyes.Lots of floaters but no flashes of light.i had visited opthalmagist twice during this period once at the very onset say 4th day and the next visit after 6 weeks.Both of them said retin...

I read from an ophtalmologist that the phosphenes or flashes created by MOVEMENT of the eye are completely harmless because they are created by the individual, so they are predictable and the individual can create them at will. For example, moving the eyes...

If PVD totally completed, how long will it take? And the in the absence of PVD, retina hole and tear, would the risk of retina detachment be extremelly low?

I had sclearl buckle operation five weeks ago. I feel the pain all the time. When I went to visit the doctor, the doctor said it's bleeding somewhere and if it's not treated, it may cause retina tear later. So he did a gentle laser for me. Did anyone kn...

I am severely myopic -16 in right eye and -20 in left eye. I was diagnosed with lattice in my left eye 2 years ago. I have been seeing some flashes in the periphery of left eye. Over the last two years, I have been to a number of Retina specialists some o...

Hi, I had retinal detachment in right eye in 2002 with lattice degeneration in left eye. Scleral buckle fitted in right eye with laser in right. Had PVD in 2005. After a head injury in August this year had retinal tear in left eye in October which wa...

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