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61 - 70 of 3431 Posts
Hi~ I have not posted in a while. My husband Gary finished Telaprevir on Sept 22, 2012. He is post transplant (Jan 2010) and has cirrhosis. He is being treated at the University of Arizona Medical Center in Tucson. He is on the 48 week program, so he s...

Documentary with patient's and loved one's describing their experiences with HE.! Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a brain disorder that is caused by liver damage. HE can be an acut...

Hello, about 2 months ago I finished triple therapy. I am UND and feeling pretty good. That being said I thought that since I was UND I no longer needed the Lactulose. Wrong! While I am UND hoping to be heading to SVR I realize that I need to take the ...

My husband was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis about 2 years ago. He stopped drinking but then went back and drank for about a year. He noticed blood in his stool so he went to the hospital. They admitted him for tests. He was there 2 nights. On the 2nd nig...

My husband has cirrohsis. He is having complications within his whole body. He has encephalopathy. His ammonia levels stay at 160. That creates confusion and talking out of his head at times. He hasn't been able to drive in over 6 months because of t...

Hi, I just discovered this health community and in reading through some of the post and subsequent and answers I feel a little overwhelmed. But here goes, my mother is 76 y.o. and about 8 years ago she was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver. It was d...

I constantly have headaches lately and I feel more and more "foggy" in my head. I have hep c and I'm waiting for a treatment with sovaldi. Does any one recognize these specific symptoms and what. can I do about it? of Key Conclusions For those who have Hep C related cirrhosis with or without decompensation, these are the promising interim results of mult...

I've become very confused and disoriented and I was just wondering if that's from the hepc?

I have hepatic encephlopathy. Arter going to bed I feel a :neddle prick and then my leg jerks. could be because of the encephlopathy?

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