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61 - 70 of 888 Posts
Hi! I desperatly need some help with naltrexone! I am from Chicago and I had a 12 month naltrexone implant done on may 13th 2011 and 3 days ago I had an accident where i broke my left foot really bad, and i can not take no pain killers for it im taking som...

hi there keep seeing LDN crop up but i have no idea what it is could some kind person let me know what it is then i can look it up for what it is called in England. Love& thanks Jules xx

I live in NYC & had a fat grafting to my face in Fla that went horribly awry in that I have very little body fat & the harvest site (my bottocks) is now destroyed. I am (was) a fitness model & am now unable to work due to what has been done to me I have...

Hi guys can anyone help my brother addicted to nurofen plus this is the third time he's tried to stop, its ruined his relationship with a lovely girl or 9yrs they,have a kid together such a shame they were so happy before this all started all the sneaking ...

Hi, Jonas here, I heard plenty good things of LDN and that it normalizes the immune system by inhibiting interferon induced chronic active microglia.... Has anyone experience if this stuff could one bring back to life from this interferon aftermath? ...

hello i work in pakistan and would like to konw where i can order the long term naltexone implant . rizwan

Hi Guys/Gals, Im planning to have the rapid detox with implant tmoro and was hoping for some advise regarding the recovery period? my prev meds were the bare minimum 1. methodone for a few years then the last 18mnths 2.SUBOXONE= very low dose.. then last ...

Does anyone here know anything about Naltrexone or how it is used to treat addiction? Does it work? Are there any side effects?

Ok so I got a phone call today from a friend back home who has also struggled with opiates for awhile now. She has a 250 mg oxycodone habit and has tried to quit numerous times using suboxone. Well after her last relapse her doctor decided to put her on Na...

I have been using heroin daily and I need to stop. I have naltrexone tablets and I know they will make me withdraw instantly but are there any severe effects/dangers to doing this?

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