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1 - 10 of 430649 Posts
Hi all, thanks in advance. I have hasimoto's, and am on Armour thyroid. I was just prescriped 10mg Hydrocortisone. Here were my adrenals.... AP Free Cortisol Rhythm - Saliva 06:00 - 08:00 AM result: 15 Normal; ref values: 13-24 nM 11...

Hi all :) Have been away for 18 months! I now have 2 daughters, 19 month old Alba Luella & 3 month old Aspen Bluebell. They're just beautiful! We have decided on starting (from Christmas) ttc another little bundle. We couldn't be more excited to st...

My son developed these spots on the face and arms. the spots are lighter than his color sort of white, with a bumpy feeling. i'm really concerned but the doctors said it was because of the sun. not convinced?

Hello, I am a 15 year old male from the Netherlands and I have a question regarding my skin. I have some spots on my right cheek and a very little spot adjacent to my upper lip. I have had this for at least 5-6 years I'd say, and it keeps getting larger...

Hi ladies, As I mentioned yesterday in one of my posts, we are having a girl! I was so anxious to find out so I could start buying clothes and just bond with her even more. My grandmother was my treasure and I would like to name my baby girl after her. He...

So we're naming our baby boy Vincent after his uncle who passed away. Im having trouble picking a middle name. I seem to like a lot of names of my cousins. Lol so idk if I like the idea of that... what do you guys think? Vincent Alexander (my 2nd cous...

My nephew has dime size white spots on his face. Any ideas what will help?

I had a D & C on April 29,2009 cuz of a blighted ovum at 12 weeks but the sac measure at 10weeks. I had no bleeding at all. before or after the D & C. A week later after the surgey I went to the hospital cuz i was in pain alot, the hospital wanted to do th...

Hey Ladies I have some very enlightening news!!! I stumbled on this video on You tube the other day and it really gave me lots of hope!!! I'm sure it also can shed a light at the end of a tunnel for a lot of you. Type in (older mothers: How to get pre...

For the last 8 months I have a small discolouration on my right areola. It’s Is only 4mm. Does not spread. Sometimes my breasts are itchy. I have a history of pitiriasis alba and atopic dermatitis on my neck and abdomen in the past that it went away on its...

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