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I've had several large pimples on the top part of my scrotum over the years. The skin there is very thin, so I assume the pimple can grow quickly. I pop them, they usually have quite a bit of puss, and then I keep the area clean. This happened again las...

Hello, I'm 22 years old and was wondering about an issue. Recently I have noticed a very small skin like growth on my scrotum and a very small bump on my shaft. They seemed like pimples never growing in size. As of today I got curious to see if they c...

I have blotchy spots on my thighs and by, not on, my penis, they are not circular but odd shaped and are smaller than a dime and don't appear itchy. Also I don't know if related but I have 1 pimple type thing on my scrotum that is painless till squeezed an...

one month ago i noticed a small pimple shaped bump underneath my scrotum on the top of the skin. my wife popped this for me and a hard white puss ball came out.(about the size of a small grain of sand) i have kept the area clean and dry and it appears to b...

Life Dave, Heres my situation please help: On 4/19 and 4/22 received protected oral from 2 asian escort in vegas and finish with hand job. My concern is they both licked/sucked my scrotum. I could not see oral mouth sores but might have looked like...

Hello. I just saw something red small that looks like a pimple on my testicles. It is painful only when i touch it. It looks like a small papules or pustules. I do have a very few black dots/spots on my scrotum that came a few weeks ago. I am afraid if it ...

My scrotum has come up with a single spot. Hard white oversized pimple. If I squeeze it nothing, it's not itchy but it is sensitive to touch when I scratch my scrotum. I put a needle into it and squeezed it and nothing came out, i puppy the top layer of sk...

Hello, I would like to clarify something regarding the pimples that suddenly came out of no where on both my inner thighs near the fold between scrotum and thighs..it doesnt hurt or itch or burn and is dry. Fairly a good number of those pimples were ther...

There should be an "all of the above" choice for "topic." Anyway, In January I woke up and noticed a small pimple like bump at the base of my shaft. I allowed it to grow into a white head and I popped it. White puss came out and about a day or two later a...

I made a terrible decision to see an escort 3 months ago... and again 2 months ago... The only thing I allowed her to do was to lick my scrotum while I masturbated. I have seen my GP Dr about 2 months ago because I was feeling a little burning and wante...

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