Search Results for "Ritalin La"

1 - 10 of 6344 Results
My son has been on Concerta for almost 2 weeks. He is getting worse. He is hurting other kids at school for no reason. And he's never did this before. Can it be that this med is not agreeing with him. He took Ritalin La before and never did any of this. He...

I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and I have A.D.D... The Ritalin (LA 30mg) is supposed to help me learn, or sit still at least, why do I get an ubandance of energy from it??

i have an 8yr old asd son he was also tilte adhd ritalin la was suggested is that good

Since the majority of months have 31 days why are we only prescribed 30 days worth? It makes me come up short on my pills.

Been using focalin for adhd for 3 years. Previously uses ritalin, concerta, ritalin LA. Taking 10mg twice daily. Recnently been feeling very stressed and anxiety out over nothing. I get irritated easily. Looked into my diet and blood work, etc. ...

Hi, I recently was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. Im 15 years old and for the past couple years Ive been struggling with falling asleep ALL the time. Ive gained quite a bit of weight, and thats basically ruined my life. I just started treatment about a week ag...

My son is 8. He was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 5 although we knew it by the time he was 3. He takes Ritalin... 25 mg in the am... 20 mg @ noon and 10 mg after school. The Ritalin has worked VERY WELL at controlling impulsivity and bad behavior. So muc...

Hi, I recently was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. Im 15 years old and for the past couple years Ive been struggling with falling asleep ALL the time. Ive gained quite a bit of weight, and thats basically ruined my life. I just started treatment about a week ag...

Hi! I was diagnosed with ADD recently and I'm waiting to get back in to see my psychiatrist. My last office visit we spoke about the possible medications I could choose from if I completed ADD testing with another Psych. He mentioned Strattera (but he said...

Question! I had a doctors appointment today and everything is going wonderfully except my Doctor was a little miffed that I had not had any contractions yet. I am not dilated at all either (which I know is pretty normal for 35 weeks). My question is: How m...

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