Search Results for "Ra Nicotine"

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Encountered a possible exposure with CSW (unprotected vaginal sex) back in June 2008. Since then, anxiety has killing me & fear of contracting HIV keep playing in head. Quit smoking (cold turkey) in end Oct 2008 due to chest tightness problem. Conside...

hi am 39 yr old female i have been smoking for about 20 yes now but like one pk a day , i been dating my female partner that does not smoke but she told me this last time we was together and we kiss she could taste the nicotine and it made her throat to cl...

Can smoking increase eye pressure?

My significant other chews nicotine gum. I know, it’s not healthy. My question is can nicotine pass through their skin to our baby from their skin/pores? They don’t smoke, just chew the nicotine gum. Thank you.

Have withdrawal symptoms been reported when chantix is no longer used? Why is it so important to stop Chantix with a doctor's approval?

hi if you smoke when using the patch or other nicotine replacement aids, every time you light a ciggy when on these aids you get an overdose of nicotine, you get the nicotine from the ciggy and the nicotine from the replacement as the nicotine is the ...

Is nicotine part of a physical

hi this is baljinder chohan, I was a chain smoker but one year ago i controlled and start having 10-12 cigarettes per day. How much amount of nicotine per day could be harmful.

how long does nicotine stay in your blood

Before I was pregnant I vaped instead of smoking, with nicotine. I was wondering if it was okay to vape with no nicotine while pregnant?

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