Search Results for "Surfak"

1 - 10 of 11 Results
What Can I Take For Constipation I Haven't Seen A Doctor Yet And I'm 7 weeks Today

So I know this might be tmi but I need help I'm 35+5 weeks and I been constipated what can I do or take to help it??

I'm 8 weeks and I'm tired of being constipated. So i went yo walmart and got the generic form od bisacodyl which is the women's stool softner from walmart. I wanted to know if its safe to use. My doctors appointment isn't until Monday the 4 i need somethin...

Why can't I seem to have a regular poop.. I feel so backed up.. and constipated. . I just wanna pooop.. sorry tmi. But I need answers.. 19 weeks today

I'm 13 weeks pregnant and have been taking folic acid since 5 weeks pregnant. Since then I'm really struggling to go to the toilet and it's giving me really bad stomach cramps . Anyone else have this ? Any tips ? Much appreciated !

I am suffering major from constipation.. It's horrible! I'm only 6 weeks I didn't expect it to start this soon. I'm thirsty all the time and I even ended up with some hemorrhoids.. So last night I went out and got some equate suppositories for the discomfo...

So this may be a little tmi but im 34 weeks and for the past couple of days ive been constipated .. what can i do or take to be able to go please help me my dr told me to drink water but thats all i drink and that is odviously not helping ..

I am 10 weeks pregnant, and all of the sudden if i stand up to fast i get a cramp in my lower abdomen, i have gotten small "growing pains" before and it never bothered me but this kind of makes me nervous, it is everything froeing or is something wrong? My...

Hey, I haven't had a bowl movement in like a week and days and I eat everyday! Where is all that waste going? Am I allowed to take laxatives to let it out or will it affect my baby

of my life ladies! Please help! idk if i should call my doctor about this or not. this is my third pregnancy, 4th child & I'm 9 wks, 3days. So i know not to call my doc every time something is wrg, but this constipation I'm having is really worrying me. ...

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