
Irregular sleep-wake syndrome

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Irregular sleep-wake syndrome

It's so annoying. I just feel so uncomfortable :(
I had a colonoscopy in 2011, using Halflytely prep. I get heart pounding a lot, both dail...
I too have had to deal with this obstacle with my 7 month old. I am sitting here as we spea...
I have chronic fatigue syndrome (1994), Narcolepsy/mild sleep apnea (2005). I started on s...
I wake up feeling jittery, heart pounding, hungry, anxious. Does anyone else experience th...
My sleeping patterns have been distorted (I am a junior at high school, i hope this somehow...
Hello, My boyfriend jerks and shakes while he is asleep. He says he is aware of it and is s...
25yr male,215lbs.left side chest pain & left arm pain for about 2 yrs now.localized to one ...
Hi! I have some issue currently with my sleep. I am getting unrefrehsing sleep and it i...
I have been so tired. I dunno why, I don't have a job so I don't really have a reason to be...