
droopy eyes

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on droopy eyes

My adult son (31yrs old) has had an addiction to pain pills, heroine, and speed. He recentl...
Has anyone had droopy eyes after using cocaine? I wonder if this is from not sleeping e...
my mother has had a symptom of "heavy eyes", i don't know how else to describe it. she fe...
I am 21 years old and I have had droopy eyes my whole life. My top lid sits right above th...
Hey there I have panic disorder and my eyes feel really tired sometimes. I'm not really tir...
hi ive had a chalazion for almost 2 years and im getting surgery to remove it in june the c...
Hello and could you please let me know if you know of anyway to stop my eyes to water.. Bot...
I'm 24 years old and for the past week and half, on a daily basis, I see a brown peck and a...
I was recently diagnosed with MS. The only symptoms that I have that my neuro hasn't see b...
Hi, I've saw two eye doctors and asked them if anything was wrong with my eyes.. and they s...
I have a problem with my left eye, it goes droopy this occurs every morning and when I look...
hi i have a droopy eye lid can i gat surgery ?if yes how long would it take and will i have...