will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on post-thyroidectomy

I hope someone can help me. I have suffered with swollen ankles, legs and feet since my fi...
post thyroidectomy...aches/joints...fatigue and general malaise ...dawning on me that my bo...
I have had a total Thyroidectomy 6 weeks ago. and doctor increased my Oroxine to 200mg. I a...
HI! I just went through a partial thyroidectomy. Left portion was still intact because acco...'s been two weeks since i had my thyroidectomy...this was my second operation...i ha...
What is the ideal dose of Synthroid "post opp" of a complete thyroidectomy?
I 15 days post-opp. Then first 5 days were very uncomfortable, I wondered if I would ever ...
I had a total thyroidectomy 11 days ago and have done great with the exception of low calcu...
I had a TT and removal of 1 PT (11/18/10). I had Hashimoto's for 20 yrs. and was taking 1...
I hope someone can help clarify my recent lab results for me. I'm in panic mode. We were ...
I had a total thyroidectomy in 2005 and have been taking Synthroid ever since. I have been ...