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Pulmonary hypertention

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Pulmonary hypertention

Hello All, For the past 6 months I have had a tight feeling in my left chest, sometimes ...
What else can be done when tips shunt procedure is not possible, and the bleeding has start...
What is considered the normal range for pressures in relationship to diagnosing pulmonary h...
I have a strong family history of primary pulmonary hypertension. My mom and her identical ...
How accurate is an echocardigram in determining that you have pulmonary hypertension? My do...
What does this means: Pulmonary artery: The size was normal. Doppler: Systolic pressure w...
I hav went trough a MVR+CBG surgery last year. now it is diagonsed that i hav a severe orga...
26 Yr Old male...Suffering from Chest Pain, Chest Discomfort and like insects moving beneat...
I found out through echo of my heart that I have a small heart murmur, moderate tricubis re...
My father is 71 yrs old and for the last 2 weeks he has had severe back spasm move up his b...