
Occipital nerve decompression

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Occipital nerve decompression (50825)
Has anyone out there had occipital nerve decompression surgery? If so, what was it like an...
I suffer from Occipital Neiralgia, definetively diagnosed in 2004. Nerve Blocks and epidura...
I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation about 17 years ago. I have had the headaches (well...
My waife was in a car accident 9 months ago and has had contstant headache pain. In January...
I had decompression at Mass General last week. It was very pleased with the entire hospita...
Anyone have their neurosurgeon suggest occiptal nerve pain injections at the original surge...
I've been suffering from chronic unrelenting cervicogenic "Tension Headaches." for several ...
Hello and thank you for your time. I am 24 years old and have been getting "jolt" like pain...
I was diagnosed with Chiari 1 Malformation of the brain. I have been on this website before...
My doctor wants me to try nerve blocking. I feel like its just going to mask my symptoms an...