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wrist fracture

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on wrist fracture

i had my wrist fractured in three places just below the wrist with the ulna and radius bone...
Hi! I have been having pain in left wrist for over 4 years. I have a bad history with my...
I fractured my left radius bone a week and a half ago. I got my 2nd cast Wed, it is driv...
I fell in mid-December on ice and landed on my left outstretched hand. I had swelling and b...
i broke my wrist 3 weeks ago, it has been set, and casted. I thought the swelling would onl...
I fell around 3 weeks ago and sprained my right wrist. I was having problems with this same...
i severely hurt my wrist last tuesday, the injury is where the wrist meets the hand, on the...
X-rays found Posteriorly displaced fracture of the distal radius. Mild impaction Mild commi...
I fell a few weeks ago and sprained my wrist. I was having some problems with my wrist pri...
being a volleyball player for many years i have had a lot happen to my fingers in the way o...
Broke left wrist 5 1/2 weeks ago and just had xrays done and this is the radiologist report...