
chest compression

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on chest compression

Went for an ultrasound today and noticed strange chest pain when they had me hold my breath...
PA and lateral chest: tortuous aorta; mild bibasilar atelectasis or fibrosis; mild compres...
i have been having sharp pains in my left breast,up my neck and down my left arm,what cooul...
Hello, I am 20 (type 2 diabetic with it very controlled, also overweight but lost 80 po...
I have a fused t-7 compression wedge fracture with 50% loss of vertebral height, all cervic...
I have mild chest pain and compression when either sitting or lying down. Not when I am ac...
I do have compression in my neck from years of doing heavy lifting. Can pinched nerves in ...
Iv been having p.o.t.s run my lif for the last 8 months my husban now looks after me its be...
ive got a chest pain right in the center of my chest an inch to the right almost center of ...
I am a 31 y/o female and have been diagnosed with a compression fracture of my T7 vertebra ...