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How long does Vicoden Stay in System

My wife is an Vicoden addict, she is trying to quit. I tested her and she just failed. She also failed on Friday. She swears she hasn't had anything since Thursday when she said she took Soma with codiene. I told her that was not acceptable, and she said ok. I read in different posts that opiates can stay in your system anywhere from 2 to 7 days. What do you guys think, you are the experts! Am I just being played again?

29 Responses
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dear sher  some some does have codeine!! look up your meds!! IM SORRY TO SAY!!
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u state she had many surgerys etc now she is in bed perm  well u r a craxy man  i tell u my god  let her live u r killing her  omg   leave her then  because this woman has no life not one like yours  my god  look at her condition and let me tell u vicoden es wont kill her or anyone   please   ur kiling her  
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chronic back pain is severe  if she has this  which you state she does then soma or anything else will help without surgery  vicoden she will have or learn to get a torlerance for so she must take more  however  soma is not for pain NO  u seem to have a problem with her on vicoden but she is in pain there is nothing else  nothing else works trust me i know  and i dont like to take it either but i have chronic pain and when i have spasms its sheer torture unless u have this condition u have no way of knowing the severity of   so let her live  leave her be   if u love her vicoden es is not like oxy con or other meds that are far far worse   y r u so mad?????   she is in sever pain and if vicoden works god bless her
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I understand your frustration..It is a tough thing which will not be easy for her but not impossible...I tried to read all that has been written but I do want to add..Soma comes with and without codeine..I was on them for a time..When i was tested at the clinic I was going to after taking 10 a day of norcos I tested negative about 4 days..it also is dependant upon the weight of the person as well because these things can linger a little longer the heavier a person is, but not too much longer..That is what my Dr had told me..
hang in there..She definately has to want the help and it seems if she is submitting to being tested it sounds like she wnats to work things out..It's a long hard road to recover from addiction..many of us didn't set out to become addicts..it can happen before you know it..Bod Bless you..
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Hello and I feel for you.  
I have seen so many around me fall to the drug.  From first hand, you can try all you want but if she don't want to quit you will not get anywhere.  I have seen my brother-in-law give up a great family, beautiful home, and job.  Been to rehab for us three times, once for nine months, and still would walk ten miles to get one.  He lies, buys them from anyone and everyone, steals and still when put on the spot its the same old....i'm trying I have been clean for a month.  It's been ongoing for seven years.  He convinces himself that he is not that bad.  Well he is.  Your wife is an addict.  If you have them she will find them.   You need to make it as hard for her to get them as possible.  Call her doctors let them know the problems.  Don't have ANY kind of drugs around them home.  The cycle will be ongoing if everyone around her don't step up and make it harder.  Support her mentally but don't give in.  She can not stop on her own, not many addicts can.  They want you to believe they can, it buys time and that means more drugs.  We allow my brother-in-law to come over, we watch him closely.  We don't let him borrow ANYTHING, we don't feed him dinner anymore or allow him to drink at our house.  Only because he would use us for food to spend his money on drugs.  It's not a one person battle and if she don't want to quit it's not a battle at all.  I think you should seek someone who knows what this drug does to people.  Go to NA classes, their will be good advice there.  
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Wow, I figured I had seen or tried it all. But I had never heard of Suboxone. I now feel I know a lot about it. I have read a great deal and would like to hear comments from people on this board that have used it.

From what I have learned, it contains a 1/2 opiate. It IS addictive, it is EXPENSIVE, but people typically do not need to increase their levels. It does not get the addict high but does make them feel normal.

People that use it, don't want to stop using it.

Some have had very severe withdrawl symptoms when stopping. Others have been able the ween themselves off of it.

Others have said that it is now prescribed for pain.

I look at it this way. If it can relieve pain, and does not require higher and higher doses to achieve the same results, if the long term effects are no worse than the pain they relieve, this might be a good solution for my wife.


I am going to start a new thread asking specifically about Suboxone.

thanks flmagi - this may be the best advice I've ever gotten (we will see)......
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306455 tn?1288862071
Have you ?or her concidered Suboxone? It has worked wonders for so many people. She will also need some other support like N/A or counseling. But maybe if she got on the Sub. she could start thinking clearly and without so much pain and would then agree to go for counseling.
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I know I shouldn't blame myself, but I have been an enabler for all these years. I have made idle threats so many times that she doesn't belive I will follow through. I am afraid, she may have to find out the hard way.

The last thing I want to do is give up on her, but my family and sanity are at stake.

I was hoping this time was going to be different, but then, I hoped that every time.

I'm glad this community is here, there aren't many people out there that understand.

Thanks to all of you.

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199177 tn?1490498534
I can tell how much you want to help your wife it sad that she does not want to help herself .From the sounds of it she is going to have to hit rock bottom before she wants to quit ,which she may find happens if you deside you have had enough.
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352798 tn?1399298154
I hate how these pills can run your life. I do not envy your position here. We are here for you.
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I think an in-house treatment center is a great idea, and yes, I have mentioned it. She won't go. Yes, I have asked to to join the group here, but she won't. I printed out several posts for her to read, and she read them, that was the best I could do.

I agree that she doesn't need the meds for the pain.

She thinks she can beat it on her own, but that won't work, it never has, she has tried dozens of times.

An intervention is a good idea, but I think the only one left in her life willing to intervine is me. Her family, immediate and extended has pretty much given up trying to help her.

She really doesn't want help, that's the bottom line. When I ask her if she wants to quit, she says no. The only reason she ever agrees to, is to keep our marriage together.

That's not really a very good reason in my opinion.

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390416 tn?1275185087
Welcome...this is a tough one. You said she was in a detox program, but left  early, after only 2 days. I would check out an inpatient treatment center. It sounds like she doesn't want to quit...which is the main problem...SHE has to want this..so if you do an intervention and get her into a tx center...she might? come around.....

Can you get her to come on this forum and read some posts?..
.it may help her decide.,    give her ...some hope??.

Keep posting..we're here for you.
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352798 tn?1399298154
You are doing such a good job, given the circumstances. A treatment center was mentioned. This too sounds like an excellent idea. She needs to get at the root of her problems, besides the pain. I hope all of our comments are helping you. Each of us have an opinion, but we are not there to know the whole story. Good luck and keep posting here.
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271792 tn?1334979657
I would like to suggest something if you don't mind: Have you considered extensive inpatient treatment (you may have already). the reason I say that is because taking away her drugs, hiding them, etc. will not work (obviously), because she not gotten to the root of why she is using drugs in the first place. She does not need all of that stuff for pain. The more you take does not necessarily take away the pain..that is false. She is using the meds to get high..no doubt about it and if she is doing that, then she is trying mask some pain..emotional pain.

I know you are at the end of your rope and I do understand, but there is still hope. If you have not gone that route, I would love to see you try it as a last resort.
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Oh, someone asked if the latest meds were prescribed? I don't know, she said she had gotten them out of the lock box, but she lies.

I can't control the addiction, but I can monitor it, so far I think that is my best option.

Tell me what you would do if you were her or if you were me?

Spliting up pretty much ruins both of us financially too.
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Maybe I should have said legally disabled. She can drive, walks with a limp, and is in constant back pain.

Anything you can imagine, I have tried with her.
I kept her meds locked up and gave them out to as prescribed, that doesn't work. She just finds another doctor to prescribe them, then hides them all over the house.

Oh, and this last bout, she figured out how to open the Lock Box. I had YEARS of unused pills in there. I should have thrown them away, but I thought they were out of here reach, so I didn't worry about it. Figured I could use one if I needed it for pain (I never took any). Anyway, she took the ALL. I threw the few that were left away.

There is NO WAY she can remain on the prescribed dose, tried that for many years.

No, she was NOT on any pain meds when I married her. Smoked a little pot, and drank alcohol.

She has had all kinds of addiction issues, you name it.

As far as I know, she has never bought Vicoden on the street, but it wouldn't surprise me either.

SHE tells me that her MAIN doctor won't prescribe Vicoden any longer, but if he did that wouldn't suprise me either.

If my kid was living in constant pain, but risked killing herself because she took WAY too many Opiates, I would try really hard to get her another type of help. That is what I have done with my wife. No, I wouldn't want my kids to suffer and I don't want my wife to suffer either, but getting off of the meds in the lesser of too horrible evils.

Any surgical fix has been tried, including a spinal stimulator and fusion at three levels.

I am not in her body, but I have observed her for years. I think she could lead a fairly good life without the pain meds, if she would just give it a chance. The longer she stays off of them, the better she feels.

I believe, as others have said here, that withdrawing from the vicoden intensifies the pain and that if she could stay away from it, she would be much better off in the long run.

If she continues with the vicodens she will either OD or crash a car, I'm sure of it.

There is no good answer for either of us, but that is not why I asked the original question. I just wanted to know how long the vicoden would stay in her system. I have already decided that I am going to test her, and that if she doesn't stay off of them, she is going to have to deal with it by herself. I know it sounds harsh, but I'm not going to watch her ruin her life, my life, our kids lives, her families lives or kill some inocent bystander.

The Vicoden addiction has been going on an easy 5 years, and maybe 10, I have lost count.

I think that answers all of your questions, but if you have more I will be happy to answer and I really appreciate your input.

I wish you all the best of luck in fighting your addictions, believe me, life without drugs maybe tought to achieve, but it well worth fighting for.

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I completely agree w/flmagi & I couldn't have said it better myself-I don't wanna say 2 much w/out knowing exactly what she's taking, if she's abusing, just using for pain, completely disables, etc.. Is she open 2 getting on this site & talking w/us? Even if nobody's around? I'd love 2 hear from her!! Don't wanna give out my opinion if I don't know more-too sensitive & touchy of a subect...*Angel*
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352798 tn?1399298154
Good job,Magi.
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306455 tn?1288862071
When your wife was on vicodins, did she get them from the doctor? Or  street drugs? Or both? You say she is disabled, can she drive and have access to street drugs? There's a reason I'm asking these questions. Also would her doctor still give her Vics?
If your wife is totally disabled from pain, then I'm sorry, but perhaps she needs them. But not more than a doctor would perscribe and only taken as perscribed.  Can you hold her medication and dole it out to her? I'm not trying to say let her be an addict but when someone has legitimate severe pain, some thing needs to be done. No one should suffer that bad. I don't know your wife, you do.  Tell me, if one of your children were in the same pain, what would you do, how would you feel?
What does your wife's doctor say about all this. Does he feel her pain can be managed with over the counter pain meds?   Just a little info: Perscription pain meds will cause the pain to become worse over time, if abused. After quiting, your bodies natural pain killers will kick back in after awhile. Then the pain can sometimes be handled with otc stuff.
Can you get your wife on this forum so we can talk to her? Maybe we can help some.
This is a very difficult situation.
Good luck. let us know whats happening.
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WOW!! 28 years?!! Has she always been on them-did she have this addiction when u married her? Is she prescribed the meds & is she taking them for the pain or the buzz? When u say that she's disabled-does that mean that she can't function w/out the prescribed amount? I'm concerned bcuz I don't know the whole situation nor do I know what advice 2 give u-this is a sticky situation & a marriage hangs in the balance....??? Love conquers all!!
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Thanks for the reponses.
I have been trying to get her to quit for MANY years. We have been married 28 years! I know what the withdrawls look like, I have seen her go through them many many many times. They are HELL. Not just on her - but on her entire family, especially me. She definately went through them in January. Does she want to quit for her sake - NO! So, I have given her an ultimatum, either quit, or we are done - period. I have tried being the nice guy and supporting her, I have done it for years and years. I understand it is an almost impossible addition to conqure, but she will end up killing herself and possibly others if she doesn't stop. She says she needs it for the pain, and that may be true, but she either needs to learn to live with the pain, or die from the opiates. She knows I will be there for her should she decide to quit. She has run out of surgical options, she has had several MAJOR back surgeries and is now totally disabled. She is in a tough situation, and I feel for her, but I can't watch her kill herself or others.
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Ok, please 4give me if I get 2 personal w/my questions, but I am currently on Day 8 of Opiate (Lortab, Vicodin, Norco, etc..) withdrawal & u will KNOW whenshe does completely quit bcuz the symptoms are so bad, that u will swear she has a severe case of the flu: sleeplessness, no appetite, shaking, low grade fever, irritability, mood swings, no motivation, diarhea, nauseousness, etc.. I have been using ffor about 3 yrs.-since I had a C Section (the doc gave me Lortabs) after that & I got hooked. I was a single mom w/NO help & my son had colic (crying ALL the time for no reason!!). Not 2 mention, I had depression & severe anxiety disorder & ended up w/postpartum depression. Can I ask u a question? Are u supportive of her-no matter if she relapses or not? Do u understand how hard it is 2 quit & how much willpower it takes? The most important factor in quitting & staying clean is that SHE has 2 b the one 2 wanna stop-NOBODY else-it HAS 2 b completely HER idea!! I only know this bcuz I've been in the exact same situation-I used 2 b w/the father of my son & he constantly harped me daily & wouldn't let me' take tabs-so I'd do it behind his back & tell him I had quit. But, I wasn't ready-I was just doing it 4 him-not me-that's why I never quit-I WASN'T READY. So, please be patient with her-this addiction is sooo hard 2 quit-even when the addict really wants 2-TRUST ME-I'M STILL TRYING 2 FIGHT THE CRAVINGS!! She has 2 WANT 2 stop for her-not you, family, etc..
Also, I am prescribed 400 mg. Seroquel as well, to sleep due 2 my insomnia-that's helped me alot-but I also stayed in bed for 4 days straight while my current fiancee took care of my son & catered 2 my every need-he's the only reason I've gotten this far!! The main things that have helped my withdrawal (which I'm not condoning this, just what I HAD 2 do) was a little pot, a couple of my prescribed Xanax, & aa supportive fiancee. Day 8 & I feel GREAT!! Find out if she's really ready & prepared 2 do this-it's NOT an easy thing 2 do!!!! Hang in there & plz repost after u answer my questions. I know it's hard-but u have 2 b there 4 her-this is a disease!!! We're all here 4 u if u need anything!! :)
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well somas are muscle relaxers, codeine is an narcotic which is an opiate if im not mistaken.  theres your positive.  there is no codeine in somas.  shes still taking vics. im sorry to say.  and seroquel im on that, and that is a good sleep med it also treats bipolar disorder
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352798 tn?1399298154
You wouldn't be testing her unless you thought there was a problem. So it is likely you are right. Going to a Psychiatrist is a very good start. I was suggesting NA for you too. So you are better equipped to help her. Keep posting. There are many here to give their advice and helps. Road2Recovery would be an excellent source for you. Give her a PM (private message)
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