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I'm back for questions on different detox methods

From any one that remembers my last post after a few days I caved pawned some stuff because I was sick like really sick,  sickest I have ever been detoxing. So I used yesterday and of course within hours all symptoms had disappeared. I need to be able to do this without looking like I'm a walker from the walking dead. So I know the traditional way is to slowly drop dosage by mg. I've noticed I don't really ever start getting sick until the middle of day 2. Has anybody ever tapered by the time between dosing rather than actually cutting the dose? Say I don't get sick until the second day,  how about waiting 3 and taking a full dose then waiting 4 and so on. I know it's probably mostly the addict in me that wants to do it this way but for what pills cost around here.  I can't imagine spending that only to feel slightly less ****** instead of awesome. So has anybody done this or is it just begging to relapse again. I figure it's what casual users who don't become addicts do.  Take a dose and get high don't mess with it for awhile and so on.  Realistic yes?  No?
35 Responses
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Hey, fly. So where are you in this thing?
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Seriously, looks like there's a ton of support on this thread.
People come here and ask for advice and others take the time to give it.
We can only speak from our own experiences, what's worked for us and what didn't.  We try and save others from making some of the same mistakes that we did.  
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I'm glad your back flyforfish!! You got this!! And lots of support here.
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Sorry I've been off the reservation read everybody's post thanks for the input, I really mean it.
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Thank you Merri for the post. I agree with you. Support is what's needed.
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I have to agree with lulu747. To get better and get our lives back we have to make great sacrifices. I didn't want to be sick in front of my kids for over a week. But I did it. If we keep using and living our that way,eventually something bad is going to happen. I always said I functioned just fine on my pills. But I know at night time I'd just be sitting there and doze off. Even in the middle of eating,I've woke up with food all over me and the sofa. Anything could have happened in that time. My son sleep walks,he could have walked right out side into the streets. I feel sick thinking about it. You're very worried about your job right now,but what if one day because of your using you go into a burning building high and get yourself or even a victim hurt or worse? I'm so so not trying to sound mean,but I know it's possible. Our brains are slower than we like to think when were high. You need to think of not just your life but everyone's life that is put in your hands when you walk out that door to work.
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1926359 tn?1331588139

Just checking in because I haven't today.  You've gotten tons of great advice.  I so understand that you have a job where you have to function.  Personally, I've quit high doses twice cold turkey.  But I had the luxury of time off and total support when I did so.  I can't do that now, and my taper is going EXTREMELY well, despite the terrible pain I am still in.  I'm doing a lot of meditation.  That being said, I don't think I could taper if I hadn't done 3 years of recovery work since my last stint.  Because I've worked a solid aftercare program, and have been taking meds for legitimate reasons (surgery) and have not ever abused them this time, it is totally painless for me in terms of the mental part.  I have no false love for these pills.  I am not caught up in active addiction.
But YOU are.  And I have to say, I truly believe that when we are caught in active addiction it takes something drastic to stop it.  It might mean that you have to go through some seriously unpleasant sh*t....Not just with the withdrawal, but with your wife, your job, etc.  Because it requires getting humble.  It requires admitting that you are not in control of this (a damn hard thing for us control freaks to do)
I don't think I would have gotten clean and invested myself fully in aftercare had I not gone cold turkey and realized what kind of trouble I was really in.  I don't think I ever would have been able to be strong enough to have made it through the past year of agonizing pain, invasive medical procedures, pain meds, and surgery had I NOT gone through being completely humbled by this disease.

You are gonna need to make a choice here.  You gotta know that NOTHING in life is possible until you make a grand gesture to save yourself.  I believe this to the very core of my being.
Think about it.  I'm here if you need me.
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I agree w/ Nursegirl...that was an EXCELLENT post!!! You said it:)
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He is on a taper now. He only took 3 pills yesterday so that is low. Not everyone can do aftercare. He will have to decide what he needs. I have never done AA or NA and will never go this stuff again. We have to remember that we do not know each other at all. We can't make general assumptions opinions and accusations to others. Can't tell others what they have to do or is the best way to do things. Honestly many have been turned off from this site bc of it.

We need to support each other without judging and demanding. Really listen to what someone says. Not everyone fits into the cookie cutter mold. What works for me may not work for someone else. If someone says that isn't for me, then maybe something lee is. Like an online site like SMART. Or an actual addiction counselor to talk to weekly.

He has a job that DOES NOT allow him to go cold turkey. He has to be in good shape body AND MIND to do what he goes. He has a weird schedule so he can plan his taper and then walk off durning his week. Slow and steady with minimal discomfort.

Everyone has great advice. But we can't act like we know what is best. There are many options. He needs us for support. We all do.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Great post!
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Wow, you've gotten lots of advice here.

I have a concern about the amount of hydrcodone you are taking...is it Vicodin?  Another words, are you taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) along with the hydro?  

If so, and you are approaching 100 mgs  a day of Vicodin, you could be ingesting large doses of acetamnphen, and it is very bad for your liver.

Here's my 2 cents, for what it is worth:

1. You're on a high dose, to you might want to taper down a bit, BUT
2. You just have to jump at some point.  You are gong to be SICK.  Accept it, embrace it, realize that this is the price you MUST pay for abusing drugs.  We've all been there and it is awful...but you will live through it.  Have you looked up the Thomas recipe?  It helps...but...

It's going to be awful.   You will be nauseous, have diarrhea, leg cramps, night sweats, be anxious, and sleep will be messed up.  You just have to grind your way through it.

3. This borders on minding your business, but if you cannot share this with your wife, is this really someone you want to be with?  Because (and this is the KEY part):  getting detoxed is only the very BEGINNING of this beast.  You're an addict.  It's a lifelong problem, and you will need support, as if TALKING TO OTHER PEOPLE, or I 100% guarantee you will relapse. I know these are tough words, but I am telling you the truth.

You stated that the folks in NA didn't "get it."  What does that mean?  How many meetings did you go to?   Some meetings just are not the right fit.  You have to do 90 in 90 days....one meeting, every single day (hopefully you mix it up and find all different ones...step meeting, discussion meetings, etc.)    

One more piece of advice:  Your best thinking got you where you are RIGHT now.  Ponder that for awhile....

We're all here for you hon...

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480448 tn?1426948538
Good job on only taking 3 pills!  That's awesome!

I think one of the major sticking points for people going through detox is that they are forever trying to find a way to make it painless.  It really is virtually impossible.  Even with a very slow and deliberate taper, there is usually SOME kind of withdrawal.

One of the best pieces of advice posted here is to try very hard with JUST being OK with NOT being okay for a while.  If you can find that place of acceptance...acceptance of the process, acceptance that there is no easy way out, and acceptance that feeling lousy WILL pass and won't last forever...mentally, that will put you at an advantage.

Keep us updated bud!
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No do not increase the xanax. It will just make it harder. Stick to the taper plans. No cheating. You're doing good. Stay focus and keep busy.
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Krissy wrote:

"Don't you think you'll have a better chance of fixing things after fixing yourself?"

Oh, wow, so true!!!
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Dually noted, good points to all. Well goodnight everybody gotta try and sleep tonight I managed to only take 3 pills today feeling a little ruff but not to shabby word is I'll probably be pulling a 48 hour shift getting my OT tomorrow so I hope I'm not scheduled to drive the engine because 3,2 days in a row ain't gonna cut it
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I did say jump,and I'm going to have to stick with it. After talking to you,you have the serious addict mind. Do you think you can have them pills sitting in front of you and take your little dose for the day and then say no more?if you can you're way stronger than me and probably a lot of addicts on here! I'm not sure about axanax? Never took it before,but I've read on here other ppl have to help with withdrawl...and other ppl trying to detox off of it. I feel for you man,I know how hard it is. The withdrawl is what kept me using for so long. You have to realize it won't kill you though,I know it feels like it at first but you CAN do this. I'm not going to say it's like the flu because to me it wasn't. Or maybe it was the flu times 100000. But the days will get better,I promise. I've gone back and read a lot of your old posts and to me it doesn't sound like your wife will be supportive in this and I'm so sorry for that. But you can't let that stop you from doing this. Don't you think you'll have a better chance of fixing things after fixing yourself? If you keep hiding it and lying or pawning your stuff it will get so so much worse. Then there's the chance she won't forgive you. For ppl it's hard for them to understand what we go through. They just don't get it. It's really unfortunate,because with her being in the med field and seeing them daily,you think she would realize this is a disease. But you need to stop worrying what everyone else thinks and just fix yourself. You're only a couple years younger than me,it doesn't take long for the drugs to suck our lives up,then what? We only get one turn at this,then game over. xox
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Fly, you wrote you don't notice them when you take em but do notice when you don't. That sounds like dependence at least. I wouldn't increase it. That's just another thing your gonna need to get off and you won't wanna make it harder. I guess you want to increase it because you are afraid of not sleeping? Again, you will have some discomfort, but it will pass!!!!

Come on, dude...do this!!! We're all in your corner:)
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Would it be a particularly bad move to try and get my pdoc to increase my xanax dose while I kick?  I take xanax xr so it's more like Valium or klonopin. I take 1mg a day, and I don't abuse them at all. The effect has worn off pretty much they used to help me sleep, now I don't notice them when I take them, but I definitely notice when I don't. So I don't think I really have a problem with them
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Hey I tapered and it worked for me. I don't like hearing everyone say Jump Jump. Guess what not everyone can jump. I had to work. Had to take care of my kids. You do what is the best for you. Message me I can help with the taper. I went slow. Others have too and as able to walk off at a very low amount with minimal issues.

To me jumping is dangerous and insane. Tapers CAN work if you want it to. You will be fine.
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Yo if the MRS doesn't get it at first she will as it is an issue and that is marriage a series of issues...so just be straight...detox ***** but is soooo possible with a little will power...it really does get better...water water water...good luck..you need her in this as the only way to kick it...if she doesn't wanna listen have her read these posts it will help as I had to show my lady... everyone has the same symptoms it is a problem that's why they call them problems cause it *****...
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Dude, there is NEVER a convenient time to do this. And it sux being sick. Every single one of us on here went thru being sick. No one gets a free pass. Lots of folks even work or take care of little kids during detox. A lot of it is mental.

If you keep making excuses you will continue of this path and it will get worse. Yes worse. Do it now. If you have to cancel your plans w/ your pal, so be it. It not worth your life.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Getting clean is far more important than a trip for a graduation party.  You will always find reasons to wait.  I would recommend planning your detox for the next time you're off...cancel your travel plans.  In the meantime, the less you can take, the easier your detox will be in the long run.

Good luck!
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Ok every 3 weeks I get 5 days off work.  Problem is this next cycle I have off in like a week in a half I have agreed to go to new Orleans for a friend's college graduation on the 18th, so the next opportunity I'll have would be January 8 through the 12 th to be able to go work without withdraw(hopefully) until then I'll just try to reduce dose a little bit.  Thanks everybody not particularity looking forward to faking the flu I made it 1 day after I got sick last time.
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ya  jump tapering only prolongs the process your sick for weeks insted of days  in the grand sceam of things 4 or 5 days is a very small amout of time you need to know this is 1/3 phyical and 2/3 mental so be ready to fight it out on both fronts I have said this a million times  
''but you just need to be ok without being ok for a wile'' this to shale pass  the most critical part of all this is a good aftercare program once the detox is done your still left with a addict and addictive behaviors left unto itself it wile keep playing it self out over and ofer again we see it all the time on this forum right now you need to be around support from clean addicts and there is no better place then N/A it gives you a safe place to share with people that understand   you will never get that ''deer in the headlight stare'' that you get from normies you dont have to be clean  you only need the desire to quit keep posting for support...........Gnarly
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