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416625 tn?1203288998

Anyone feel this way?

As I posted I am 10 days clean and I wanted to see if anyone feels this way or did at this point.

1.  My ears are soooo plugged and my nose is congested.  I can't skake it and I am wondering if it is some sort of sinus infection or cold.  My kids have been sick with flu/cold/ear infections so I am not sure.

2.  Do you feel like you are here but not really here?  I am driving and I have to think "Am I on the right side of the road"  and i am totally sober?  I feel like I am walking in a daze. I wouldn't remember my rear end if it wasn't attached.....really spacey....

3.  I take it insomnia is still normal at this point?  When does that get better?

4.  Fear of dying...okay I know this sounds weird.....and overly dramatic...not trying to be a drama queen. But the reason I really wanted to quit this time is I was really panicking that I was killing myself (which I was) and I kept thinking..OMG I am going to leave my kids....well I can't shake that feeling....is this normal or am I completely bonkers and in need of a pscyhiatric evaluation?  

oh speaking of that.....my doctor emailed me back.  I asked him about SamE....the suppliment like 5htp...well he says he can't give me a dosage..(which I knew)...and said he doesn't think it will work for me and I should use the Celexa (I told him before that I thought I had post partum).... :-(   I want to give the aminos a go.......I agree with Goingtomakeit...I think these will help a lot.  

okay...thanks for listening.
17 Responses
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228686 tn?1211554707
Ah...fun stuff. :)

Probably you should take a strong beadryl type medication. It will help with the stuffy's and itchy's. For some reason histimine build up seems to go with withdrawals,and it's a common PAWS symptom.

As to the anxiety...that's a tough one. Try the 5-htp you mentioned...and perhaps clonidine (will help with the racing heart that can set off panic attacks).

But in the end run, it's one of those things you have to try to get a handle on. A holistic approach is best. Part of it is physical and will go away, and any doctor med's you get will just stave off the inevitable. The rest..well, you probably have all the internal shite we all have that makes you run towards being a more "anxious" person.
     So I'd suggest working on a perspective change (I know, easier said than done! Two years later I'm still working on that one). :)
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Every time I have stopped taking my meds I have developed a sinus infection and bronchitis. I think it is because the stress the body is under.
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It sounds like minor anxiety or panic attacks.  if it gets any worse.  see your doctor.  Panic attacks can be horrible and what you are describing is similiar to what my mother described she had.  Give your mind and body time to heal. the panic attacks will probably pass.  This year the flu is really, really, bad.  Many are getting pneumonia from this and severe bronchi, but it did seem to me that when I went thru withdrawal (the three times i've done it)  I had cold, congestion, bronchitis type symptoms.  Coincidence?  doubt it.  but it was weird.

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396099 tn?1216254986
Sounds about right.  At 10 days I felt almost exactly the way you described.  I had a really strong pre-occupation with fear of death and this is NOT a normal feeling for me.

Robin6298 makes some good points and sums it up perfectly I think.  Life slaps us in the face a little and reminds us why it's important for us to be alive.

KEEP GOING!!!  it really really will get better.  I'm 35 days or so and really starting to feel like my old self again.  there's still down days but I your mind will learn to roll with them.
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393709 tn?1295964416
GoingTo, that works awesome.  Good advice.
I did the same thing too.  I was driving home from work one night and kept missing my turns!  I was like, is that my road.........and then I was past it.  I guess things look different from eyes that are getting clean!   Then again, I am kinda airy and it wouldn't surprise anyone who knows me well! lol
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352798 tn?1399298154
1/4 tsp uniodized salt in 1 cup warm water. Rinse your sinuses out with this at least 1x/day. I use a baby's nose syringe.
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306867 tn?1299249709
I remember driving and thinking the same thing, so spacey and in a fog. So I guess thats normal.  I also had the thoughts that I was going to die.  All this sounds normal to me , but then again I'm weird. lol
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416625 tn?1203288998
I was thinking about it when I was driving today.....(maybe that is the problem)...but I dream about this forum..... I am sure I am not the first one...

Feohmoon...thanks for the info and encouragement...I did the thomas recipe (by the way does that guy ever post or is he looooooooonnnnnnnnngggggg gone)  I am now using the "End your addiction Now" formulas......Kava Kava can be very toxic at high levels...do you know what is a safe amount (isn't it weird worrying about toxicity now)...I take it you are tapering? When is D day for you?

Robin...thank you as well....I am happy to know that i am not the only  hazzard on the road LOL....

Thanks everyone...I have a feeling I may have a sinus infection.  This actually started before w/d.....maybe I should go to the doc...man...I don't want to go on antibiotics though....

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401095 tn?1351391770
I have the real flu I think at 14 days...i am not sure  yey 14 clean....everyone else has it too...I had that floating feeling for a while...no dread of dying tho...shoulders tight and first regular bm today...headaches off and on...I am on lexapro for this experience...when i get off the lexapro i will take the 5htp
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352798 tn?1399298154
It is common to catch colds etc..Our body's immune system is compromised. Start using the recipes for mood in your new book end your addiction now. But if you don't get results don't mess around with PPD. It can be serious, and I would hate to see it be amplified by the depression that can hit after w/d. As for colds, I use an herb called Ashwagandha 500mg (3x/day). It works very well to kick sinus infections and without side affects. It can even be used prophylactically to prevent colds during cold and flu season. (1x/day)
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390416 tn?1275185087
I think we should write a book..

"The Life and Times of MedHelp Addicts".

lostmarbles...this would be right up your alley!!! LOL
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Other than the flu symptoms for a few days, I had back and leg pain for about two weeks. I have also had a problem with motivation, but as time goes on it is getting better, I think.
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I can relate to most of what you have written.  The stuffy nose/ears, I never expereinced during w/d, so I don't know if that's part of it or not.  If it lasts more than a couple more days, I'd get it checked out by your Dr, just to be safe.  Yes, feeling 'spacey' is part of it.  That lasted for about a month for me.  I still get that feeling from time to time.  I can definitely relate to how you feel when your driving.  It's like I have to 'learn' all over again.  I've had a lot more 'close calls' in the car since I got clean, and never had any when using.  Go figure.  Yup, I can just picture explaining an accident to a cop if I had one...'No officer, I'm NOT drunk/high. That's the 'problem'. Actually, I'm learning/trying to drive while completely sober'.  That would 'go over' good huh?  I think your fear of dying is a normal part of the w/d process too.  I remember feeling that too...it's very real.  I think that the w/d process gives us a slap in the face with our own mortality.  How many people (kids especially) depend on us.  How fragile us humans can be.  I let it be my wake-up call, and now I'm putting all my efforts into moving forward and on with my life.  
Congrats on 10 days clean too :)
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Hey guys that is great that you are pushing through this....there are bad days and good. stay away from anti-depressants UNLESS you experienced clinical depression prior to your physical addiction. the anti-depressants can disrupt your body's natural search for homostasias or equilibrium...it is trying to feel good sober again and the anti-depressants will interrupt this and you will have to come off those if you want to feel naturally well and good....i strongly believe in sticking it out and letting your body heal without manipulating chemicals...it is important to have a strong support system with positive environment, healthy stimuli, daily journaling, and reinforcing good healthy habits and routine....
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417564 tn?1287982827
I am so sorry to hear that you are still feeling rough.  If it is any consolation - I cannot wait until I can say 'day 10 clean' (i lnow, i continue to post that - but it is so true) - You are doing great - your body is healing and gaining strength as we type!
I am not familiar with your situation as far as what were you taking?  How much?  Mixing drugs?  Also, your diet could be affecting the way you feel.
Of course your doctor doesn't want you to use any vitamins, herbal or holistic approach - once you see that you can treat yourself more effevtively, you will no longer need him.  That is my biggest complaint with a doctor or anyone in the pharmaceutical industry - I won't even get started!!!
I believe fear of dying is natural - try to take some magnesium to relieve your depression.  When taking magnesium be sure to take additional calcium as it is used in processing the magnesium - robbing your body of its supply.  
Are you familiar with the Thomas recipe for setox?  It is great, except for the benzos (valium,xanax) - but that can be replaced effectively with valerian root, kava kava, lemon balm, or another herb.  If I can help you, please do not hesitate to ask.  I will be asking you here in a couple of weeks!  See, you are an inspiration - because you are doing great!!!
Try to focus on the good, the positive...for each negative thought/feeling make yourself have 2 positive thoughts/feelings.  You would be surprised how quick you can change your way of thinking by doing that alone.  And, honestly...it makes a difference.
Stay strong...each day is 1 day closer to feeling fabulous!!!!  We are all here for you.
In my journal, I posted some detox info...it is all natural remedies and it does help...
All of you are doing so well!!!!  It is making me even more impatient,,,
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I can't say I have those same feelings still, but I did.  Not the cold like symptoms at all though. But I was sooooo scared to sleep because I thought my kids would wake to a dead mother.  That was more in day 2 and 3.  But please don't be discouraged by that as we are all very different.  Our bodies are all wired completely different.  Most people were saying 3 to 4 days for bad w/ds and I had them BAD for more like 6...so again, don't take it to heart that it didn't last as long for me.  I didn't sleep well for some time, but once the doctors gave me Clonidine I slept well, and have slept well since...and I haven't taken any since Saturday.  I want to tell you how great you are doing.  Keep your head up...  But let me tell you THIS>...yesterday morning....I was hallucinating I swear to God.  I was in the bathroom trying to get ready in the morning and the lights were totally playing tricks with my eyes and it lasted for about an hour.  I can't explain it,....in fact if anyone else can, please let me know, because it freaked me out!   I kept blinking and blinking trying to put on makeup...it was weird.  I know I've done some drugs before but I've never had flashbacks or anything.  You're doing good sister.  
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Nine days here.  I feel really good today.  The main prob I've been having is some lingering chills and aches in my neck and shoulders.  I think that was from curling up in the blankie at night because I was so cold.  But, luckily I had a full body/pressure point massage today.  WOW did I feel a HUGE difference afterward!  I'm SO relaxed now, it's hard for me to smile!  Still I took a naprox/sodium just in case the aches started back. Probably my own paranoia of feeling the pain from before.
So far, no cold syptoms for me.  I know that seems to be common on this board. So I've been keeping up with my vitamins to hopefully keep that at bay.  
Other than that, Energy is back, working out daily, eating better, sleeping ok.  I was put on celexa before and stopped taking it.  I was wondering if I should get back on it now. ??
take care and get rest when you can
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