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Sleep is going backwards....what's up?

Today (Tuesday) is day 15 on withdrawal for opiates.  During that 15 days, sleep has been an issue, but was continually getting better until 2 nights ago.  Now, no matter what time I go to bed, I am awake at 1am and that is it for the night. In the beginning of this journey, I was taking 10mg of Ambien and 0.25mg of Xanax to sleep.  Now, I am down to 2mg of Melatonin and 1/4 of a Xanax. This did start the first night I went from 1/2 Xanax to 1/4, but I had been tapering for over a week and really do not feel that it could make that much difference.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I was so hopeful because each night last week, sleep seemed to get better, even if only by 30mins.  What else can I do?  I am really apprehensive that with continued nights like this, I am setting myself up for more migranes.  I have always been a person who needs my 8hrs. Thanks!
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I maxed out on what was prescribed as I treated the "anticipation" of a migraine. When I finally gave it up, I threw away almost 1k pills...I had too much access and neither of my physicians seemed to be concerned, at least not to the point that I am.  Yes, I took them for migraines, not realizing I was probably creating more "rebound" headaches than I actually had migraines. My headaches (I have discovered this summer) are a combination of migraines (brought on by STRESS, lack of sleep, not eating, etc.) and TMJ.  I have been on FMLA from work this summer, so the stress practically came to a hault.  I am going to Physical Therapy for techniques on how to handle my TMJ and that is helping tremendously.  The looming issue is that I am scheduled to return to work on Sept. 1.....and I find the mere thought stressful!!  Sleep would have been better, I think, if not complicated by schedule.  Between trying to keep up with my teenage sons and their schedules and a brother in the hospital, I have literally been "burning the candle at both ends."  Hopefully, tomorrow night will be better as my brother should be able to go home and it's a week night (not a date night).  So, i am looking forward to tomorrow night with anticipation.  Last night, I slept from 10p-3am....that was it.  I stayed in bed until I couldn't take it anymore at 5.  I get a lot of quiet time and I have to admit, it has truly helped. I just think if I could ever get back to my 8hrs, I would feel so much better physically and emotionally.  I had one night of 7.5hrs and that made me feel so much better...it just didn't continue. The only thing I am taking for anything (other than Relpax, Alieve or Motrin<3x/wk) is the Melatonin/herbal pill at bedtime.  I can't really tell any difference in that pill and the regular Melatonin.  Headaches are better, much better.  I think I took Relpax 4 times in July.  It is a form of the Imitrex product.  As long as I don't use it more that 3x/wk, my doctor said it was fine to use it as opposed to a daily medication (althought they tried really, really hard to get me to take more medication!).  

I am sorry to hear that you have had to deal not only with your issue, but also your husbands.  17 months is awesome and very encouraging.  How long have you been off the opiates?  How long before you felt "normal" again?

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1235186 tn?1656987798
as long as you didnt abuse the meds. take more than prescribed or run out you should be fine. you were using them for migranes? i had migranes for years my were associated with stress and also were brought on by allergy issues. once i got these under control my migranes are much,much better. i was prescribed imitrex. a regular sleep schedule is important. how has your sleep been these last few days? well that sounds like a good plan. exercise, sleep and yes stress reduction. my stress have been brought on by my husbands addiction. he has now been clean for 17 months, so yes my stress is greatly diminshed. thank the LORD.
so glad you are feeling better and you are off the opiates. are you headaches better?
hope you get 8 hrs tonite
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atthe beach~really not thinking about a formal after care program.  Mine bigger issue is controlling my h/as when I go back to work so that I don't resort to medication, but rather exercise, proper sleep and stress reduction that are necessary to control my h/as. Tjanks so much for the encouragement!

The key now for me is that the more time I get to sleep prior to MN, the better.  I am believing in my 8 hrs making a full recovery.

tramahater~thank you!  The support I have received here has been a lifesaver.  No one understands like those participating in this forum!!
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SLEEP CAN be very elusive it is cyclic coming off narcotics as your brain chemistry starts to rebuild you will go threw periods of broken sleep vivid dreaming and no sleep to speek of
it just the way it is usually in a month its better it took 2 mo for me and to this day I cant sleep past 6hr I long for a good 8 to 10 hr sleep but after 16 1/2yr on narcotics 6hr is it and thats a good night I get many nights that are only 4 or 5 ....surprisingly I feel rested though so I guess im ok with it I did find a tea that ausum it ...''' yagi kava stress relieveing tea if you cant get it local you can get it on line this stuff relly relaxes you like a xanex has 6 other herbs in it and I highly recamend it hanfg in ther sleep will retun sooner or later good luck and God bless.......Gnarly  
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1235186 tn?1656987798
i am so happy for you and so very proud of you.
you are considering any support groups or therapy?
remember the road to recovery is a long and winding road, it is a marathon not a sprint.
keep fighting the good fight.
keep on keepin on
press on
keep the faith
sending blessings
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: )  I'm cheering for you from the sidelines!  You sound great!  Don't give up.......
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You are exactly right, the Ambien complicated the withdrawal. Please don't give up. I thought it wouldn't ever get any better, but last night, without Ambien or Xanax and just the OTC Melatonin/herb product, I slep 7.5hrs straight.  It wasn't perfect, but it was the greatest sleep I have had in a month!  I am stoked!!  I do believe that you will find the Ambien withdrawal much easier than the other withdrawal.  Keep pressing forward.  I think day 28 really is going to be like everyone says....a real turning point!
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Sorry you had to go to the hospital last night....  I think you are right the lack of sleep does add to my anxiety.  I do exercise every day and it does help.

But, I really think the Ambien is a BIG problem.  I took 10 mg for 12 nights.  I was beginning to see the light at the end for my hydro withdrawal but started the Ambien to help with my sleep.  Didn't realize I was going backwards in my withdrawal because of the Ambien.  I feel today like I'm back at day 4!  I wonder how long this withdrawal will last?

I took 5 mg melatonin last night - and although my sleep is complicated because of the Ambien withdrawal now - I did sleep on and off until about 5:30 - not bad.  The bad thing is the sleep wasn't good at all - I would wake up about every hour with an anxiety attack.  Very unpleasant thing.   I would just have to lay there and bear it until it passed in about 15 minutes and then would drift back to sleep for another hour...

So, give the melatonin a try - it may work well for you - and it's completely save.  Just stay away from the Ambien!

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Randy~ tonight would have been much better if I didn't have to get up to go back to the hospital.  I think, once sleep exhaustion sets in, the body starts to "wake up" to the idea that it needs sleep.  Your anxiety is complicated by the lack of sleep.  Are you exercising?  That really does help.  I'm interested to see how you did on the Melatonin last night.

skunkmanh~Welcome!  I have zero experience with subutex, but I think the withdrawal is about the same across the board.  Valium (?) is very addictive too.  polease be careful that you don't replace one addiction with another.

LuxorBust~ Thanks!  That is very encouraging!  I hope this is the last w/d period for you!!
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I was an opiate addict for four years and went through several severe withdrawals, some with the help of different mess for the withdrawal and sometimes cold turkey. My experience was that taking meds to help ease off and tapering down of course helps with the pain but my sleeping patterns never returned to normal until I was off everything for a few weeks. I'm also someone who needs my 8 hours or I'm super cranky. Just give it time and you're natural sleeping patterns will return, it's just one part of the long road of recovery. I wish you the best of luck!!! You are amazing for taking the first steps to being sober :)
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hiya my names dan ive just recently *** of subutex its my third night last cuppal  nights ive had bout 2hrs each night ive just taken 30mls vallies dnt think ill do that again. but just wounderd if u guys can give me any advise or even just sumone to talk to cos ive got noone to talk to bout it.hope you guys ave a good night and well done keep it up.....
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Hi Needs -

The Ambien makes me *very* anxious, which just adds to my major symptom - anxiety.  I'm going to try to load up on melatonin tonight mabe 4 or 5mg and see how it goes.  My Doc says it will take about 4 weeks for our sleep to return to normal.  

Hope you have a good night!
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Randy~ I was told that you can take it and then if you wake up, repeat it.  That might help get you another few hours.  I think that is the best way to go on the Ambien.  With Ambien, a person should get 8 consecutive hours of sleep.  I don't think our bodies are going to let us do that right now, regardless of what we take.  Congrats!!  

I think last night was better, at least I was able to stay in bed until 5.  1 am is my marker though.  I don't know why.  Regardless of when I go to bed, I wake up at 1am.  

I couldn't tell any difference with the new product I bought.  I think sleep exhaustion is setting in.  I was able to "nap"  a little today and that is new!  

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617347 tn?1331293081
all the ingredients from that product sound great... hope it works and you know... lots of patience ;)

Randy, i did take a larger dose at my worst nights, i think up to 10 mg is still quite safe... you could try increasing the dose instead of the ambien and give a try. Btw, make sure that you stay in a dark room because this is how it works , good luck !
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Hi Needs and everyone else -

Congratulations!  We made it to day 17!  I tried 2mg melatonin last night - it helped but I still couldn't really sleep, so I took 10 mg Ambien and slept for 4 hours or so.  But then the anxiety set it big-time.  About 3 AM couldn't sleep anymore, just tossing and turning, with lots of anxiety.  Seems the Ambien is not worth it all all for me - I'm done with it.

My Doc suggested Benadryl for sleep but that aggravates my prostate and so can't take it.  Anybody have any other OTC or generic suggestions for sleep?  Should I try a larger dose of melatonin?  How long does the sleep disturbace last from the hydro withdrawal?

Thanks -
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I wish I could report last night was better, but last night was zero....however, I think it was because I was in a hospital room with my brother who got suddenly ill yesterday.  I went to the local pharmacy when I found out I needed to stay with him and got a product called Sleep by Nature Made.  it has Melatonin, L-Theanine, Chamomile Flower Extract, Passion Flower Extract and Lemon Balm Leaf Extract.  I took it and I felt sleepy.....so I am very hopeful for tonight. Thanks for everything...I really appreciate it!!
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1235186 tn?1656987798
were you able to get the valerian root,passion flower or the teas?
i hope and pray you have a more restful night.keep the faith, keep fighting the good fight.
sending hugs and prayers,
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Sounds great!  I hope the Melatonin works well for you tonight!  
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I was taking 5mg hydrocodone for one year for muscle pain from Lymes disease.  I never increased the dose and never gave dependency any thought.  I just took 5mg every day with all my other meds and vitamins.  About 3 months ago I began to get depressed and it got worse.  I never thought the hydro would be doing it - it always made my mood better - not worse.  WRONG.  The evil nature of the drug had my body demanding MORE.  I was too clueless to realize it.  Then 15 days ago, I DID realize it was the hydro making me depressed and I stopped immediately.   I had been on Cymbalta for 2 weeks when I quit the hydro.  My depression got worse,  I had typical withdrawal symptoms and typical timings.  I had trouble sleeping.  

I wake up about midnight, started taking 5mg Ambien some nights when I woke up and then would sleep another 2 hours, sometimes would take another 5mg.  I have been doing this for about a week and a half.  i took 10mg at midnight last night and slept about 5 hours.  

I don't like what I read about Ambien and would much rather use melatonin because it's MUCH safer.  I'll try some tonite.  

No, I have more trouble sweating than being cold.   I'm sure the worse is now behind us, and the rest will gradually clear time the days to come.  We are lucky this is all (almost) behind us.

Nice talking to you - let's keep in touch and compare our progress.

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Thank you so much for your words of encouragment! I think the lack of sleep has caught up with me today.  It feels more like day 5 than 15.  I'm not going back....that ship has sailed!  I have no choice but to deal with it.  I just get crabby without sleep.  I can't imagine how good I would feel if I woke up and the sun was actually up too!
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1235186 tn?1656987798
it will take time for the seratonin and the endrophins to produce again naturally on their own. you didnt become an addict over night and you wont heal over night. please be patient, try not to be so concerned about the sleep that just makes you more anxious, try valerian root and passion flower also for sleep along with sleepy time tea, that ambien is bad stuff, yes people have driven their cars and gotten stopped by the police, didnt even know they were up and about. scary stuff. you are doing great congrats on the 15 clean days. you are on the road to recovery it will take time for your body to heal,emotionally,mentally, physically and spiritually. keep fighting the good fight, press on ,step by step you are doing it. dont look back.
sending hugs and prayers
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For all intensive purposes, the Melatonin and the Ambien give you the same benefit~they help you get to sleep.  They also have the same draw back~ if you wake up 2 hrs or more later, it's gone.  I would highly recommend trashing the Ambien.  It has been part of my bedtime "cocktail" for about 7 months and it was not easy to give up that sleep.  I was sleepwalking and having numerous abbarent conversations that only my family recall. Once I tapered down from the 10mg to 5mg for a week each and then switched to Melatonin.  I have given it to my boyfriend before and a 3mg tablet worked really well for him~ of course, he has ZERO medication history, so that might need to be a little more for you.  I think the Melatonin does help, I just can't get past 1am.  Really weird that you are on day 15 too~ i'm also reverted back to "freezing"~ are you experiencing that?

Best of luck and God Bless!
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Hi -

I am on day 15 also from stopping a low dose of hydrocodone and have a lot of trouble sleeping now too.  I fall asleep easily for about 2 hours and then wake up.  They say it may take another few weeks for our sleep cycle to get regular again.  I took 10 mg Ambien and slept another 4 or 5 hours - but really don't want to take it - I'm concerned about what I read about it.  Does the melatonin help?

Good luck to you!

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I just read on another thread about an OTC sleep aid Alteril.  Does anyone know anything about this?  I got kind of skidish when it referred to part of its properties as "hypnotic".  i don't want a new Ambien...just some sleep!
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