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24 hours down.... a LOT to go. please God, help me!!!
189 Responses
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1890510 tn?1321081974
Hi Mamaamw, I hope you are still doing well.  I came across this thread doing my routine search on addiction and gastric bypass surgery.   What you've been going through is unfortunately very familiar (and sadly all too common for gastric bypass patients).   I'm sorry that I'm more than a day late and a dollar short, and a lot of people have given you a lot of recommendations, but I didn't see this (unless I missed it).   There's a really effective medication (and cheap) that will help with craving and withdrawal, even after you are out of the acute phase called Baclofen.   I've used it and it works very well.   More and more doctors are becoming familiar with it and are prescribing it if you do your homework and bring them the literature (if they are unfamiliar with it).   I thought it was much better than Clonidine and if you are still having cravings, which you may, at least for the next 90 days, Baclofen sort of quits the brain and brings you back to that ambivalent point that you were before addiction.  Of course there are side effects that you need to be aware of.

I thought I saw more that one person mention they also had gastric bypass surgery.   I write a blog based on what I've come to learn is that many of these addictions are symptoms of long term nutrient deficiencies that we medicate with prescription drugs or alcohol or gambling or shopping.  This usually happens around 14-18 months post-op and primarily to those that had a procedure that bypassed the duodenum and jejunum, not banding procedures or merely restrictive procedures (see study by Dr. Magdalena Plecka Ostlund).

My doctor has been great and so supportive of nutrient therapy for gastric bypass.  Even they were vexed why they were getting so many gastric bypass patients in detox.   I now get IV nutrient therapy a couple of times a month and I feel like my pre-op mental self.   I haven't used a narcotic in over 2 years now.  

Every situation is different and for whatever reason, we somehow landed here.   God willing we all find what works for us, and the important thing is we keep at it.

Also, if you do happen to slip up, the important thing is forgive yourself, and get right back to it.   I had two slips before it finally stuck.

I'm pulling for you.
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1331115 tn?1536362140
Mamaamw I just read your entire thread today and it is inspiring. I too came here over a year ago and was helped by all of these wonderful people here, Tram, Knarly, Vicki and the rest (you know who you are). I too struggled as you have through rough w/d. You have done an amazing job getting through and sticking to your guns.

The sleep will return I promise you, I found drinking chamomile tea really helped me. Also for pain I found that Krill oil helped alleviate and bring the pain level down. For the anxiety I made a peppermint and Valerian tea which helped me immensely.   So keep up the good fight and I will pray for you to make through the other side. God Bless---Rick
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Ty, for the information:) My dr. gave me a two week supply of the meds I mentioned in my post. I tell others, because it worked!!! I still suffered wd's, from the Percocet I abused, but not nearly as bad as I suffered on other failed attempts to get off that crap!! However, I had a very fast recovery and limited wd symptoms, using the meds that my dr. gave me. I told him about my addiction, and how badly I wanted to live a happy and SOBER life. I knew nothing about the drugs he prescribed, other then what he told me, which was that it would help me get off opiates without feeling so,so bad! I used them exactly as he directed me to, while tapering down my percocets over the course of one week. The second week I continued to use the medication, and by day 10, I felt totally normal again, and I had no need to take anything other then robaxin for the rls. It makes me so sad to see how terrible everyone is struggling with drug addiction and wd's. I hate drugs, and what they did to my life!!! I would not have been able to get off them if it wasnt for my dr.'s help. My hope is that others on medhelp, and everyone who is sick with drug addiction, will go and seek help from a Dr.!!!! When I first went to my dr. with this problem, I didnt even know there were options, (meds) to help with withdraw. It saved me:) You are very insightful, and have a ton of knowledge on this topic....and I thank you for your advice. But I must say this...I had NO ill side effects from any of the medication prescribed to me:)
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Thank you!!!! I think I'll start another thread then..... :) Please guys, stay with me!!!!!!!!
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So, I'm hoping you got some sleep last night.  Like I said.....oh, somewhere on this huge thread......sleep will gradually increase!!  The restless arm thing should be coming to an end.  Look for that in the next few days.  It's a killer though.  It was in both of mine and I guess kinda all over.  I just could NOT be still!  If it hadn't been for Vicki finally making me get up at night and stop staying in bed fighting it, I would have gone nuts for sure!  Well, more nuts than I already am! : )

You should start a new thread.  You will get a bunch more support that way.  Not everyone will read a thread this long! But.......it is a good example of how things do get better and progress!  If you have a moment of feeling like you're not getting any better, just go back and reread the whole thread.  I'm so proud of you!
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Oh, and one other thing. After you get more clean time under your belt, you need to shoot this thread link to your ex-doctor (I think it was a she?) and show her that miracles do happen---with caring, helpful support. Because you--and maybe even she--will save someone's life someday by referring them to this forum, so tell her about it sometime.
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Congratulations from snakejones! This huge thread reads like a novel. You should see a playwright and have it made into a screenplay or a novel---that is, after you add some more clean time and aftercare, as it's gonna be a true story and we all want a happy ending for you and your family. But I swear someone should do it. Then you wouldn't have to worry so about money! I might not be able to fix the world but I can incite others to riot. Well, maybe not quite that much power, but I am always full of ideas.....
God bless you, sweet lady, and bless all the angels on this forum that have ministered to you thus far.
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I've tried couch, bed, recliner, etc. not working. I do drink a lot during the day. how much longer of this?
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Hey-  I remember that Tram had the same problem. Are you drinking enough?  You need A LOT of fluids.

It could also be positional. Try a change of bed and room. A recliner or the sofa for example. Sit up slightly and rest that arm on a pillow in front of you, then put the heating pad over your arm.  It passes but I know it's awful!
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Thanks for responding everyone!!! My restless arm is KILLING me!!! I cant seem to get past it! WILL it end? I've been taking the mag-cal-zinc, potassium, hylands restful leg, tylenol, immodium, b12, etc. this arm is killing me!!!! i've tried hot showers, Icee Hot, heating pad, etc. any other suggestions? anyone ever had this problem? Its always my left arm and always when i lay down to go to sleep.
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hi,ive been quietly following your journey for the last 3 days but have been too tired to even post anything,im on day 4 of my c/t from tramdaol,codeine and morphine for severe back pain and im only 28 and have four kids the youngest just 3,its been hell for me too but amazingly no rls after day 2 and i am able to sleep all night every night after day 2,but i get u on the anxiety and the fatigue,i cant believe u did the zumba class im in shock and awe of you and think ur great and inspire me to get up and move a bit,i can barely manage a shower without nearly falling from tiredness and i dont know why since i seem to get more sleep then most but this trip has taken so much out of me,i have been taken all my vits and amino acids etc,and truly believe they have a huge role to play in me being able to sleep and no rls cuz of my  high intake of potassium and magnesium thru pills,its stopped mine as soon as i started taking a high dose of both and lots of vit c. hope i get thru these days too and wish you all the best and pray we never go back to the numbness we lived in for so long as we deluded ourselves into a false happiness that sucked us from all joy and any real trace of our personalities,,,,,im so glad a lil trace of the old me is shinning thru on day four,just hope it gets easier, i live in Ireland and its 8.51pm here so any time u wanna chat and wanna swap woes ill be here for you since we r going thru it at the same time,God bless.
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Vicki .......I get the whey protein power in 2lb cans up at walmrt for 15 bucks its got vitamins and ecential amino acids as well as the protein all of withch the brain needs to heal I recamend all people that detox use it the chocolate flavor is good you just mix it with milk 2 a day till your feeling better then 1 a day the tey was a great find I actually found it at our local icecream shop the guy who runs the placees mom reps the company I dod notice shoping last week that the walmartsd out by us carry it now its called ...YOGI'' kava stress releaving tea and it works great go to relax you b/4 bed or just when your stressed oiut I think it works better then xanex something I was on for years again if your detoxing pick this stuff up it will help you
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You know, dehydration and lack of exercise will do you in!!   So, keep going with the increase in fluids and at least take walks!!   Everything is going to hurt; your body is rebeling! But, your brain is much stronger so keep pushing!  

Eat good food: fruits and vegetables. There's a protein powder that Gnarly used along with a Kava Tea that was a huge help. If you can get that protein powder (anywhere) and make some shakes, it will help you!

Check back in!!
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You're doing great!!! I've been following your posts but haven't commented much on anything this week.  (Took a nasty fall on the stairs doing something stupid in the middle of the night and my arm and back took the worst of it.  So typing is a bit difficult at the moment.)

I heard of Alteril from Vicki.  I LOVE it.  I told all my friends that take Ambien and melatonin and other sleep aids about it.  If you haven't tried it, give it a shot.  It comes in a liquid form that I haven't tried but I might the next time I'm out.

I think you have done amazingly well.  A Zumba class?  I couldn't do one on my best day.  You've got this down.  Now you just have to deal with your pain and get some aftercare in place!  Congratulations.  You should be really proud of yourself.

And Gnarly is right.  Everything is a little harder the older you get.  You just don't bounce back as fast from anything.
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hey theres the sleep wood followed by I got some that a great improvment yuor on your way to the other side see how today goes take it ez on yourseld no expectations just go with the flow you should be getting better here real soon and now no longer chained to a pill bottle hang in there good luck and God bless.....Gnarly  
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Happy first week mamaamw! Thats awesome...And 6 hours sleep? Thats huge improvement for being a week into this..Keep doing whatever it is your doing..Its certainly working in a very good way for you..:) Dav
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Vicki- I have tried Hylands. I take it VERY often! : ) Thank you though.

I actually slept about 6 hours last night! Its weird... I can't fall asleep until 2:30am. EVERY night! Its the same time EVERY night. I sure hope tonight I can fall asleep earlier or I'll be in trouble tomorrow! LOL.... Neck is still stiff, but I'm ok! Getting ready for church! :) Hopefully the anxiety won't hit me.
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Hi there!

I just read your thread...you've done very well and are certainly utilizing the forum in it's intended fashion!!  It can be very therapeutic!

It sounds like the RLS is a huge bother. Have you tried Hylands Restful legs?  You can get it at Walmart/Walgreens etc...it works well. If you have Tonic Water in the house, it will do the same thing. It's the quinine that does the trick. Actually, you could just buy Tonic Water because it's much cheaper!
For help getting to sleep this is great stuff: Alteril. It's around everywhere and Mellie,who has posted to you,has told me how great it's worked for her!

Keep checking in and all the best to you!!      Vicki
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I missed it all!  I've been gone but trust me, no one could stop me from focussing on helping you, honey!  I don't take offense to very much crap that gets said by people who swoop in and try to take focus off of what we all try to do and that's help each other! ; ) Sorry I was gone. How are you now?
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Don't worry mamaamw..Your in fine hands that understand and what has been removed doesn't phase us at all..We don't hold grudges or get baited into arguements..
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Tram... please don't leave this post because of what bat said.. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a pretty rough day today. Depression, fatigue, anxiety, restless arm. ugh... I pray I get a good nights sleep tonight. Tomorrow is 7 days!
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****Moderator note****

As a friendly reminder to all, please focus on the original topic of the poster.  We appreciate your cooperation.
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Take your own advice - my post was directly related to mamaamw and posts related to her thread - yours wasn't.
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Everyone has been great, but I honestly would NOT be alive if it weren't for Tram. When I say Tram saved my life... I mean it! Many times I thought seroiusly about doing something stupid. Every time, I would get on here and just see what Tram said and thought that maybe it'd get better. 9 times out of 10, I'd have a new post from Tram. I owe her a LOT!

How long does the anxiety last on an average? Like Ive said a million times, I've asked these questions over and over, but I'm scared to death to go back and re-read. So...the anxiety?? Maybe a week and a half? two weeks? Tomorrow at 4:30 will be my 1 week clean-iversary!  I got this! Just gotta get past these spurts of anxiety. Im ready for another Zumba class or another dance class. Nothing is offered today in my area...guess I'll haev to wait.

And you mentioned a movie.. I can't sit still that long. I literally have to be up and physically active. and no just strolling around looking at the trees. I'm talking.... EXERCISE type active. I went to eat lunch with a friend a few min ago. First of all, the food made me sick. Secondly, I couldnt sit there. We were there about 30 min and I had to get up and leave. Just told her I wasnt feeling well. I felt my restless arm starting up. I think I need a straight jacket!  I want to take a nap sooo bad. Before, I would lay down, nap, wake up and be fine. Now, I lay down and it all starts. So a nap is OUT of the question. I just have to remember that.

Anxiety and restless arm, please go away!!!!!!
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