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467604 tn?1214938733

pill withdrawal

I am now on day 2 and i am going crazy...i am digging through drawers to find anything and everything and i feel like i am going to flip out and the bad things is my kids are home for spring break!! what do i do!

i am very nervous about being in here..but i am 27 and i have 2 small kids.i had a teeth desiese that caused alot of pain and for almost 2 years i was on 750 of vicodin and percocet and i had my mouth taken care of but i found my self wanting and getting more vicodin and percocet and tylenol 3 i want to quit becuase of my kids but i feel like i will flip out and take it out on them.my husband has no clue only my friend and she is not able to help me go through this.i am on day 1and i have not had anything in almost 24 hours.I did have to take a 1/2 of xanax that i have been prescribed for the past 1 year and that helped calmed the edgy and mood down...what can i do .i only took 2 pills a day i usually took 1/2 in the am then 1/2 after lunch and then 1/2 about 2-3pm and then  the other 1/2 later.i did not think i was addicited because i was off them for 2 weeks before and never had a problem but then after i ran out i discovered i was asking friends if they had any.and now i dont know..my legs hurt i am moody and all...please
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For pain pill detox, this is the cure!!

1. Imodium
2. Clonidine
3. Restoril
4. B12 vitamins
5. Flexeril
6. Tea

I'm on the end of day one, starting day two of my detox, and I feel great. It's odd, I'm usually at my worst point by now. Other than yawning and occasional diarrhea (controlled with Imodium), I have no other symptoms. I'm in disbelief. I can only hope this continues!
I've been addicted for 1.5 years and although I'm disabled and in a wheelchair (12 years now), I'm stopping all pain meds. I've been prescribed pain meds off and on for two total leg and ankle reconstructions as well as a broken back from a car accident 12 years ago. It's only been the last 1.5 years I've become addicted and I know I must quit.
After hours of research, I learned clonidine controls some of the w/d symptoms - sweating, heart racing, hot and cold flashes and your blood pressure. Clonidine is prescribed for high blood pressure, but is also used to help w/d from opiates, alcohol and tobacco. It's a God send. Luckily, my therapist prescribed me some for anxiety last year. I take 6 .1 mgs per day (2 in the a.m., 2 at lunch and 2 at night).
The Restoril is a mild benzo for insomnia. I take two a day to make my anxiety go away and to sleep (one in the a.m. and one at night).
The flexeril is a muscle relaxer for the restless legs. I take one per day, when needed.
I take two B12 vitamins morning, noon and night for energy.
Finally, I drink tea all day. Tea has wonderful antioxidants and a small amount of caffeine to keep on keeping on.

My plan is to do this for five days and hopefully make it through the worst withdrawal symptoms.

I wanted to pass on my recipe for success. It has done wonders for me.
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please read this i was on for a very long time, first i would tell your husband,  get  it  straight with him, go visit a methadone clinc just for in, or just call they can help.I believe they can  give you adive on what will make you feel at ease,it worked for me what can it hurt, please give it a shot..good luck god bless.  
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536882 tn?1225512859
your posts inspire me.  I tried CT over the weekend and made it to day 3 before the pain was unbearable.  I have to have surg on my shoulder so I am not even going to try to quit until that's taken care of.  Then, with my doctors help I will wean off under medical supervision.  I'm not as strong as i used to be.  I have quit CT twice but this time couldn't.  Be careful and only take as long as possible.  My thoughts are with you.
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If you took the lortabs as prescribed and like you said discontinued when the pain was over then go ahead and keep counting the days without interuption of your clean time. Now that your abstinant do you have any plans for recovery,,gl
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401095 tn?1351391770
glad u r ok....hope the pain lessens and u come out ok...nice to c u post
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467604 tn?1214938733
i am still here i have not posted in a while only because going through a ton....i am how ever back on pills due to a medical condition (female)but not like i was and i am on darvocet no vics or percs...i am doingok! i will keep you up to date
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Thanks for posting.  I too was afraid once I got off these narc pain meds what would happen if I had to have surgery again.  I am in need of some major dental work too.  But if I do get ANY kind of meds I will only take for 3 days.  Because in reality, for most dental stuff you only need them for just 3 days.  If it is OVER 3 days, something is wrong.  We now know that and admit it!
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467604 tn?1214938733
i had to take them for pain i was on lortab for 3 days and i have been back off for three days and i am not having any withdrawls..it is not bothering me at all..i am good i was on day 33 on may 5 but i guess since i took for 3 days i cant say day 48..UGH!! i am good!!!!!!!! perfect!!
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I'm SO STINKING proud of you!  That's fantastic!  Did you go back and read your first posts?  What a complete 180!   That's awesome sister.  It does feel good to have your temptation tested and pass with flying colors, BUT (there's always a BUT isn't there...) be AWARE! It can be sneaky.  Keep counting,  keep your head up, keep your head up!  Keep your spirits high-naturally!
♥ flutter ♥
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467604 tn?1214938733
day 33 wooo hooo!!!
I did it....I am very proud of myself...I went to my moms today and found that she had a bottle of pills...of lortab. when i was on vics she would always make some excuse of pain to ask me for one just about everyday and i gave her them.and then she started saying her arm hurt and she went to the doctor gave that excuse and he gave her lortabs..i took them at first (before going through my wd's)i said shoot she took them from me ill take hers..she knew it ..and then i went through wd's (now day 33)and she hid her pills and told me she was off them because she did not want to go through what i just went through...and still go through,she was prescribed tylox about 2 years ago fro her heart surgery and she had about 20 refills...i mean she had a good reason to have them but after about 7 months the doctor quit giving them to her and then i went on vics and percs for my mouth for over a year and then she started wanting mine.well i went to her house today and i dropped something on the couch and it went under the cushion and i pulled the cushion up and there they were a bottle of lortabs 5mg.i never liked them 5mg was to low...lol..but guess what i laughed and then got worried because i know she is hooked just like me and i wanted to say something but i left it alone because i want to see if she gets a refill or not to see how fast she goes through them like me.BUT!!! i did not touch them i put them back under the cushion and walked off.i am proud of myself and worry about my mom.she works for a lawyer and boy he is a jerk and my dad can be an a** so i think she uses them and makes excuses to get them for the cruch and i think because of my husband trying to kill me and being bipolar (him)and the temper and all he has i used mine as a cruch also after i had my dental surgery.UGH!! i know i am rambling but i have been here with all of you for 33 days and you are like my family and i know you will say something to help..Bad thing is i may go one vics soon only because i have to have more dental surgery..i have handle the pain and got this far and my husband says if i have to have the surgery he will help me and never leave me with the pills,,,but im worried..thanks for listening
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228936 tn?1249094248
I'm so glad you made it this far. Another great thing is that you didn't have to go on sub and you are that much further along. To show people that you can detox without sub or methadone although I know some cases requiere it. Just stay vegalant, drug addiction usually doesn't just go away by itself. all the best
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382594 tn?1266610613
Congrats on day 27! That is great! Glad to hear you have more energy and you definately sound more upbeat.

Way to go!
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467604 tn?1214938733
to feel so much better! i am doing great! granted i would love a pill but i could care less if i got one..i have more energy..not full of energy but i have some...all pains are gone!!
i started doing things like tanning and more and keeping be busy!!
right now just mad about this tax rebate **** going on...!!! UGH! the rest is good!
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467604 tn?1214938733
thank you for that...i do feel better knowing that i passed that test and move on..thankyou!
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one pill is nothing...nothing at all. Let it go, its behind you...move on from it. Its not a weakness, just a test. You passed. You didnt go for more and are moving on. Good for you.
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472576 tn?1210868917
Well now at least you know how guilty it made you feel and maybe it won't be so tempting next time. Don't be so hard on yourself though, there have been many days that I would have caved, then I will stop and think about how guilty i would feel and remember it's not worth it. But whos to say that I will take the time to stop and think everytime. My RLS has been coming back and that is so discouraging to me, I have thought so hard about taking just 1.But for now...I'm ok. Go do all the things you had planned today and don't think twice about your downfall, just focus on how far you have come in your recovery and remember WE can do this!!!!!!!!!!!
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467604 tn?1214938733
thank you! unforuntatly on my dental work the have to cut and grind the bone and gums and scrap and tylenol and all does not work he demands me to go on something so i dont know what to do..i am trying to hold off on my teeth until i atleast hit my 3 month mark or more so i know i can and did and will fight this
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Actually, I'm on the same day, so I often read your posts to compare notes.

I was glad to hear the pill didn't do anything but make you disappointed in yourself.
I think that may help when I hit my moment of temptation.

I know several people that had extensive dental work/extractions without narcotics.
They used tylenol, advil etc.
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467604 tn?1214938733
I cant believe I did it...i hit day 22 yesterday and I found a pill 7.5 lortab and I held on to it and then yesterday I took it.It made me so mad that i did take it and regreted every second of it.I did not feel a thing though...i think it may have been expired..so i wake up this morning on day 23 and feel good and dont want nothing.I hated myself so bad for taking that 1 that i have no desire for anything now.I feel like a failure.But now i know just because i had a bad day(car broke down,kids acting up,husband being a jerk,and everything else)the pill did not help at all so i am back on track...I did so good for 22 days and caved with 1 expired pill that did nothing whats so ever!! today i am going tanning and going shopping and then come home clean my house and go to my sons baseball game...no more darn pills....i thought i would feel better taking it because the day was so rough that taking that darn pill made it worse............
i am back though and i have no more pills and i am not caving ever again!i did this for 22 days and i can do it alot longer and for good...atleast until the dentist yanks these other teeth out which i dread because i do not want to be on pills...
everyone is talking about not having energy you may not like this or how it tastes or anything but energy drinks (sold at walmart and anywhere)the best one is Monster in the green.i get tons of energy and i dont crash later in the day.it really helps to get you up and going and get busy so you dont worry about anything.
I hope i did not discourage anyone because i was doing so good...but with your help it will never happen again and i did not even enjoy the pill...it only pis**d me off...
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401095 tn?1351391770
Flush it...one pill is not gonna help anything and mentally it is the pits to give in and cave like that..it will take a couple of days to get over the depression you will feel for caving..flush it
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please please get rid of it...dont do this now...im on day 9 and in hell with anxiety and wishin i was at your level on day 21..dont kill the hope
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467604 tn?1214938733
it is generic for lortab 500/7.5..only 1 i have been wanting a pill so bad and now i have found one just 1 and i want it.my husband is home and i am trying to keep busy so i have not taken it!! which i think is good! i want to take it! i am also afraid because of my dental surgery and dental pain and infection for over a year is what got me hooked and now i am having a problem with my bottom teeth and i know some need to come out and i will be then back on pill high vics...i am lost right now wanting this 1 pill bad! but i have been holding it all day and still have not taken it...UGH!!
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Congrads on your soberiety. I too am on day 8 and expierenced exactly what you did. Just when you think its over it comes back up on ya. Just one day at a time. The depression and anxiety are the worst portion now. I never had much issue with the pain related or stomach, it was all there but didnt bother me. The rls and sleepnees did though. I cold turkeyed about 120mg oc...least that was my last dose 8 days ago but i wasnt an everyday user until 3 weeks ago and thats when i put the breaks on this quickly. I played with these for pain and rec for 10 years and been on off them years at a time. This time however it finally caught me, im as strong as the get and it caught me as well. And the w/d is crippling even to the strongest, it will reduce any man to tears many times.

As you approach day 21, remember how strong you are, you have done something 75% cant and wont. The job now is to remember life and what made you happy and forget what doesnt. Your gonna have good and bad days but thats life, not pills.  We gotta learn to cope again it takes time. Some people bounce quick, i thought i was one and maybe still am since its only day 8 but man im getting some anxiety at times and i suffered a panic disorder for ten years until i decided no more and quit zoloft ct as well!! I like suffering i guess. Today i was barely hanging on at 5am but doing ok now, hour by hour. STay positive, exercise(im a bodybuilder) so its life anyway but i trained since day one in W/d and trained hard on purpose, i would sit in my car and just not want to get out and go in but i did and man it made me feel better day to day. Wish you the best.
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467604 tn?1214938733
i am feeling good today...i have my red bull...lol...and did not sleep well last night but i think that is because my husband was snoring sooooo loud!!
we are actually going to look and try and get a new car for me..mine blew up about 1 month ago and we have been sharing a car and that stinks so now is the time to go spend the big bucks,,,thanks for all your comments and help and i will be back on later tonight with an update!! love you all!
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