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28 year old woman struggling with physical symptoms

Hi all,

    I'm new around here and have been struggling with physical anxiety symptoms for around a month and a half now. I don't usually reach out in situations like this, but it has become such a struggle that I felt like posting in a forum with people that had some of the same issues and concerns as me to validate what I'm going through and help ease my mind and what I'm enduring. It seems like my "trigger" was going on vacation with my significant other at the end of August. I had not been on vacation for a few years and had just gotten out of another relationship about 4-5 months prior. As soon as I got to the destination, I felt dizzy, nauseous and very "on edge". I started thinking thoughts like "what if something goes wrong or I get ill while I'm here? What if something serious happens? I'm 12 hours from home!" I woke up everyday assessing how I felt as soon as I opened my eyes and thinking about it throughout the day. It made the entire time very unpleasant. I figured as soon as I returned home it would end. It actually got worse! As soon as I returned to work I found myself dizzy, getting chills (almost flu like symptoms, which ended me in the ER once, doc said seemed more anxiety related), numbness and tightness in hands, legs, face, facial and body muscle spasms and extreme tightness in muscles and/or muscle weakness like I just ran a marathon followed by bouts of extreme fatigue. Also moments of confusion, mental fog and almost a sense of derealization (like I forget things easily, forget what I'm supposed to be doing, etc). Lately I have tightness in the chest that effects my breathing and makes me lightheaded- happens several times throughout the day and I get scared I'll pass out sometimes, especially when I go to talk when my chest is tight. It feels like I'm gasping for air during the conversation. I've seen my primary car twice, all bloodwork, Lyme titer, EKG, blood sugar, reflexes, lungs, vitamin levels, organ functions normal. Also saw a neurologist that said my numbness and tingling and other complaints that could be neuro come and go so they cannot be any serious neurological issues, that it sounds like irritated nervous due to anxiety and only found my spine to be out of alignment (going to try a chiropractor) and said to call if any further issues. Only thing that was found amidst all of this was a possible vestibular issue that caused vertigo from blockage of my right ear canal which has since been resolved. I just take Flonase for eustacian tube dysfunction and do exercises to correct the "vestibular injury". I wake up everyday lately dreading how I feel, sometimes with a lot of difficulty getting out of bed and worrying consistently throughout the day about how I feel, what will come next, etc. I'm getting married next September and am just concerned I will never feel like myself again. I was normal two months ago, I was in a good place and all was well. Now I'm struggling to get through every day. I am starting to see a therapist this coming Monday that specializes in CBT and my significant other is (of all things!!!) a therapist. I, of course, do not mix my anxiety with my relationship (even though I'm sure it weighs on it). I had issues with anxiety in the past, saw a therapist for about 7 months and beat it medication free. I'm committing myself to doing this again, but I've never had daily symptoms to this extreme. It's like flavor of the day with what I feel. I am rarely without some symptoms.

Has anyone had similar experiences? Physically? Emotionally? Any suggestions for dealing with it? I find myself so worried about so many health issues and trying to convince myself something "has to be wrong" or I'm going crazy or not going to see my wedding. Words of encouragement? Anything? Thank you all for your feedback, it's much appreciated.
31 Responses
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Good for you! It really helps to be optimistic, it's really crucial actually.
Yes, I have had problems with my hearing during extremely anxious times and especially during a panic attack.
Ask your chiropractor to check your ears and sinuses. There are points, places really, they can check to see what's wrong. Also ask him to check your adrenals. There's a vertebra on the left side of the back, one of the lower ribs. If it's out and I bet yours is, he can fix it. Mine is always out and once she puts it back in place I feel so much calmer.
Yes, I know what you're talking about. Many of with anxiety do not breathe deep like we're supposed to. We breathe shallow. That can cause tiredness, the dizzy feelings and many more problems. I'm so glad you're working on your breathing.
I've done the muscle thing too and it really does help. You're being so proactive and that's a great thing!
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Yes, I'm trying to be optimistic. Have you had issues with hearing effected by anxiety? I've read it's possible. Today I woke up with other symptoms more at bay, but some hearing fluctuation and a little bit of pain and fullness in my left ear. It happened a few weeks ago, but hasn't since. I really think my symptoms are flavor of the day. I have the Chiro again tomorrow morning which Im excited about as my neck seems tense and causes shooting numbness and discomfort down my legs and arms. Also seems to be in my upper back now too. I've been trying desensitization suggested by my therapist where I tense up different body parts and release them to try and relieve tension. I've only just started, so I hope it helps. Also, I'm trying breathing exercises. I noticed I will literally stop breathing for a second or two from focusing so much on so many other things. And my breathing seems to be more shallow than normal. When I try to catch myself and take a deep breath, I tend to get lightheaded, which makes sense. Any experiences with these issues?
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My daughter was the office manager at a chiropractic school. We've always seen one, every since she was very little. Anyway, since it was a teaching school the cost was almost nothing and they did a great job. I'm not sure if there is any chiropractic teaching schools close to you or not. I hate to see people not be able to afford treatment. I'm lucky with my current chiropractor. She is extremely reasonable with her rates.
No, you won't stop breathing in your sleep from a pinched nerve. If that were true I would have never woken up a million times because my neck is so bad.
Yes, you can always put the MRI on hold. Seeing your therapist and chiropractor may be just what you need.
Good! I'm so glad you got a juicer. I have one too and they are so great. You can throw so many nutritious things in them and just drink it. I agree, change the body change the mind. Make sure you getting enough of the B vitamins. If you're low on them it can cause anxiety. If you're low on potassium it can make you weak and give you that foggy headed feeling. Get a book on juicing, if you don't already have one.
The CD is a great idea too. I think it will really help.
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I am trying to curb weekly spending as we are putting several deposits down for the wedding over the new few months. I also didn't see her last week as I had to maneuver my schedule for work, so I'm guessing the inconsistency didn't help. Last night I could barely sleep because I was so worried and focused on my neck. My neck kept feeling like it was twitching and this caused me to worry quite a lot. I thought "it must be a serious neurological condition, look now I'm getting ticks..what if they progress, etc?" Then every time I fell asleep for the first few hours I jolted awake, it seemed like I stopped breathing, so I panicked thinking a vertebrae or disk was pressing on a nerve that controls breathing and I could stop breathing in my sleep. Of course I read about this somewhere, after the past few months, I have no clue where I could've read it. It took me hours to fall asleep and then I continuously analyzed how my body and muscles felt and of course, they felt tense and were twitching and having spasms. I woke up still feeling like my neck and muscles were twitching and having spasms and were weak (although the feeling of weakness and actual weakness seem to be 2 very different things). I'm at work now and doing okay, but it's hard to not focus on my neck and what my muscles are doing. I have the Chiro again Friday morning, I'm looking quite forward to it. I also rescheduled my MRI for next Tuesday due to work- have to say, I am not looking forward to that. The idea of a contrast dye being pumped into me that is toxic in any other form except for in contrast dye (makes perfect sense, right? Just because it's chelated!!??). Im debating whether to put off the MRI until I see how the Chiro and therapy works. I also got a new audio CD called "Change your brain, Change your life" for anxiety and depression and obsessiveness. The ratings on Amazon were great and I tend to drive around a lot for work so I figured "What have I got to lose?" I also bought a new juicer to get back into that and placed an order with my local food co-op for some organic, local fruits and veggies. Change the body, change the mind, right?
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Try not to worry. If I go a long time with out seeing my chiropractor I can come home a little sore and also have muscle spasms. It's the muscles reacting. The more you go the better it will get.
Yes, if I'm very anxious I can get the head jerking. I talked to my Dr about this because I thought it might be essential tremor. She thinks it's anxiety.
I hate the dizziness! It's very common when you have anxiety.
The fogginess can be a symptom of anxiety but mainly one of depression. And yes, I can get it really bad at night too.
Would it be possible to see your therapist more than once a week for awhile?
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Thank you again, talking about it helps quite alot. Lately I've had neck weakness and it seems like my neck moves, almost rocks or jerks occasionally. Granted I think this only started to happen after going to the Chiropractor, but it's still scary. Ever had issues with spasms, involuntary muscle movements, weakness (which actually seems to have nothing to do with actual strength, I'll just feel like a limb is weak) and buzzing in the head/occasional dizziness? I struggle so much with the thought that anxiety can cause all these alternating symptoms daily, but it seems I underestimate it. I am seeing the Chiro again this Friday and trying the gym shortly. I just wonder how to scrounge up energy for the gym when I want to pass out every day by 6:30! Ever had your symptoms worsen at night? It seems like the vision stuff and occasional dizziness/head fog gets worse at night.
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No, it's not the placebo effect. I really believe in natural medicine. I'm not surprised at all to hear you had pinched nerves. If you can get in to see him again next week that would be great. Try to make this a maintenance thing because it's going to make you feel so much better.
Yes, I agree with you about allergies. The pressure you can get from them can be awful.
Yeah, I know it can be hard to even think about exercise when you're so tired. It can give you energy though. Even talking a short walk can help.
Thank you so much. I'm always here anytime you want to talk.
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Good points! I saw my chiropractor today and sure enough he found a pinched nerve cause by a C5 out of place disk in my neck. My back and neck in general are "out of whack". Lot's of snaps, crackles and pops. He said the numbness, tingling, visual stuff and muscle tension could surely be related to that so we will work on it over time. I did feel a little bit better after leaving, not sure if it's from the actual effects or just the placebo effect! He also said I have such tight muscle tension in my neck that nerves are irritated that feed signals to my extremities. The ear fullness, fatigue, etc. he said don't necessarily sound like anything chiropractic, but wanted to know if I ever explored allergies. I guess that's my next endeavor. I'm also wondering if a sleep deficit can be making a lot of this worse. I have been sleeping fine overall, but from the muscle tension, anxiety and having to push through all this, maybe I'm just over exerting myself on top of this? I know I need to take better care of myself and I joined a gym about a month ago when I moved into my new condo, but I have yet to go. When I'm trying to scrounge up energy to walk, it's hard to imagine finding energy to work out! Thanks so much for your time and words of assurance, in addition to my therapy, it has been a big help talking about similar experiences!
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I know. It really can be overwhelming when you actually see all of the possible symptoms of anxiety.
Good, I'm glad you will be seeing your chiropractor. I try to see mine on a regular basis and it really helps. I'm not sure if I told you about my cheek problem. I was having this weird pain in my cheek so I saw my Dr. He had no idea what it was so he recommended I see my dentist, which I did. Everything looked fine. He recommended an ENT and when I saw her she said a possible salivary stone. That was'nt the case. I finally thought about my neck pain and went to see my chiropractor. Sure enough, if was a pinched nerve causing the pain. She adjusted me and the cheek pain was gone. All that worrying, being in pain, seeing all these Drs and it ended up being something so simple. Anyway, I do love my chiropractor. Ha ha! She really helps my anxiety too.
I'm wondering if you're having allergies. I know I mentioned this before, I think. That could cause the ear pain, dizziness and visual problems because of the swelling in your sinuses. Ask your chiropractor to check your sinuses and if he/she feels anything strange it they can work on it.
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Things are going well with m therapist. She has brought up the anxiety/depression connection and thinks it sounds spot on. Today I'm having a bunch of random dizziness and some "lump in the throat" feelings. Also, ear fullness and popping occasionally. The more I research the more I see how broad the symptoms of anxiety are. I am going through with the MRI next Tuesday to be sure, even though it makes my nervous. I keep worrying I'll panic once they inject the contrast or have a severe reaction (mind you, I have no allergies except 1 med). I can't believe I'm panicking about panicking..isn't that redundant? Today I feel a bit more like myself, which is nice, but the dizziness, ear fullness and visual stuff is annoying and concerning. I keep telling myself is something was serious, there would be other symptoms, more severe ones or something would have been more evident in testing. I have a Chiropractor appointment tomorrow which I'm looking forward to. The neurologist did say my spine was out of alignment and realistically this can cause a lot of funky symptoms. I'd give anything for that to relieve my symptoms. But I guess for now all I can do is see it as a stepping stone.
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I understand. There are many Drs out there that know very little about anxiety and depression. I think I may have told you that I saw several Drs and had many tests done before I was finally diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Once I got in to therapy and started meds I was so much better. The dizziness, aches, pains, trouble concentrating, all of that got so much better. When I'm very anxious, and it still happens at times, I can feel weak and have visual disturbances. I know about the buzzing too.
I'm so glad you know about vitamins and minerals. It sounds like you're getting everything you need as far as that's concerned.
How are things going with your therapist? Has he/she brought up the possibility of this being depression and anxiety?
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Agreed, I think it may give me more piece of mind, I'm just concerned about unnecessary medical procedures. Mind you the ENT ordered this, not the Neurologist and he said all of my tests that he had performed were fine. As soon as I had "well I've had some numbness.." he immediately said I needed an MRI with contrast. This man was also pushing 80 and basically said it's his medical duty to figure out any medical anomaly from a medical standpoint. Psychiatry and mental challenges are not his field. How are these people supposed to make you feel comfortable? I said I was worried about anxiety! Tacking on more medical procedures doesn't exactly help the issue! Yes, I am very into natural remedies and am very familiar with searching for quality supplements. I usually order mine off of Amazon or try and support local, smaller health food stores. Right now I just started a B complex supplement, Magnesium, COQ10, Fish Oil, Cranberry, Juice Plus multi vitamins and Vit D. I was tested for various vitamin deficiencies and they all, of course, came back normal. Today I've had dizziness, racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating and even forming thoughts and sentences, muscle spasms and weakness in arms and legs and some buzzing in my head intermittently. I wish this would all just turn off, but I'm also trying to be realistic in that I know all of this will not go away overnight. Especially with physical symptoms. Body systems as well as mental processes need to recuperate. I just pray it comes sooner rather than later!
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Yes, I do have some experience with natural alternatives. My daughter is very in to nutrition and is the manager at a vegan restaurant. If you're low on certain vitamins and minerals it can cause all sorts of problems for your body and mind. Are you getting enough B vitamins? Your body need to be replenished every day with these vitamins. If you're low on them it can cause depression and anxiety. If you're low on potassium it can cause muscle weakness,muscle cramps, stomach problems, irregular heart beats.
I would recommend getting a good multi vitamin multi mineral supplement. Nothing from Walmart or a drug store. I've found them to not be any good, just my opinion. I'll send you some sites to buy them if you would like.
Trying to eat as well as you can can make a huge difference. I talked to my daughter about my stomach problems. I get gastritis sometimes. She told me what to eat to take care of it and it's working.
Keep up with the vitamin C. This will help you as far as getting the flu and other things this Winter.
Try to practice deep breathing. When we have depression and or anxiety we can breathe shallow and that can cause the light headed feelings.
I'm not sure if I would get the MRI either. They're supposed to be safe but I know you're still scared. It might put your mind at ease to have it done though.
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Yes, I've kind of accepted the depression thing as an option. The more I've thought about it, the more I've noticed how difficult it can be some days to smile or act "normal" as my mind is racing and thinking negative thoughts. I realized from the second I get up until the second I fall asleep, I have maybe 10 minutes out of the day where I do not think about how I'm feeling or focus on it. Today my issue is lightheadedness when I talk to people (better when I'm not talking or interacting), it seems draining just trying to operate on a normal level. Also, I have a lot of muscle tension and bad weakness and some occasional numbness. Also, the occasional chill. My eyes have been strained and dry for months too and my vision has been disturbed (your eyes ever hurt and feel strained and tight when moving them?). I have an MRI 11/5, which I don't want to go through with (I keep asking myself, what kind of state of mind am I in if I'm now pumping contrast dye into me even though all other tests have been normal). I'm also exploring natural remedies and alternatives like Magnesium supplements to help with the muscle weakness/spasms, etc. and taking large amounts of Vitamin C and other vitamins. Any experience with these?
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Good, I'm so glad you will be seeing your therapist every week.
Yes, I've had anxiety that's lasted for days, weeks, months. It took me 5 years and several Drs to finally get a diagnosis.I just knew it had to be something physical but it was indeed anxiety.
Oh yes! I know exactly what you're talking about. I get those strange visual things too. And also hearing sensitivity. It happens when I'm very anxious. Since I take meds it's gotten much better.
The tiredness can be from anxiety but it can also be from depression, like I mentioned in my above post. Talk to your therapist about this and ask if you may possibly have depression.  
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I've been going through every little detail of hell you just described for the last week or so. I've studied anxiety most of my life trying to help a brother with his OCD but never had it myself. It can literally be to point of fearing death sometimes. So far I've cured all the tingling and nerve pain in my lower back legs and a few random nerve pains throughout my body by drinking apple cider vinegar. I read a few posts on it and I tried mixing 2 teaspoons with honey and hot water 4 times a day as described in another post. I'm the kind of guy who has tried just about every herb and natural remedy. All of my pain was gone after the first dose.... never have I experienced something work so perfectly. I couldn't even sleep I was in so much pain, now all of that pain is non-existent and so is the anxiety that was coming from this. Make sure you get raw, organic apple cider vinegar. If its not a bit cloudy its too processed and won't work as well.

I still have weird sensations in my head that triggers intense anxiety of its own. I've studied serotonin and other neurotransmitters most of my life trying to help a younger brother with his OCD, and I know the anxiety issues come from serotonin function being disrupted. Serotonin is made in the pineal gland in ours brains and the pineal gland is stimulated by the sun. Even if I am death-level anxiety if I go out into the sun, i feel entirely better and I can feel an energy in the center of my brain where the pineal gland is.

I'm not sure what exactly caused this for me or for you, but I've seen these exact same symptoms occur in people who were exposed to mold. I was just around some myself around the same time I started to feel this way. Your story is eerily to one of my mother's.. when she went to Germany for vacation she was inside a castle and exposed to a mold that made her faint. She had symptoms like this that went away weeks after. Not sure how she was cured. I do know that our pineal gland produces our serotonin and serotonin is what mutes our impulses in our mind/brain. Its what blocks our anxieties (negative-feeling impulses) and lets us feel well.

What you said about your mind possibly recreating a past anxiety that is no long present is a very wise statement. Our body tries to maintain homeostasis can get in a cycle (that can be broken just as it was created) of feeling a certain way.  I've had a few "crazy" girlfriends who were acting out emotionally that was completely unexplainable given the current situation. However I found out later they had some past unsettled trauma that matched exactly how they were acting out then. "Do unto other what has been done to me".

Another thing you acknowledged was how the symptoms seem to fade then immediately be replaced by another. To me this is a perfect example of a serotonin issue. This is the first time I've felt this kind of anxiety, but I spent my whole life with a brother who felt this way all the time. It was always just causing these symptoms along with OCD etc. I'm experiencing all the frightening symptoms you are, strange heart feelings and feelings of dieing (similar to blacking out but way more unsettling). I feel fine in the morning but the day is filled with all kinds of neurological-trickery. Soon as I feel bad I focus on what I know about serotonin deficiency and the symptoms vanish. They are coming back all day but they vanish soon as I tell myself that its just low serotonin causing my brain to misfire. Most commonly it is a strange feeling of pressure like something wants to pop out of the top of my head. After reading a few posts here and relating it to what I learned helping my brother and a few friends with OCD it helps to calm my nerves. Hope this information can help you in the same way. And hopefully we can all find a cause for this and learn how to completely cure it. Always keep a positive mindset, know you aren't alone and it is going to get better. I know its hard but try not to focus energy on negative thought. It can help break the vicious cycle.

One last annoying thing about serotonin and the pineal gland.... I've been to countless doctors/naturopaths with my brother and they seem to know so little about it. They try to tell you your anxiety is causing your physical symptoms, what what is causing your anxiety? For me and others its seemingly the other way around. I feel anxiety from the strange physical symptoms. I don't know how they can write it off as just "anxiety" before considering the gland, that if damaged can cause both symptoms.

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine
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I see my new therapist again tomorrow morning then consecutively every Wednesday evening going forward. So you've had anxiety to the point where it causes physical symptoms every day? Have you had some days with such severe symptoms all you do is panic and try to convince yourself is has to be physical, which in turn makes them worse? I have day where they're more manageable, but I haven't had a day in 2 months without them. If it wasn't for the bouts of extreme fatigue (I'm talking falling asleep or feeling like you'll doze off right where you are), visual sensitivity and hearing equilibrium being off, I could handle it fine. It just effects most of my daily activities and work. I was beginning to think it's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but it's technically just pawning it off to another disorder that has physical symptoms but no verifiable physical cause.
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I'm so glad you like your new therapist. It's so important that you do. When do you see her again?
I know, it really is hard to believe anxiety can cause all of these physical symptoms but it sure can happen. When we're anxious we can become hypersensitive to every little thing. I'm so glad your therapist is working on desensitization and relaxation techniques.
Yes, symptoms can alternate from day to day. I know with myself I can be very anxious one day and not really have any symptoms but it can catch up with me and I may have several symptoms a few days after. Anxiety is really a strange thing.  
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Things are going well. I saw my new therapist this past Thursday for the first time and I think her and I will work very well together. She is very versed on the physical effects of anxiety and depression and wants to work with me on some desensitization and relaxation techniques to help me cope with and overcome with I'm going through. I think lately I'm just getting so tired and frustrated with the physical symptoms sticking around. I'm sure it doesn't help that 95% of the day they're always on my mind. Today I had issues with blurry/smokey kind of vision most of the day, some morning dizziness and leg throbbing/pains. None of it is unbearable, just very annoying and completely involuntary. Sometimes I try to tell myself it has to be a serious illness because anxiety cannot manifest physically unless I feel anxious. I guess this isn't the case. Do you always feel anxious when you get physical symptoms and do the types of symptoms alternate day to day?
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The ENT Dr may want you to have the MRI because you can only see so far into the ear. You can't see behind it. So, if you had something going on behind your ear an MRI would most likely pick it up. Try not to be scared. My Mom just had to have this same thing done because they could find nothing wrong with her ears, as far as they could see in anyway. I thinks it's best to get it done to rule out any ear problems.
Yes, anxiety and depression can really cause some strange symptoms. Both can completely drain you of energy and you can also feel sick at times.
How are things going with your therapist?
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Hi there, yes I have symptoms everyday, and they rotate back and forth. I've gone up on my Zoloft prescription to 150 mg, and that helps with the OCD part of the anxiety. I feel on my neck and under my arms all the time, I know that's gross, but I do it! I make sure my balance and everything is good. Right now I'm super fearful of wild animals biting me or scratching me. It completely controls me. Ok, so now I feel super crazy typing that out. But, loading my kids in the car freaks me out because I think there is something under there all of the time! I've had chest pain, breathing issues, fatigue for sure! And, for me the anxiety definitely helps make the depression worse!. I'm really focusing on reading my bible every night, and having quiet time for myself! I think staying busy also helps. I don't know if I will ever be over this, but I hope I have helped you even a little. :) take care!
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In your experience, can anxiety and some depression cause symptoms consistently throughout the day? I usually wake up pretty fine, but as the day progresses, I feel so fatigued that my muscles ache and I almost feel like Im getting sick. Then it goes away and replaces itself with another symptom. They alternate. There's rarely a moment I'm without a symptom, but some moments are worse than others. I saw an ENT doctor today. On top of it all, he said I have no inner ear issues and my hearing and eustacian tubes are functioning normally. He said to rule out everything else he wants me to have an MRI with contrast. This kind of hit me. I'm not thrilled about the idea of having dye running through my veins to check into something that seems to be leaning toward a mental health diagnosis in the first place. I started to wonder when will enough be enough? I've seen a Neurologist (if he was that concerned, why didn't he order the MRI?), an Opthamologist, a PCP 2 times, an Urgent Care Doctor, an ER doctor and had a bunch of bloodwork done. Everything done so far has been negative. I guess I'm wondering if health anxiety mixed with some depression can cause this mix and if it's normal with these issues to have symptoms consistently, just in varying degrees and alternating for the past 2 months?
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Yes, anxiety can cause those symptoms. It can completely drain you and you can also have stomach issues. The heart racing is very high up on the list of symptoms.
I'm really wondering about the depression too. Frustrated, discouraged, and defeated at times. Those can be depression symptoms. Feeling very out of it can also be a symptom.
Once I got on the right med and got in to therapy my symptoms were so much better. I do still struggle at times with both depression and anxiety. It happens when I'm under a great deal of stress.
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Thank you again for the encouragement. The depression piece sounds interesting. I think I struggled with it when I had my anxiety issue the first time for awhile, but this seems so draining it's unbearable sometimes. Would your heart race and would you feel almost like you were getting sick at times? Then it would just clear up? I also try to sake solace in the fact that if it were something serious, it would be more consistent. That's the last thing any of my "symptoms" are. I hadn't had the "flu-like" symptoms for weeks, then they popped up over the past few days. Then I had about 4 days of chest tightness on and off throughout the day and feelings of almost falling asleep or "ducking out" of reality for a second or two. I don't feel particularly sad, only very frustrated, defeated and discouraged at times. Sometimes I just basically pity myself. Do you think this can still be depression mixed with my anxiety? Did your symptoms resolve themselves? Did it take long?
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