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3 second anxiety attack?

I was driving earlier today and there was a moment when I tensed up with overwhelming anxiety.. lasted about 3 seconds and I started to feel relaxed.. normal again.

Can this really be anxiety?
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I would say a few months ago I was definatly having the heart attack or stroke mindset. Very hard to pull myself out of that.

My left arm would feel tingly, left fingers also tingly. I had back pain right between the shoulder blades, a little pain just a tad left of my sternum. I would feel fatigued all the time. This all worried me, despite the 3 ekg's, stress test, countless blood test.

When those symptoms went away, I would get weird head sensations. So I went to a neurogolists and got a EEG, my head also turned out fine.

Lately, I still feel those "heart attack" symptoms, but I don't let it worry me anymore. If it was gonna be a heart attack, I would have had it months ago. Its just annoying to still feel physical symptoms and not "feel" anxious at the moment.

I don't have any stress, I've been stressed before and I know how it feels.

So I can say that i'm definately doing better than I was a few months ago. Much less attacks and feelings. I have a lot of energy throughout the day. I also started exercising, that might even be playing a role into me feeling good.

And as for that 3 second attack, I do have some car anxiety still. I think it must be a subconcious thing. I don't have bad road rage, but a lot of people just can't drive! There always seems to be someone swirving into me, do people check their blind spots anymore?  So when driving, sometimes I get a rush through my body that feels like i'm paralyzed for a second (but i'm really not). I feel like my heart seized up or my legs are going numb. Or I get a rush through my neck and it feels just so heavy. But it goes away fairly quickly. Talking to you about this made me feel better however and I prob will do even better in the future regarding car anxiety.

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370181 tn?1716862802
Would you care to tell me what kind of physical sensations you were/are having? Perhaps I can relate to them.............I have many of my own!
Like you, I will often feel something for just a second or two, but my anxiety driven mind turns it into a heart attack or stroke and then it becomes nearly impossible to "pull" myself out of it.
Since you said you still get anxious from them, let's talk. It helps.
I'm here if you want to.
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Thank you Greenlydia,

And yes I do believe it was a physical sensation that scared me very quickly. I've been having a lot of different physical sensations for the past months that spurt me into a panic attack. I'm used to them now and can ignore.

But the fact that I still get anxious from them does bother me. However I have been doing better than I was a few months ago. I was miserable a few months ago (from the anxiety).
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370181 tn?1716862802
The thing you've got to do is let this random episode go and not dwell on it. If you do, dwell on it, I mean, chances are pretty good that you'll talk yourself into another one. Our minds are incredibly powerful and if you think it can't talk you into feeling something your not, think again.
There may have been a subconcious reason you "tensed up with overwhelming anxiety" while you were driving. Maybe there is something going on in your life that is really causing you stress and it "flitted" across your mind producing the anxious feeling. Perhaps you had an odd physical sensation that scared you and your brain dumped some extra adrenaline into your body which can porduce feelings of panic. Perhaps another driver did something stupid and dangerous and again adrenalin played a part.
Unless and untill this feeling begins to happen on a regular basis, personally I wouldn't give it much thought. Many, many people have moments of anxiety in their lives for a hundred reasons.
If it would relieve your mind, you could certainly discuss it with your doctor.
Cross your bridges as you get to them.............don't build imaginary one!
I really believe you'll be fine.
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Thanks for the answer, Just random how i can tense up and fill up with fear for 3 seconds and poof.. gone :(

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370181 tn?1716862802
Well, yes, it COULD have been anxiety, but if it only lasted three seconds I certainly wouldn't waste any longer than that worrying about it.
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