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1348686 tn?1310654243

Anxiety, Heart or something else.

I am new to the forums and would appreciate any insight as to what might be going on with me.  I actually posted this on one of the heart health sights.  I am a 37 year old working mother of 4.  I have been battling anxiety/panic for 9 years now.  The last couple of days I have had a tingling/numbing feeling in my left arm.  First I noticed it in my armpit and it went down to my fingers (thumb and index finger).  It was worse at night.  Yesterday it was mostly from my elbow to finger and always on my innner arm.  Automatically, I think heart.  But a month ago I was in the hospital and had a ton of brain and heat tests done.  I had an ekg, echocardiogram, chest xray and blood tests for my heart.  Everything came back normal.  Back in April I had an excercise stress test that came back normal.  I do have a heart murmur but the cardiologist says that my heart is fine.  I am going for a calcium score scan only because I sometimes get pressure in the chest with belching but I do have a hiatal hernia which I think can cause those kinds of symptoms.  I do have BFS (twitching disorder) with exercise intolerance and a herniated disc in my neck (C6).  So yes I have turned into a hyprocondricate but do you think this arm thing is cause for concern or something along the lines of carapal tunnel?  I am seein my primary next Tuesday.  Sorry for the long post.  I would appreciate any insight....Thank you....
7 Responses
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AGAIN, you can create your neck problem. Suggestion, do what is did 25 years ago when had it bad.
Go get a wear a soft neck brace, the kind you wear for whiplash, and put it on and lie down. I will hold you neck and head in place AND you will RELAX your neck muscles, I DID and the pain will lessen, MINE DID...let me know how it works.
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1348686 tn?1310654243
So I ended up in the er tonight because after a week of high anxiety and panic attacks I couldn't take it any longer.  I talked to the er doctor about the pain in my left arm and he thinks that it is from my neck and it does not have anything to do with my heart.  He did give me Ativan and it is making me really sleepy so I am hoping this is normal.  I am also hoping that this isn't something that I have take on a daily basis.  Does anyone know anything about it????
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1348686 tn?1310654243
Thank you everyone for responding.  I already made an appointment with my primary for next week and I plan to discuss this with her.  I really do appreciate all your words of wisdom.  I have to learn to not let my anxiety control my life.  Which most of you know is not easy but I really have to try.  I have had several attacks today so I am going to try and forget about them an move on.  Thanks again!!!
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370181 tn?1716862802
A working mother of 4...........can you say "STRESS?"
First thing you need to do is accept that your heart is fine. I also know that for those of us with anxiety, especially health anxiety, it can be extremely difficult to accept that the physical symptoms we often feel are not catastrophic.
You have gotten some good ideas from the other posters about the possible cause of the tingling and numbness in your left arm. My guess would be the herniated disc in your neck or a possible shoulder injury that has pinched a nerve. But we are not doctors and can only offer opinions. You need to see your doctor for an answer. Rather than allow this to continue causing you anxiety, make an appointment and put your mind at rest. You have enough on your plate already!
Please let us know what you find out, OK?
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Most probably it is due to neck problem. Your chest symptoms also relates to that. Why don't you go and have shots of Vitamin D (hipotency)
Please consult the doctor in this respect.
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1295419 tn?1276822872
If you had all those tests on your heart and they came back normal, I would say your heart is fine. Anxiety can absolutely cause tingling sensations in your arms. I had the same thing and was sent for a CT scan to check my brain for signs of a stroke. Everything was fine and as soon as I stopped worrying about it, the tingling went away. Worrying and obsessing often cause symptoms to continue and even become worse. Try to calm down and see if they go away. I know how hard that is, I am a very severely obsessed with my own health, so I understand. If you continue to have the symptoms, check with your doctor when you go see him but I think there is a good chance the tingling could be caused by your anxiety, although I am no doc. :)
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Wow, had the same thing and it was the way I slept on my arm at night!!!! Plus, my arm position while typing on my laptop. When I changed the typing position, the arm and shoulder pain subsided a bunch, PLUS the sleeping went better too. Funny how the body works. When we get the pain when we have an anxiety disorder... OUR MIND GOES NUTS FIGHT OR FLIGHT AND WE MAKE THINGS WORSE!!!! Put some ice on the area your arm hurts to relax it... you can alternate with heat, but cold is better  and notice the position you do things in like the computer, watching TV, sleeping, talking on the phone, est. mean when you wake up see where you arm and shoulder is. Or ask your mate or child to look at you when you sleep to see how your positioning is... God Speed...
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