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Constant Heart Palpitations???

So, I think I've posted at least three other questions on heart palpitations in just the short time that I've been here. But asking questions and having people answer is really soothing, so I'm going to ask away again. Well I've had terrible anxiety for the past two months now. I have many symptoms, really bad chest pain/tightness, trouble breathing, dizziness, etc. But one of my absolute worst symptoms, are my heart palpitations. I get them pretty much 24/7. I've had a chest x-ray, EKG, and blood work done. Everything came back normal (well, the blood work results aren't back from the lab yet but lets say they are normal too). Anyway, I have heart palpitations everyday, 24/7. There are the absolute worst when I wake up in the morning; I barely roll over to see what time it is and my heart races. It makes me crazy!!! I just want to lie in bed cause I'm scared to move yet laying down I can feel them so much more so I end up getting up. I pretty much always have my shirt up with my hand placed over my heart, right under my left breast so I can see how fast my hearts beating. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it. Well, its always beating too fast. I can be watching TV and get up to get a snack and BOOM, there they go racing just from getting up off the couch. I used to exercise so much more, but now that my heart races from barely walking a couple steps, I'm scared to exercise. I always feel like my heart is going to explode or stop beating from working too hard. Even when I'm completely relaxed I get palpitations. I'm even scared to go out shopping now cause I feel like it will work my heart too much. I'm only 17 and I've been told I'm too young for heart problems, but I'm still being tested just to make sure. Is it common with anxiety sufferers to have heart palpitations all day/week long? And does anyone else constantly feel their heart beating fast from the slightest of movement? And do any of you get them while relaxing, like just watching TV? And lastly, if my palpitations aren't a heart or thyroid problem, just something caused by anxiety, are they dangerous? Cause they certainly feel like they are! If anyone could please give me some advice or share their heart palpitation experiences with me, it would be much appreciated!!! Thanks!
48 Responses
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.I went through having palpitations for at least 2 years without any explanation from GP, despite my need for an answer, just put down to anxiety. Finally I had a very severe attack and went straight to hospital with the help of my son. I was kept in and had allt he tests which discovered that I needed a triple heart by pass. it's exactly 1 year ago that I had it at St Thomase's hospital. My advice when you do get another attack is to do the same, and ask a relative to take you. Best of luck.
Your attacks are worse than mine were. .

sorry sent the first reply to the wrong person.
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I went through having palpitations for at least 2 years without any explanation from GP, despite my need for an answer, just put down to anxiety. Finally I had a very severe attack and went straight to hospital with the help of my son. I was kept in and had allt he tests which discovered that I needed a triple heart by pass. it's exactly 1 year ago that I had it at St Thomase's hospital. My advice when you do get another attack is to do the same, and ask a relative to take you. Best of luck.
Your attacks are worse than mine were.
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I hope that you have found an answer, that has brought you resolution.  I have had this issue for years.  It got worse when my son was acting out as a teenager, that was 30+ years ago.  It got better as he got other and he grew up some.  But it never went away.  In the early 2000's it began to worsen again, and over the last year 2012-2013 it has really become a issue.  I have hand numerous tests over the years, nothing is seriously wrong.  And now that it is become worse and is nearly unbearable, I am reluctant to bring it up with my doctor, it is embarrassing to put him though the trouble of checking me out and running dozens of tests, only to be told there is nothing seriously wrong.  

I do have a history of panic attacks and I am sure that sometimes panic is setting my attacks off.  But I have woken up at night with my heart feeling as if it was going to jump out of my chest.  The pain is excruciating, at it worse I am reluctant to more and get up because I feel dizzy and weak.  I feel as if I could easily pass out.  If I get up, I walk like a drunk; I cannot walk a straight line, I bump into things and as I said I feel I might pass out.  

Even during the day, I can be relaxing on the couch and suddlenly my heart is racing and pounding so hard that it feels as if it is being ripped from my chest.  So I know where you are coming from.  I pray you are better, that you have found your answer (a cure).  Good luck, good health.
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i m from india.....i do  have the same problem..continuous anxiety, palpitations and fear.....sometimes i m scared of no reason.....Even a traffic sound, a vehicle horn or even a loud music makes me scared....a real bad pain and tightness in upper back.....it starts from centre of the back, goes to shoulder and shoulder blades...pain in middle of the chest. Sometimes if feels like the blood is moving so spedly in the whole body  but the next hour i will feel like the flow is not there. first i thought that it is a blood pressure problem but everytime i checked it is ok....have this problem 24x7-whether i m in office or taking rest...especilly in the morning when i get up...can u suggest me something?
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Hi Chrissy,

I don't know if you are still having trouble with the palpitations, but you described to a "t" what I went through about 13 years ago. For me, the solution was taking magnesium citrate supplements.

Turns out that muscles (like the heart) need calcium to contract and magnesium to relax; both are essential for the heart to beat properly. (And according to the World Health Organization 80% of the population of the developed world is magnesium deficient).

I felt the relief right away. I took it two or three times a day at first, and now a couple of times a week. I haven't been bothered since. I hope this helps you.

all the best,
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I have them every day all day they scare me do much I want to shoot myself I puke all the time because of them scared  to eat and when I do it's only healthy stuff cause I am scared to eat anything else it races so fast it makes poping nosies all the time left arm gos numb and then chest hurts then it all go away and start up again been to the doctor every day for about four months they give me asprine and say UR heart rate is up a bit u be fine I am so scared I am gonna die every day all day my name is Robert south number 574 350 4685 if anyone could call or text helpful tips to make it go away it would be great
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How are you doing now? I know this is years old, but I’m concerned about you and hope you’re ok

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