800453 tn?1297890565

can anxiety affect your eye sight? please help

I have been suffering from anxiety just over a month now and its really hard to explian, but since then my eye sight is not right. i wouldn't say it was double vision more like fuzzy vision, things seem brighter than normal but not were i need to squint to look at things. also like looking at the computor i need to look hard at what i have put in order to read it. i have been to an optitions and she said every thing seems fine however she did give me a note to give to my GP. im sure she said something about sensitivity???? (not sure tho) but not heard from GP.
is there anyone who can relate to this problem that can offer me some advice?
12 Responses
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Hi i am 21 and i suffer from anxiety as well. I am also looking gor advice. I am constantly thinking the worse of the worse . My vision has changed as of about 4 months ago and it scares me that something more is wrong than just anxiety. But the ER insist its just anxiety. I feel like it is hard to catch my breath sometimes and i feel like i am tired. Sometimes i run out of breath doing simple stuff. I have googled just about everything and i am just soo scared of loosing my life to this. Is it possible to go into an amxiety attack and not come out as far as vision and some of the other symptoms?? Any advice?? Like i said i am very very scared of whats going on. Its like a constant anxiety attack for 4 months now....
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I'm 35 years old I also suffer from both anxiety and depression and I know it's hard presently I had a tooth ache problem and I freaked out at the dentist .. he told me to relax because stress and anxiety are the worst to have you over react and over think stuff.. witch clouds you're judgement every little pain scares you but you don't want to know what it is because you're afraid that it might be serious .. and when you do go you find out that it's just your mind and nerves going crazy over nothing ... my eyes are also some kind of blurry for a really long time not even glasses help so today I'm going to prioritize my life in a quest to make it better ... they told me about groups that meet up and talk about these things to make each other feel better... try meet ups it might work worth a shot of knowing people that go thru the same thing you go thru.. maybe it will help because I'm pretty sure everyone is tired of this stupid feeling just like I am .... my eye sight gets better when my mood changes
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Hi there,

I had severe anxiety that I had a neuro condition but also went through multiple doc appointments and opthamology appointment where everything looked fine and good.

My eyesight problems (which im still waiting to subside) are mild blurriness that comes and goes, hard to focus on things, and especially hard to see in fluorescent lights and computer screens (I wear sunglasses when I work on the computer till it gets better). They seem to help.

I think our brains are over activated. Look up eye strain and hyper vigiliant vision and see if that sounds like you!

Hope that helps.
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I have this also, I then worry about my eyesight and it makes my anxiety worse, as I don't have the best eyesight in the world anyway. After reading this, i do feel a bit better that maybe this could be the reason, rather than my actual eyesight (I hope) it seems to be very much a vicious circle. I have never been so scared in my life but so scared about my eyesight, and this sounds exactly like me! Hoping I've found the solution so I can stop worrying!
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I have had bad anxiety now for a few yrs. I'm on (which is suppose to be the best for!) Cipralex (10mg a day). I also have sensitive eyes and know what you mean about the vision. I call it "My Fog!". Seems like my visual field seems hazy, but I also can tell everywhere else is crisp/clearer. It's weird to explain to other people that don't have anxiety. The ground can also seem like it goes on an angle and I can stumble over my own feet. Sooo many descriptions with anxiety! Some people will share & some we have on our own. I also get bad panic attacks. I went to a program for anxiety and they put us through "Exposure Therapy!". Worked pretty good. Let me know if you need any more info on that. By the way!  Doesn't mean you will have anxiety forever!!  Keep positive-oh, & learn about the power of deep. Featuring (diaprhamic breathing  and relaxing music -yes-the sappy mind!) lol
Good Luck!
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what type of doctor prescribed your medications, may I ask?
My son is suffering from the same symptoms, and we are trying to find
answers or where to go to get him help
thank you
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i think i am having the same thing =/
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802626 tn?1238780896
I cant give you any advice because i need some myself but i can assure you that your not alone and I am going through the same thing and this computer screen doesnt help!
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786232 tn?1241742056
for your info..
this is a related website for the symptoms of anxiety...
maybe it helps us to understand our situation...

i've been suffering HIV anxiety eventhough all my tests were normal for
the past 9 months...

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791286 tn?1239614513
Hang in there, it can be a miserable thing. Get diagnosed and get on the meds. if that's what the doc says.

It became chronic with me, partly because I didn't deal with it, a guy thing I guess, but yes it can mess with everything.

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723959 tn?1314744225
i am on 20 mgs of lexapro and 0.5 mg of klonipin every morning, if i did not have that i would not be able to leave my house. I know anxiety is horrible!!!! When i started the meds, i had fought for years, i could not take it no more :-)

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800453 tn?1297890565
could i ask you what medication you took/taking as my doctor has prescribed me beta-blockers but have not took any yet as didnt really want to  start taking medication. very strange what anxiety can do to you , i never would thought anxiety was this severe
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723959 tn?1314744225
Being that you have been suffering from anxiety for just a month, you will feel all kinds of werid things. Anxiety does affect eye sight. My eyes are really sensitive, and they were not like that before i had anxiety. Sometimes i will see spots or dots. Everything seemed like it had fog over it. It stayed like that till i got on medication to help. And since i started on meds, all the fog went away.

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