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anxiety? or something else help

Hey, the past 3 weeks have been miserable for me, ill let you guys decide whats wrong with me! btw im 17
So it all started when i was just sitting on the computer and i could feel my breathe slowly fade to a point where i couldn't get any breathe when i was taking deep breathes,yet alone short breathes, so i called 911 and stayed on the phone with the operator untill they arrived and by the time they arrived i felt better, like i could breathe and stuff. So they checked me out said everything normal and left.. Well the past few days after that was terrible, all i could do is think that it was going to happen to me again so couldn't really sleep and would wake up having to take deep breathes. so i went to the etc and the checked me for flu and didnt have that so they gave me allergy pills. Well the next day i was home alone again and felt like i couldn't breathe and feeling dizzy and ready to pass out, so i called my dad to come pick me up and he took me to the hospital and they did blood work, which they said was fine, and something else maybe an xray or something..i forget but that was fine as well. so they thought i had asthma so they prescribed an inhaler. they next few days when i felt like i couldn't breathe i used the inhaler and still felt the same and allergy pills didn't really do anything either! so after a couple days have past it was now Monday, and i felt fine, really wasnt thinking about it at all just did my own thing btw im home schooled so i stay at home all day so yea. but anyways that week was fine didn't feel anything wrong with me, didn't have my mind on it to much, celebrated my birthday ect. Then hits Monday again and im once again sitting the computer thinking about what happened and started to panic again and felt like i couldn't breathe again so i left my computer shaking not be able to breathe normal for 5 mins and just sat and watched tv. So im thinking both of these episodes happened when i stayed up all night to fix my schedule the first one much worst but still related in the same way. So now tuesday comes and i have a really bad stuffy nose not being able to breathe through it barely so we called the etc again the one i went to before, and they gave me a nose spray and some congestion pills. Well took the nose spray once and the pills once and neither helped, i felt the same if not worst! so next couple days i still felt miserable, and constantly thinking whats wrong with me and looking up symptoms on the internet and found some scary stuff out there that matched mine which made me panic more and then i would get tingling through my body my WHOLE BODY, my face,lips,chest,hands,feet when i would think about scary stuff so then i looked up tingling and numbness causes and found out about multiple sclerosis and that made me even more scared cause i also had dizzyness and shaky so i would tingle about twice aday when i would think that im going to die or something. so next 4 days i would tingle and such same stuff with my nose couldnt really breathe. So then i went to a new doctor yesterday and he seemed good, and before i went the whole day i would have to burp everytime i took a deep breathe or to get a deep breathe and if i didnt i didnt feel like i was breathing right, so i told doctor and he said it was acid reflex causing this, but with the burping thing had only been for 2 days seperated by 3 weeks, first episode that i had to burp to take deep breathes was around week 1 and 2nd one was yesterday. So he prescribed me some acid reflex pills and i take them for 30 days and to see how i stand which i am still burping today. And for my nose he said just to get rid of it the old fashion way of just blowing on it. Well bout when my nose started to get stuffed up, couple days later i was blowing on it and it bled, and just today i was blowing on it again and it bled about 4 days apart. so im wondering what is wrong with me scared to death its something serious, wondering if all of this is related to anxiety, and i want to get better but seeing really no improvement. i really want your guys opinions on whats wrong with me, if u think its something serious or not. btw this whole thing started after i got back from skiing in utah, and flying on a plane there and back which i was fine the way there just all hit me about 2 days after i got back? so what do u guys think... so you guys think this is anxiety related?
2 Responses
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For one, you probally did catch a cold from the ski trip. But, over analyzing everything and constantly thinking about your breathing is exactly how I trigger my panic attacks. Short of breath, taking huge breaths, burping from swallowing too much air, yea all too familiar. You need to breath through your nose and out of your mouth when feeling "anxious." The thought of "im going to die" is common with anxiety. I have asthma as well, but I can distinguish between my anxiety and my asthma attack. Until you can see a doctor for behavior health, when feeling short of breath, step outside. Fresh air might help. My attacks started at age 13 and I am 24, you can get through this :)..reach out for help. Therapy and meds have Saved alot of people. Try and think of what triggers your anxiety. Write thoughts n feelings down and share them with your doctor!
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2019697 tn?1334150247
They all sound like classic signs of Anxiety. You should get a full physical to rule anything else out though. Anxiety can and is a very tricky thing to deal with and diagnois.

Stay away from illegal drugs and alcohol too as these can make anxiety worse. Have you been under alot of stress lately? Just to let you know, anxiety is very treatable and can be controlled so dont worry to much. You are young and resilant.
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