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1670856 tn?1316773768

Article really effected my anxiety it seams. (dont read if your anxiety might suck in this info)

So, a kid age 20 died from deep vein thrombosis, DVT. A blood cloth in the leg.

He got this from playing games on xbox up to 12 hours in one session.
No its no secret that Im out of a job atm due to my anxiety, so I tend to kill time with either 3 things- Surfing the web, xbox, or playing guitar.

So now my thoughts are driving me crazy stating that I might have something in my leg.
(yeah i dont really excessive as much as I should anyway)

So any "mental" tips on this or even so scientific info on the matter?

On a side-note.... Ive written in here before due to extra-systoles and a upcoming test.
So for those if anyone remembers:
Had the test done about 2-3 weeks ago. And aside from it being obvious im not in perfect shape everything looked normal they said... So that part has calmed me down a bit.
8 Responses
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1670856 tn?1316773768
Well I dont think im in any major risk anyway. (just kinda jumped up on me and effected my anxiety. )-
Cause Playing games is both a hobby and a time-killer for those days where just nothing happens.
But dont think i ever sit for that long at a time without getting up to do.... Well whatever i do. Bathroom, cooking, refill for water and so on. Seams thats enough to get the blood flowing again for a couple of minutes out of a seated position. . . (well at least thats how i understand it to be handled. )-  
I just have a hard time seeing that the fella sat for 12 hours without ever standing up even for minutes in between.

But yeah about getting into some therapy. Id really like to, but without cash due to lack of work it just aint gonna happen. Ive been sent to a clinic to have a sessions but the guy just didnt listen to a word i said. So he complained about me and now that over.
While service here looks great on paper, its just not working out in the streets.
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DVT's normally occur in people after surgery or in the elderly due to lack of movement.  But sitting for long periods of time is not healthy for anyone.....we're told on long plane trips to get up and walk a bit.  I think all the new video games and lack of exercise in younger people may start to show an increase in DVT's, so being aware is imperative. You can still play your games just remember to get up and move around, take walks or workout, exercise is great for anxiety and it gets the blood flowing.  Many of us are stuck at a desk all day but we get up and down and keep changing positions, and you need to do the same. Instead of obcessing over this happening to you, do things to make sure it doesn't and away goes your anxiety.  It's good to be aware, but not worrying about this.  If need be post a sticky note to remind yourself to get up and move around, you'll be fine.
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370181 tn?1716862802
To learn more about DVT, what causes it, the symptoms and treatment and who is at greater risk for developing this condition, I would recommend going to the Mayo Clinic, the Cleavland Clinic or the NIH (National Institue of Health) websites for accurate information.
There are a number of causes for DVT, but three of the most common are a family history, being immobile for long periods of time or recent surgery. At the hospital where I work, every surgical patient admitted to our unit immediately has SCDS placed on their legs. (SCD stands for Sequential Compression Devices) These are very tight fitting "wraps" that fit between the ankle and the knee and then are plugged into a device that inflates first one and then the other resulting in a squeezing/compression of the leg which keeps clots from forming. The patient wears them until they are able to walk on their own.........and it's why you will hear hospital staff constantly telling patients to "get up and walk!" Family members will often get angry and say that we're not being very compassionate as their loved one just had major surgery two days ago and we should just let them rest. It's difficult at times to not say "Well, if they don't get up and walk, they WILL get to rest. As in RIP......................
I read the article about the young man who died. His father is starting a webpage about the dangers of playing video games for extremely long sessions. He says he is not against gamers, he just doesn't want anyone else to lose a child this way.Since so many young people ARE playing these games for long periods of time, I fear we may soon be hearing about more of these kinds of deaths. I also read that Microsoft, the maker of Xbox, includes a warning about long term play.
Learn about DVTs, and perhaps that will put your mind at rest about them, but in my humble opinion, I think you would better serve yourself in the long run by getting into some therapy. If you have health anxiety, your mind will quickly get bored with DVTs and move on to something bigger and better.
You have the power and the resources to stop that cycle.
I wish you the best
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1670856 tn?1316773768
Thanks for the responds guys. But yeah I do spend allot of time sitting. Kinda sad, but never thought much of it.
Im stuck without a job atm due to the anxiety- So to keep me from going totally bonkers* I play games or take care of my hobbies (which sadly involve sitting too) like playing guitar.

But im mostly unaware of the actual factors to the mentioned issue.
I mean.... It is to my understanding that when you are seated for a longer period, the blood-flow slows down in the legs (lack of movement, no need for greater oxygen to be transferred)- so just thought that even getting up for 1 minute or two would push up the flow and its fine. But i dont know.

But yeah as mentioned i got a check up doing a stress test on a bike about 2-3 weeks ago and everything was fine they said, incl BP.

Also this just seams as a very unlucky case to me. As I havent really heard of anyone before this who has been struck by this in that age.

As for the "clown" method- Is all good. understand what your trying to say- And that one has to try and move away from these thoughts.
I just often fear that I one day might get in the state of mind that Ill think "oh i got nothing to worry about "and then overlook a issue if present.

Yeah the mind of an anxiety struck person is fantastic huh- :S

But any other info or just thoughts about the topic is welcomed.
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968908 tn?1274871115
Just to let you know, i am fully aware of the dangers of DVT and what you should, should not do to prevent one but the reason i gave you the advice above is simply because when you have anxiety and esspecially if it is severe, you can start to obsess over issues like this and become very ill through the shere worrying alone, trust me!.  You dont want to get into a mind set of every time you sit down to relax your thoughts immeidately turn to developing a DVT and your panicking.
Yes, get up and have a 5 or 10 min break every hour or so, but try not to let it over take your life and that is why i used the 'humour technique' it wasn't at all trying to dismiss the seriousness, just to save your sanity and if that came across to you sleepsleep then it was unintentional.
Yes what happened to that boy was extremely sad, but he probably did have other underlying medical condtions.  If this does weigh heavy on your mind then maybe go for a check up with your family doctor, have your BP, weight, BMI etc done and follow the advice given.  Then you can truely have some peace of mind again.
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370181 tn?1716862802
While your anxiety MAY be ramping up your fears of a DVT, that's actually a very good thing............DVTs are very real and very deadly. I don't know if you play Xbox, surf the web or play your guitar for 12 hours straight, but ANYONE who sits for long periods of time absolutely must get up and walk around at least once an hour for no less than 10 minutes. If you do this, you won't have to worry about a DVT, but even if you began to exercise more, sitting for hours is not good for our vascular health.
It's really tragic what happened to that young man. Unless he had some underlying problem, he should not have died. Don't let his death mean nothing...........learn from his mistake and tell your friends as well.
I hope you get back to work soon, I'm sure that will help with your anxiety a great deal.
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968908 tn?1274871115
P.s it asked for a bloody mary.. Hahahaha ok that was lame, but ur getting the point.
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968908 tn?1274871115
Its just classic anxiety, just tell yourself this.  You could try a a technique which does actually work a treat, its about turning a scary thought into a humourous one, so in this instance after reading up about the DVT and instead of thinking ohh great I'm gona get one and die, just switch your thinking process, imagione a blood clot, picture it with eyes, a clown nose wearing a bunny suit and its sitting next to u in a pub and u offer to buy it a drink... Now I knw that is totally mental but that's the point.. If you really imagine it, it is funny! And it takes ur mind away from fear to laughter... Try it.. It can't hurt you at ALL..  
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