537497 tn?1292553056

I can't take this anymore

Here I sit another day has gone by, and still I feel nothing... I have no life and no one that really cares.. I feel like I am slowly sinking into a pit of sh*t.... I can't take living this way anymore I hate my life, it would be so much easier just to be done with it all... I really can't live like this anymore... I want it to stop.....
8 Responses
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595887 tn?1274209992
We all get days like what you go through hunni and I know it can be
overwhelming. Depression/anxiety can be so draining and you feel
there is no hope at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes CBT counselling can
help you cope. This forum is so supportive ....I suppose when one is walking
the same walk the understanding is there.. only makes sense.
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433485 tn?1321813390
Hello.  Hope you are having a better day than yesterday.  I also suffer from anxiety as well as depression.  I take Celexa as well as Klonopin( for anxiety) and am finally seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel.  I am 51 and have battled this since I was 9.  While I have never tried to commit suicide, I know how it feels to hate to live this way.  I hope that you will seek a good psychiatrist.  I love mine....Take care and keep us posted.
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447939 tn?1235061943
hiya hun when your feeling really bad look at your kids, play a game with them, bounce on the bed, be silly anything to make you smile. i have jus thought to myself i have wasted yet another week worrying. its crazy. my 14 yr old is in bed still, its warm and sunny so im about to send the dog up to wake him which is always fun cause shes big and very excitable, yeah he might not appreciate it but it will make me laugh and i know he will appreciate getting up to a smiling mum rather than the usual me sat on the couch biting my nails through worry! then im gonna take him for his new school clothes. do i wanna do it? do i hell but its gotta be done especially when kids are involved that little bit of effort goes a long way!!!! do you get what im saying? im saying when we have children concentrate on them instead, they need us x
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537497 tn?1292553056
Thank you guys for writting back... Im just having a bad day i know it will pass... it's just that sometimes i feel like im trapped... I would never hurt myself.. I love my kids too much.. sometimes life just gets overwhelming...
Thanks again guys.. you are the only ones that really understand...
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Hey, you're worrying me. Please talk to someone about how you're feeling. I'm not sure what support systems you have and whether you're on medication but it sounds like you're getting pretty depressed.

You don't have to live like that but you have to ask the right people for help. Please see your GP. A few months from now you will look back and this will all seem like a bad dream. Things will get better and those feelings will pass.  

Please don't make any rash decisions. Think back 3 years and compare to today. There's no way you could have predicted how your life would be 3 years ago. Well, 3 years from now will be the same ie no way you can predict. But I bet you will be happy and well and funny.

Take care and be kind to yourself.
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547573 tn?1234655710

I know exactly how you feel. I have suicidal ideations often and tried to commit suicide twice, fortunately unsuccessfully.

The pain you feeling seem overwhelming and seem to consume your entire being giving you physical illness as a result. Your head just spins round and round and you feel as if you'll never be "normal" again.

I don't know a lot about you, such as whether you take medication or go to counseling, but if you haven't been treated by a psychiatrist that would be my first stop, even though they probably won't be able to fix your problems immediately.

It was years before I was even diagnoised and another 7 years before I found a medication cocktail that works somewhat to control my symptoms.

Please just try to be patient, knowing that at some point things will get better. Use whatever support network you have, whether it be family, friends, a counselor, or even these forums.

You need to have hope. It's easy for me to say that when you're feeling so terrible, but, as I said, I've been where you are at and know those feelings all to well. I've gone months thinking of nothing but ending my life because I didn't think I had any future, but realized what it would do to the people I left behind.

If you feel as if you may do something drastic, call 911 and they will give you the support you need or you can walk into any ER and they will also provide support.

If, at this time, you're only having thoughts, as I said, seek the aid of a qualified mental health provider and tell him/her exactly how you feel and what you've been thinking.

Suicide is a permanent reaction to a temporary problem, so consider the positive things that can happen in your future if you give yourself a chance.

Feel free to post anytime you're feeling down. There are a lot of knowledgeable, kind and caring people here who have been through what you are experiencing, so make use of that resource.

Hope to hear back from you soon.

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You know we have all felt like this at times. I have the marks to prove it. Not that I ever really wanted to kill myself or anything. Just hurt myself because of how I saw my life and how I was feeling. Now I have to hide my arms. Summer months and I wear long sleeves. The mug that I was. To this day nobody even knows I was into that sh*t at all. So here's a first on here. I seriously gained nothing from what I used to do. Used to make me feel worse when I saw those marks on my arms. So much so that I said I would never do that again and that I would snap out of it.

It is only when you reach rock bottom that everything in life is a bonus if you want to view it that way. That was how I began to view things. Not the other way around. I used to say ' not another day '. Waiting for the end of each day and dreading the one that followed before it even began. I guess I started to open my eyes and look around me. I saw I had family. They meant the world to me. I had friends. They meant the world to me too. So I began to focus on them. Not on me. Began to things for them. Rather than sit in my bedroom feeling sorry for myself. Sit alone with your thoughts and your life will become complete hell. Been down that road.

Try to find things to do. To focus on. A hobby even. Something you can do and maybe see a result at the end of it. Your focus now is you and your problems and nothing else at all. That won't get you anywhere at all. Keep you exactly where you are at right now. So come on. There must be something you like doing?
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I Know how you feel....I am going through very similar life now. I do know that one thing i have to do i "accept" everything that i am going through. I Am doing this mostly all by myself. No one understands in my neighborhood. Although they are going through the same thing.lol Shaking head.

I have come to find out that it is truly between me and a higher power. Try what you can to be in touch with that. Bring in the positive thinking ....and take a half hr each night just for you. You  have to "Take it"  I will just say it. God has you in the palm of his hands!

Believe that and let go. Not meaning to push spirituality on you.. but if it helps..hey go for it. Do you think he would give you more than you can handle? Naaa.

Keep hangin in and stay close to your doctors.

Best to you.
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