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385668 tn?1301793880

I feel so helpless

I am 59 y.o. woman getting ready for my first "put to sleep" surgery.  The surgery is a UPPP, brcause of lack of Oxygen to my brain and heart.  I have a highly recommended surgeon who has taken much time to talk with me.  He explained everything.  I am NOT fearful of his abilities.  Secondly I have to be put to sleep.  Oh my Begeezes I feel like I am going to die.  What does it feel like, OMG the anticipation is killing me.  Here's the clincher.  I have high blood pressure (also a complication from this obstruction).  My blood pressure is controlled by medicine...EXCEPT when my anxiety and fear take hold.  I am due to have the surgery on May 21st and my pressure has been up and down.  I am so scared that I will stroke out!  I cant imagine NOT going through with this as I definately need the surgery.  How do I come to terms with the waiting and the waiting at the hospital, stuck in a bed, with IVS, no where to go!!!  Run!!!!  I am afraid my pressure will be extremely high...OMG what do I do Please someone help.
97 Responses
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190673 tn?1259203266
How did the surgery go?
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212161 tn?1599427282
wow , today is the day and am sending lots prayers your way. you will be so happy when you open eyes and its all over. waiting to hear from you. God Bless You. Barbara
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480448 tn?1426948538
I know she won't see this, as she is prolly already in la-la land...but sending out good thoughts and love to you, Carole.  I cannot wait to hear an update!

We're all pulling for you.


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480448 tn?1426948538
I second what wolfie and JS said!  And, yes, PLEASE have your buddy either call me so I can post an update...or have him post the update himself.

Hopefully you're hanging in there okay!  

I'll be there in spirit....you know that...and I'm sooooo very proud of how far you've come.  We'll get you through the recovery period....but the hard part you've almost got beat!  

WAY TO GO!!!!!

I'm here if you need to talk.....same way from the hospital...and like wolfie offered, you can call collect as well.

Love ya....hugs and kisses our brave carole!

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366811 tn?1217422672
8:30 it is, then. You can bet and believe and know that we, the psychiatric cases who have come to know and love you, will be on the edge of OUR seats. NOT from any doubt about the successful outcome of the surgery but rather from just wanting you back in the nest. Tell the hospital you'll need a BIG OR, because you're going to have plenty of company!

Look for us when you wake up!

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385668 tn?1301793880
thank you wolfie, you are so very appreciated.  
i will probaby not be posting again tonite......I will have my friend Jeff post update tomorrow nite if he can, to let you guys know how it went.


Love you guys,

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460185 tn?1326077772

I'll be thinking about you.  Don't forget about the white grandmother watching over you and  that all of us are going to be with you in spirit

Sent you a PM with my phone number, call collect if you want - I'm not nursegirl and don't have her medical knowledge (about humans anyway) but I know you'll be fine.  And think of all that dope you'll get .... dope .... yummmmmmm

((((((((((HUGE GIGANTIC HUGS ))))))))))


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480448 tn?1426948538
Hey there {{{{{Carole}}}}}!!!!!  Today is SURGERY EVE!  How you holding up?

Everyone, I had the true honor of talking with our dear Carole on the horn last night...she is sweet, kind, and HYSTERICAL!  This one's got a wicked sense of humor....and what's great is that she already has the ability to laugh at herself.....some of the silly things she does/did.  That's awesome. I was howling.

We chatted for a while....and she really IS holding up well.  Carole, I'm SOOO proud of you...and like we talked about....the wait is almost over.  That part is SO hard to get through.

Be sure to update us when the hospital calls today with your OR time.

You're right there...on the goal line.....run run run!!!!!

Hugs to you!
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460185 tn?1326077772

Don't EVER throw ice cream out the window.  I have "issues" with that LOL

For what it's worth, I'll be thinking and praying for both of you.

Had a difficult few days so don't have much humor left but would rather send energy to both of you than waste it on things I can't control.

Hershey squirts  LOL  What about the green apple spatters?

((((((((((BUGHUGS))))))))))   to nervous and nursegirl (who invented the term "BugHugs"


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480448 tn?1426948538
LOL....any urge I had for ice cream just went out the window!  LOL!

Just think, tomorrow is surgery eve.....you're DOING it and I'm sooooooo proud.

You know I'm here if you need me....really...okay?  Do not hesitate.

BIG (non hershey) hugs!  :0)

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385668 tn?1301793880
Thank you both so much for your thoughts and support..I will be on the site later.  I just returned from my PCP everything is a go for WED.  

I am so scared I am shaking in my boots and just had a bout with the hershey squirts...yuk

Luv ya much,

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460185 tn?1326077772
How are your stuffy ears?

Still thinking about you and sending good thoughts in your direction ....



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Avatar universal
Hello! New to the thread! lol.

I can't think of anything that hasn't been posted already, except that you are in my thoughts and that I'm sure everything will be fine... keep us posted.

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385668 tn?1301793880
LOL Thank you sweetie.  Last night I forgot to take my BP meds, so today along with the severe anxiety I have my pressure has been through the roof.  Headaches all day.  I have finally taken my medicine so lets see what happens.  The entire inside of my body is shaking...I hope tomorrow when I talk with the surgeon he will say its a go for WED.  I dont have a cold so probably it could be created by the anxiety who knows.

Weed you say..........hmm that would be a good sedative for me right know...lol

Have you been feeling ok?  I know that what you are going through is probably hell, Gosh why do  we have these problems, its so darn unfair.  Agoraphobia is so dibilitating...Kudos to you for getting up and out, I could only imagine how hard that is for you.  I s your fear getting better at all?  If you wouldnt mind, could you tell me how you deal with facing you fear of going outdoors.  Well sweetie i hope to hear from you soon.

P.S. Have you seen nursegirl around, I miss her.

BIG BIG Hugzzzzzz (((((WOLFIE))))))
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460185 tn?1326077772

Sorry to hear about the ear thing.  I've tried Dimetapp for that but stick to what your ENT told you.

The doctoring ceremony was extremely powerful.  There were a lot of elders and healers as well as a lot of us wanting to be healed.  Before any ceremony begins, I usually go to the medicine woman or whoever is "in charge" and just mention those I would like added to the list of people to pray for and an idea of what their ailment is but not mentioning anything else.  Nervous - you had everybody - everybody - praying for you; chanting, singing and drumming.  Everyone in the lodge put some tobacco on the grandfathers (rocks) and offered a prayer.  The medicine woman I go to is the one who mentioned the "white grandmother" who is a powerful entity and looks after those of us who need it and when we need it most.  She didn't ask any personal questions but based on her comments, she could have been reading these posts!!!!  She also said she and some of the elders would be praying and smudging till you had your surgery.  I know this isn't the sort of information you can get from nursegirl but for us Native people, it is "good medicine" (now I sound like Tonto again).

She has helped me a lot since I've been going and it's difficult sometimes just to go since along with depression, anxiety and claustrophobia I finally confessed, on this Forum, that I have agoraphobia so getting to the rez is extremely difficult.

I can imagine you have mixed feelings about the surgery - part of you wanting to get it done with and part of you wanting to put it off.  Do you think anxiety could be causing your ear problems?  It's incredible what our bodies can do to reflect our emotions.

What BP meds do you take?  Not being nosy - I take BP meds too.

Let me know what drugs you need - I grow weed in the backyard -  ooops forgot, you're in law enforcement  LOL  I don't really grow weed .

Once again .... ((((((((((BUGHUGZ))))))))))


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385668 tn?1301793880
you ands nursegirl are the best.....gitta tell you all something................I called the ENT yesterday to tell him about the comcerns I am having about my "ears hurting and feeling full"  Well he told me to take claritan for a couple of days before bed  and he will see how I am on MONDAY.  If is doesnt clear up than I think he is going to postpone the surgery...I just want to screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  It seems like the left side is unplugged and pretty good, but I cant say that about the right side.  There is still some pain and it still feels plugged. .  I am staying home from work for good now, so I will see if this works.

I am so darn depressed about this whole thing.

I took the Claritan last night and I fell asleep.  When I woke up it was to late to take my BP meds...well I cant tell you what THAT means....I am VERY digusted

Wolfie "white grandmother" is looking over me, thank you for all you have included me in, I need all types of prayers.

I will check in later...

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460185 tn?1326077772

I just read that you want to be "doped up" - well, I am in the ghetto .... lol

Went to the ceremony, I never leave one without learning something.

Nervous - medicine woman said there will be a "white grandmother" with you through the whole thing.  This has nothing to do with race.  A "white grandmother" is a powerful, benevolent entity who will be watching over you and who will "hear" you if you need anything.  She is good medicine.  I guess that's why I find this medicine woman so good - she can "see" with inner vision.  Everyone prayed for you and for nursegirl.  Then they all want you to come up here and clean their houses LOL - just kidding.

Just saw your last post .... the pain can be managed with dope but is it worse than the pain of childbirth?  That is something no male can begin to imagine and yes, I know I'm a sexist.

Will write more a bit later.  Right now I have to return to "reality".

((((((((((BUGHUGZ))))))))))    to both of you


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385668 tn?1301793880
Thank you so much sweetie...I'll tell you if it wasnt for you answering some of these medical questions I honestly dont know what I would have done.  (The jury is still out on RYAN..lol he seemed pretty knowledgeable though)..Yes I want to be all doped up is right...lol  Nursegirl do me a favor, if I invite the whole world would you step in ...lol

You know I do have something else...and I dont really know whats up...I have alot of allergies..I am allergic to those white dandelion things that fly in the air.  We have alot of them around here.  Here is my delimma.  my ears feel plugged and the area in back of the lobe is very tender.. now let me say that I dont think it is a cold, because anytime I get  a cold I have a bad soar throat.....i dont.  GOSH I sure hope I dont have a problem now......This surgery gotta go forward...What should I look for that might be suspicious.

I am so messed up.

Then I have a concern that once this is over, I will be in such ecrutiating pain Ill want to chop my head off....I have too many issues   :=(


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480448 tn?1426948538
Good for you, girl!  You're house will be STERILE by the time you're ready, lol!

Really, though the best thing you could do for yourself is to try to stay occupied and busy.  You're ALMOST there....and you will do it!  You have an appt Mon with your PCP right?  Throughout the weekend, as concerns come up....write them down and then you can address them all at once, okay?  And, don't forget to ask for something for the morning of the surgery.  INSIST upon it...and if he doesn't get the level of anxiety....make it very clear to him.  And NO concern is unimportant or silly....they are YOUR concerns, therefore they are all very valid...and there is nothing wrong with added reassurance.

I saw your questions on the other thread...and just one thing I want to mention to you to ease your mind...is that NO, the surgery or the anesthesia will NOT place you at increased risk for Alzheimer's.  Hope that makes you feel a bit better.

Also, are you still frequently taking your BP?  Try not to take it too much unless you honestly feel like you are having hypertensive symptoms.  Even if you're feeling a bit anxious...try to avoid checking it...becasue that will add to your angst as well.  Once or twice a day should be plenty for checking your pressure.  Unless, of course...like I said...if you have symptoms!

Few more days....and we'll be planning our BBQ.  You'll be so doped up after the surgery....you'll prolly end up inviting the whole world...lol!

BIG HUGS...I've got the listening ears on...as do everyone else here.  Your surgeon sounds like he is very compassionate, that will ease your mind a lot.
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385668 tn?1301793880
I am trying to hang in there..and stop stressing...

You aint a kidding...no better stress reliever than laughter.... with bucket and feather duster in hand "hazel" makes another go for it.

I will check in later
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480448 tn?1426948538
Now now!  Don't you have more rooms to clean?  I cannot think of a better way to keep the anxiety at bay.  I'm glad you've been having some better days anyway!  Of course you're going to have a few more anxious moments as the day approaches.  You're ALMOST there!!!!!

Hang in there!


Isaiah....glad we made you laugh.  I love to be able to laugh, especially at myself here and there.  No better stress reliever than that!

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385668 tn?1301793880
Well here I am only5 days to go ...I am feeling an increase in my anxiety...My blood pressure today is 2 readings 122/90  and 120/84...its climbing up there....

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506490 tn?1213431764
OMG!! I just happened to read all your postings & stories here today, and I am literally rolling on the floor laughing my head off!!!! The two of you NEVER EVER fail to crack me up!!!!!! You're both such sweethearts, you know that... ;-)

- Isaiah4110
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460185 tn?1326077772
Mais oui ma petite .... je suis canadienne et francais est une langue officiel (sorry, this keyboard doesn't have accents).  I'm actually Native American/Canadian and most of the French I know comes from watching hockey games in Montreal  LOL

Hugs and prayers to you nervous .... to both of you:

((((((((((BUG HUGS))))))))))    I learned something from nursegirl  LOL


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