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672514 tn?1265655141


This is a serious forum for people with Anxiety and Panic Disorder, but I was thinking, I would really like to hear some of the funny things that have happened to you.

weather it was something you thought of after a panic/Anxiety attack or something you experienced during a episode? or something you experienced while working on your  issues with Anxiety or Panic or something during recovery.  

I thought of this as I was in my pool today, I had my eye goggles on (I have not had a major PA in 7 months) I was the only one at home, I have privacy fence around my house and as I was swimming under water and coming up for breath, I went under and laid on my back at the bottom of the pool looking up at the beautiful San Diego sky when from out of no where, I started to think, has anyone ever had a panic attack in there  POOL?  I burst out laughing and HELLO YOUR UNDER WATER. I am ok. anyone else?
15 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
Well, lets see, this is a good idea, laughter is good for the soul.

I was in college in Kentucky when I was in my 20's. I had been taking diet pills to loose weight along with caffeine pills. I should have known better since I had been fighting anxiety attacks for over a year then. I did not feel too well that day in class, all of a sudden, I got those horrible, heat waves that pass over you and the feelings like you will faint, the teacher was giving a lecture when all of a sudden I blurt out saying: " I have to leave, I think I am dying" well, you can imagine the look on her face as I scurried out the door. I paced up and down the halls waiting for my ride and just knew any minute I would collapse. I got home, told my grandmother what happened and she told me to go to bed and try to relax, I did, but I sure was spent. Lots of folks called that night, by that time, I was fine and able to laugh about it. The next morning, I felt weird again, so I decided not to go to class, well, I forgot to tell my ride, was he ever surprised when he got there and I answered the door in my bunny-suit-like pajamas. Wow, what we do to ourselves at times.
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971577 tn?1304711266
I'm afraid of the same thing. I hate getting that wave of nauseous & I actually cry if I do throw up. Most of the stories on here made me smile. I've been having a rough couple of months so
thanks silverberg for the idea to put some humor on this forum
and thank you to everyone that posted a story especially
thank you to pegatha1981 your story cracked me up.
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959034 tn?1253671476
I used to go to a church study group. Whenever I needed a break from the crowd, I would hide in the pastors closet. It had dim lighting, and was very quiet inside. The perfect place to calm, and no one ever thought to look for me there in the 7+ years I had been doing this. One day while I was in there the door opened. I freaked out at first, but it ended up being another girl my age trying to prevent her own panic attack. To this day we are friends. We met in a church closet!
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672514 tn?1265655141
that was funny! thanks for the smile
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926462 tn?1284819011
What a good idea...finding humor in life itself is funny, even without issues. I have had my moments with anxiety...and it just makes me want to jump tables and chairs to get the @#$% outa there!  I have had to exit abruptly a few times. However, this situation was more about the entrance i made. I had applied for a job that i really wanted, and got a call back for an interview. I guess i was understandably a little nervous about it, but thought i had it under control. As i walked thru the front door of the building, the (high) heel of my shoe somehow managed to get caught in the hem of my skirt!  It was caught from the back, and i immediately went down to my knees and somehow seemed to pick up speed, as i slid right up to the receptionist's desk!  I was so embarrassed and didn't know what to say...so i just put my hands together like i was praying and said, "Do ya think i'll get the job?"  She just looked at me, but the funny part about it was the guy i was to be interviewing with was standing at the back of the office. I waved at him when i came in, and he waved back over the cubicles...then i was immediately out of site.  Needless to say, i didn't get the job...it was an "Insurance" company. They probably figured i couldn't even make it thru the front door...so, oh well...it was, and is still funny to me :o)

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My husband and i went to the movies on friday night it was raining crazy on the way back to the movie... well we had to go pick up the little one at daycare and we got stucked under the rain the car died 2 mns from the daycare my husband was the one anxious about it... And told me how come you are not having a panic attack in this situation ? Well done some breathing exes to get out of the anxious thoughts and all... we had to walk in one feet of water to pick up the little one at daycare... It was really funny i had my heels on walking in so much water... Now the cr is fixed and all of it is taking care of.
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I am afraid of throwing up...I cannot stand feeling nauseated or stomach pain at all...of course panick attacks make this feeling occur, which creates a cycle of fear and panic. Anywho my dad used to tease me that I had "spew-a-phobia" before I was actually diagnosed with emitophobia which is the real name...Sometimes when I think of the made up name for the phobia my dad created during a panick attack it makes me laugh a little and eases the intensity of the attack :-)
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959034 tn?1253671476
Great thread! Perfect thing to read when the bedtime anxiety hits. I'll try to think of something to add soon too.
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672514 tn?1265655141
this is kewl, we all have things to laugh about concerning our Anxiety and panic, please keep posting, I know it made my day and others who come on here who may be down and see these post and know there is light at the end of the tunnel! ;-)
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953067 tn?1248394508
That's so ironic! I wanted to add that I routinely drive past my driveway when coming home...even when there was a big business sign, with lights and decorations, right out front.....duhhhhh! Interestingly I haven't done it since we took the sign down about a year before....go figure!
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Ha... that is a good one!
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Think I always joked about the fact that the first thing they handed me when I applied for disability due to agaraphobia was a travel pass. Still baffles me to this day. But I can use it today. Free travel and the likes. Was just amusing at the time.
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When I was in college I had horrible (untreated) anxiety that caused a lot of IBS-like symptoms. On day I started feeling panicky, and the stomach issues hit me hardcore. I raced home, and got pulled over for speeding in the process. I had to explain to the police officer that there was going to be an accident the like of which he has never seen if I didn't get home asap. He didn't buy my story, and gave me a ticket... which took forever! Luckily I made it home in time :-)
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953067 tn?1248394508
Don't get me started! I have an unusually bad sense of direct in organized areas, like on streets or in houses or buildings. Drop me in the middle of a forest or a desert and I orient almost immediately...but I cant find myway into medical buildings or out of parking lots. Last incident, I go to Hyannis to see a Occupational doctor about my broken arm for work. The normal drive time was tripled because I kept turning opposite of the insistent gps voice, so I'm frazzled, and late, but got there finally because I never give up. I had to drive around the building about 4 times before I could find the entrance. I went in and walked through mazes of corridors, carefully reading the names on the doors, over and over. I hate to snag people and ask for help but a man was coming in and I asked...and he said I was standing right in front of the door....and I swear I read that door sign at least 3 times. It's not easy being me, but it did make me feel giggly!
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429432 tn?1343594190
Well, I was kind of making jokes about broken stuff on another post. I thought maybe I was out of line, maybe even offensive, and I really didn't mean to be. I'm glad someone wants to have a sense of humor here.  Aside from my kitchen caving in and my car being wrecked, yes, I had an anxiety attack at a store one time waiting in line to pay. I got up to the cashier, freaked out, and handed my husband the $$ and walked out to the car. Imagine how puzzling that one was to others...
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