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I want to stop taking xanax, How?

I want to stop taking Xanax, my doc wants me to switch to klonopin. Is this an easier method to taper from?
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480448 tn?1426948538
I don't recommend trying to manage your dosing by yourself.  It's just never a good idea.  However, that being said, your concerns are valid.  It's actually very reasonable to want to be able to manage your anxiety with the lowest dose possible.  For many reasons, one being it will decrease the issues of tolerance down the road.  Doctors should welcome that mindset in a patient.

In my unofficial opinion, I think starting out with the Klonopin 1 mg twice a day and then reassessing the effectiveness after about 2 weeks is a good starting place.  Try approaching your doc about this.  I can't imagine why he wouldn't be agreeable to that plan.  You'd have to ask him his reasoning behind his recommendations.  Perhaps, if you've have a significant surge in anxiety, he feels this dosing is appropriate.  What's the harm in starting at a lower dose and increasing it if need be?  Even at a twice a day dosing, your dose of Xanax is going to be more than covered.

Any which way, yours is a fair concern.  I never had a problem with a lack of bedside manner from my p-doc, however, I DID take issue with a doctor who blew off my concerns or took the "I know best" attitude with me.  If you consistently feel that's what your doc is doing with you, it would be well worth it to seek out a second opinion.

Try to remain open minded and just take this one day at a time.  You can always decide down the line if you want to come off the Klonopin.  Give it a chance..and definitely continue to work with your doctor.  Sometimes getting firm and explaining that while you have faith in him, you want to be an active participant in these decisions will change his demeanor.

Let us know....keep us in the loop!
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I have been instructed to take the klonopin 3x, but it seems like too much and too often, As i want to stop the meds, increasing my dose seems counter productive. I am thinking of taking half of the dose and try twice a day.  I will see how I react and try to adjust the dose myself. I really want to stop taking them and not do more damage to my body.
Thanks so much for your input. I am very grateful.:)
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480448 tn?1426948538
You should be fine with the transition. Worst case scenario would be a day or two with some increased anxiety, but you shouldn't have withdrawals.  0.5 mg of Xanax is equal to approximately 0.25 Klonopin, so you are correct in that you will actually have more coverage with the Klonopin.  Were you instructed to dose twice a day?

Many people don't understand that the psychiatrist's main role is the maintenence of meds.  As for getting to the bottom of what is causing the anxiety, that's what your therapist is for.  I wish docs were a bit more compassionate in their approach, but many are not.

I think you will be just fine.  
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The dose of klonopin is 1mg which according to the tables is a higher dose than the xanax i am currently taking.
As far as my anxiety I only have had problems recently when I have tried to taper and some in-between dose withdrawal. I have been and am still in therapy which I think is more helpful than meds. i feel like my doctors just shove pills at me to get rid of me but no one really looks at the underlying causes.  
My  doctor does not want me to take both meds at the same time. He says just do it. I am terrified of the withdrawals when doing the switch instantly.
Any further ideas?
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480448 tn?1426948538
What is your dose of Klonopin?  Many times, if you are switching from one med to another, you don't have to employ the same kind of taper as you would if you were just stopping the med (Xanax).  I would ask him if you could a small taper for a few days until the Klonopin starts to build up....just explain that it would make you feel better.

As for worrying about stopping the benzos?  I agree with your doc 100%.  One thing at a time.  You have to first manage to get your anxiety under control before worrying about d/c'ing a med.  In a perfect world, none of us would even NEED a medication, but the truth is, many of us do, and some of us need something for life.  In the big picture, it doesn't matter a whole lot...what matters is that your anxiety is manageable.  You can always make decisions about meds down the line.

Have you tried therapy?  Therapy, as a concurrent treatment for anxiety is VERY helpful.  It will teach you coping mechanisms you can use any time the anxiety peaks.  

Try not to overthink the meds too much, just go with the flow and keep the lines of communication open with your doctor.  Hang in there!!
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My doctor has instructed me to stop the Xanax cold and just start the Klonopin. I have been taking .5 Xanax 3x daily, he said just to switch. i told him  I want to stop taking any benzos and said "we'll talk about that later." I feel very discouraged, I tried to taper the xanax by half and had serious withdrawal. Is the switch helpful to an easier taper?
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480448 tn?1426948538
Ditto to the above comments!  Your doc will guide you during the process.  You will gradually step up your dose of Klonopin while at the same time, taper down your dose of Xanax.

Keep in touch!
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1696489 tn?1370821974
Mammo is right.  I recently did the same thing going from ativan to klonopin, and one must be tapered down at the same time that the other is tapered up.  Get with your doc on this. - Blu
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Not sure what you're asking but hopefully I can help.  Xanax is an anxiety medication that you take "as needed."  Klonopin you take daily and it controls your anxiety 24/7.  As for how to taper off one and on to the other, your doctor is who needs to direct you on this. I hope this helps.
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