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7603392 tn?1393172750

severe anxiety

Ok so for the past couple of weeks ive been having panic attacks everyday.. the things that truggered them was pains in my chest where I thought I am having a heart attack... I would go places and thinki was gunna get in a car accident and die. Or if I was sitting my a window im gunna get shot in the head. when I would go out to the club with my bf very rarely I thought something horrible would happen. Well my grandma passed away a month ago and 2 weeks ago my nieces grandma died of cancer. I felt like I should help her but I didnt know how. So I have nightmares theres days where I dont eat or sleep and that makes it worse. I just cant stop thinking about it. When I do I feel great and im ok bt once the thoughts come there I go thinking what if something will happen to me. And I start to look for signs dream meaning symbols ect... of course they are all bad... im afraid that I wont be able to see my 2 year old grow up. I tell myself  I will and try to make me feel better.. but than im like what if these feelings are like a warning. Not knowing scares me I just wanna stop thinking about it and be ok again. Fear pf death has always been a problem but I would always get over now idk how. I cry all the time im shaking all the time ive lost so much weight im just scared ; (
24 Responses
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7659255 tn?1393116874
No one can know exactly how another person may react or cope with a personal concern, but we can all relate to similar concerns. It helps to discuss your concerns with others who are going through similar situations, so you know that you're not going crazy. Besides, if you think you’re going crazy that just means that you’re not. People who are really going crazy don’t question it, because they don’t realize what's happening to them. Please let me know how things turn out for you. You're so young and should be enjoying your life to its fullest. I hope your doctor can ease your concerns. Best Wishes!
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7603392 tn?1393172750
Im actually gunna have them test me on friday. I hope I can get fixed and be myself again. :(
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7659255 tn?1393116874
No,  it's not stupid. It's a serious illness and sometimes people can't understand because they don't live with it ever day. You'll get through this. Has the doctors tested your hormone levels? We females can have fluctuating hormones that can cause these issues too. If not, you may want to ask your doc about it. Some people think only menopausal women have that problem, but that's not always true.
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7603392 tn?1393172750
I know if I would get on some time of meds I would probably only take them when I really need them. I will be goingnto get a physical this friday just to make sure my health is good. I just want to get healthy overall. I will also start working out justbto take my mind off things. And well theraphy every week
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Some the meds they give have some side affects are bad the put me on a beta blooker to controll my heart rate when I had an attack but it dropped my heart rate and blood pressure so low I would feel dizzy all the time. So I they stick anyone on those be careful with them.
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7603392 tn?1393172750
Yes when i first had a meltdown I would not eat anything unless my mom had made it because I thought there was poison in it. Stupid. And im scared to take any medication too because I feel like they are going to make me crazy. Now lately im scared to fall asleep cause im scared I wont wake up. Im scared to eat because Im scared I wont enjoy my food. Im even scared to have relations with my bf because I dont wanna get a heartattack. And like im not eating that well im scared my sugar levels will drop to the point that will kill me. Writting this down im like wow really...  i feel like I need to stop feeding my fear I just dont know how
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7659255 tn?1393116874
I have an eating phobia from this mental disorder, fear of choking when I eat. I may have a day when I feel okay and I think, "man I wish I could just feel like this every day" but then it goes away and the old fears and anxieties come back and start the vicious cycle all over again. It's a very difficult way to live. My doctor told me that many people have some type of mental disorder, but many are able to get it under control with the right meds or with exercise or meditation. I've tried everything, except the meds. The side effects from the meds sometimes seem worse than the cure, so I worry about the side-effects too. I can relate to you!
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7603392 tn?1393172750
At this point i wouldnt mind medication :/
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7603392 tn?1393172750
I remember when this started too... I dont understand why I remember it happened after I turned 15 and I was in this hole for 3 months.. I have had days where I start to feel better but than o question why am I feeling good now. And its like im scared all the time. I hate it I wanna be able to enjoy my son I have lost interest in everything even eating becomes a dread :(
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7659255 tn?1393116874
Hi! I'm not sure if this is what you have, but I was diagnosed with GAD. GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) causes me to over examine situations. When that happens my mind makes the situation seem bigger than what it actually is. For instance, if I have a simple dizzy spell, I get this rush of fear and truly believe that I must be dying of a horrible misdiagnosed disease. I have insomnia every night, and when I do finally fall asleep, my body wakes up in 4 to 5 hours and I can't fall back to sleep. I have trembling,  full ears, popping ears, grinding teeth, jittery,  anxious,  etc. Every morning I wake up feeling exhausted,  and hoping that I can make it through the day without a panic c or anxiety attack. No matter what I do or where I am, this dreadful feeling never leaves me. This has been my nightmare for 20 years. I remember when it all started, but can't understand why.
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It's going to take a little time but hopeful we all will get there I can't wait to see mine. The dr I'm seeing now just keeps putting me on med they work but I don't want to be on them forever. Keep us posted
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7603392 tn?1393172750
Well the therapist was ok she didnt really say much maybe next week. I feel ok today I still feel as if a dark cloud was behind me and a little scared. Bit I believe God is with me and will pptrect me I hope I can look back at this and smile and say wow I made it
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480448 tn?1426948538
Glad to hear you got an appointment so quick!  Let us know how it goes!
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7603392 tn?1393172750
I got prayer yesterday and I am seeing a therapist tommorow. I hate who I am right now its a torment I wanna be the girl I was a month ago. So I can be the best for my son
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Did you get to find any help? I hope you did. Keep us posted
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7603392 tn?1393172750
Well im gunna find help. I keep waking up everyhour scared. Even though I am trying to calm myself down.  Idk what that is
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Is there a clinc around you. I use one and they put me on a slider fee I pay 20 a mth You do need to call and see about getting some kind of help. Hope you find the help you need. And coming on here talking about everything has helped me out a lot. We all are here if you need someone to chat with.
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7603392 tn?1393172750
I have no idea where to look for help.  I dont have insurance and with my bf losing his job i have no extra money. I know I need help asap
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480448 tn?1426948538
It can be very rough, I'm sorry it's so bad for you.

Your panic is debilitating at the moment, so I would recommend getting into see your doctor ASAP.  Call first thing in the morning and tell them you need an emergency appointment.  You may end up needing a short term course of an anti-anxiety med until you can get started in therapy, or on a longer term med, like an antidepressant.

Please keep us updated.
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7603392 tn?1393172750
Im just really trying to tell myself that its not real but this tougjts and feelings not going away make it so hard I wake up scared every hour I shake all the time I feel my body is burning. I cant concetrate on anything else. My fiance just lost his job and our car broke down so I have been home all the time maybe my mind just needs to be occupied on something else. Sometimes I believe its just my mim creating this but than I think what if its not. And that makes me pabic. I have atleast 4 panic attacks a day amd some last hours. Right now as I lay her I am shaking and have heart flutters...
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480448 tn?1426948538
Hello and welcome!  I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time. I'm glad you found us.   It sounds like your panic/anxiety was triggered by the chest pains, and then the losses you experienced probably fueled the anxiety from there.

The thing with anxiety is that it's very cyclical, and we often unknowingly feed it because we get hung up on those scary thoughts and sensations.  For instance, you spending time analyzing your dreams is only fueling your anxiety.  

I personally believe that dreams aren't anything more than dreams.  It's our brains thinking like it would while we're awake, only because sleep is a different state of consciousness, the thought processes may be a little different.  If you're spending a lot of time while you're awake worrying about dying or having a heart attack, common sense says those fears will present themselves in your dreams, not the other way around.  The dreams aren't a premonition.  When I'm worrying a lot about a specific topic, I absolutely dream about it.  So, that's step one, try to stop analyzing things like that, and IF you're searching the internet regarding those things, that needs to stop also.  That's the WORST thing you could do.  The internet is an anxiety sufferers worst enemy, truly.

The key to getting this under control is to learn how to dismiss those intrusive thoughts, instead of feeding them.  Often times, that's best done with the help of a therapist.  If you can, try to find one who is well versed in CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy.  It's a therapy method that is a bit different from the traditional talk therapy.  CBT is very helpful for anxiety sufferers.  You will learn coping methods, and how to gain control of those "what if" thoughts.

The other thing that's important to do is to make a concerted effort to stop ruminating about the thoughts that are scaring you.  I cannot stress enough HOW helpful it is to keep yourself distracted and engaged in life.  Try to maintain your normal daily routine as best as you can.  The more "down" time you have that you're spending focused on your anxiety and the scary thoughts, the worse you will feel.  The more sense of normalcy you can maintain in your life, the better you will feel.  In the least, it will keep the anxiety from worsening.

Have you sought any kind of professional help yet?  If not, your doctor is a good starting place, so call and make an appointment.  Definitely ask for a therapy referral, and you may discuss the possibility of trying a medication to at least help reduce the severity and frequency of your panic attacks.  Just keep in mind that while medication CAN be very helpful in the treatment of anxiety, it's not a "cure".  The only thing that works long term in managing anxiety is changing the way you think and react to your thoughts and worries.

Very best to you, please keep us updated.  You're among people who understand what you're going through.
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I have been feeling the same way for last 3 mths.one little chest pain I think I'm having a heart attack one headache I think it's a tumor. I've been on med for a few myths some seem to work. I joined this site about a week ago and it has helped me a lot just by knowing that there is other people out there with the same stuff I have. I also have a a 2 year old son and I worry a lot more now then before I had him.I am a lot better of then I was when all this first happened. I feel one comming on I try to not fight it because that seems to make it worse I take a few deep breath and it seem to help.
I hope things get better for you
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7607414 tn?1392553177
i was suffering for panic attack often times, and it really is scary , i wanna live a normal life,..
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Hi sweetie xx I had exactly the same as you for year's and was in and out of Hospital on too many pill's and God know's what! I bought some Organic Aswagandha 3 day's ago for it and i am 40% better already!!

It has to build up it say's BUT i am getting good results from it now! I can't believe it as i spent £1,000's i can't afford by going without food, paying bills anything!!

I was truly desperate and it ruled my life and another thing that helps because you 'Hyperventelate' over breathe when your in panic is breathe in and out a 'Paper'' bag will put the carbon dioxide levels back in balance as the oxygen gets to high and this is what causes the 'impending doom and death'' feelings and thought you get,

You may feel a bit closed in when you first try it, i did but STICK it out!! Its a miracle!! it works as thats ALL it is. An i watch and read a lot about 'Living in the present' you know, the past is gone, the future isn't here and we're in that present second, moment.

And in that moment? Everything is FINE nothing bad has happened and there is NOTHING bad going to or anything to cause it. The one Guy i follow call's FEAR,  F)ALSE...E)VIDENCE...A)PPEARING...R)EAL In other words your mind is deluding you and lying to you and theres nothing bad in that moment and not going to be?

See? the sentence speaks for it's self honey. FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. I tell myself this every time i feel the panic coming on and it really helps because it's true!!

The Guy is called 'Ralph Smart' and i watch all his videos on Youtube' he's got one for EVERYTHING!! :-D If you go to youtube, type his name then depression or anxiety' it will bring that video up it's a great help. Love Tswana xx
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